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教育王國 討論區 資優教育 any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby?
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any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby? [複製鏈接]

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發表於 05-3-29 19:47 |只看該作者

any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby?

Dear all mums,

Please share!! Thx a lot~~         

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-3-30 00:33 |只看該作者

Re: any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby?


Why do you think you would need COURSES for your 5-months-old baby? In what areas you would like to develop your baby then, cognitive , physical , multi-sensory or else ?

Before you can state clearly what your objectives are , all courses would not be suitable or meaningful.



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-3-30 01:27 |只看該作者

Re: any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby?

I always believe that parent should be the 1st teacher for their own child under 1 years old.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-3-30 19:13 |只看該作者

Re: any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby?

I totally agree with SLI on this issue.

May I add that the ultimate concern for a parent from day one should be the health of the baby.  So what if you have a little genius who is always sick.

As for your child, may I suggest that you read the book "How to teach your child to be physically superb" as a start so you equip yourself with the knowledge.  Then you should continue on "How to teach your baby to read", etc.  Unless you understand the theory, then it will not be so easy to decide what to choose.

It is inevitable that you will find many many theories.  Adopt the one that suits you best according to your needs and resources.

Similar to elderly people, very young infants need movement to improve their circulation.  They also need alot of hugs, physical contact, simple (perfect tone) music environment.

You can arrange for your maid or yourself to attend courses which shows you how to do baby massage and do that for him twice or three times a day.  Good blood circulation will do alot of good to his health.

Please feel free to PM me should you need more details.


Rank: 4

發表於 05-3-31 12:42 |只看該作者

Re: any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby?


其實只得5個月大(甚至1歲)的baby, 只要父母時刻陪住傾計,唱歌,看圖書已十分足夠, 或者每天去公園與其他小朋友見見面都已經好足夠.


Rank: 1

發表於 05-3-31 14:20 |只看該作者

Re: any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby?

I have a friend who is a billionaire in HK and he is not interested in Doman, Babyplus, Shichida.  Honestly, nothing is going to change the fact that his son will be a billionaire.  This is a prime example of parents are always right.  Only parents alone can decide what is enough for their own individual kid.

I once heard that it is mind opening for a parent to visit a children's hospital.  When you see children with heart problems, lung problems, cancer.....you will know how lucky you are to just have a healthy child.

I think that all comments here should be objective....however, if they are all objective, then BBK will have no more fun......     

Say what you like but with moderation and reservation so not to mislead and misjudge.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-1 13:53 |只看該作者

Re: any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby?


I also have a billionaire friend who hold a different view on the development of his 4 children.

Although he is very rich and quite old  , he is very concerned about whether his kids can make good use of his wealth after his death . He has to make sure that they are smart enough in this regard as wealth will definitely attract many people to put their ideas to seize , cheat or deceive them, making his kids suffered both emotionally, or psychologically .

He was originally not believed in any of these early development theories like Dr. Glenn Doman , Dr. Shichida , Montessori or Multiple Intelligences ; but after I explained the pros and cons of these theories and showed him the very evidence cases by these theories , he began to convict that would be a good way to develop his kids such that they would be smart enough to safeguard their own interests .

So the old saying prevails, no matter how rich or well-educated or smart the parents are , they would also be stubborn enough to open up their eyes to see and at least challenge the existing theories to check if they are suitable for them or not.

The tradgedies keep on when parents do not keep an open mind to check what suit their kids best out there, but only believe in what they believe in and limit the further develeopment of the potential of their kids. And there would be a great waste of talents and what future of Hong Kong would be if such a generation has to face the global competition , are they well-prepared in most aspects ? Or armless to suffer or lose in the future fierce game of competitive survival ?

In jungle or civilised commercial world , selection /survival  is for the BEST fitted !! It's cruel and real !



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-4-10 02:48 |只看該作者

Re: any useful courses suitable for 5 months old baby?

I recently tried to tell my friends about the importance of early teaching and received a comment telling me that "what you need is love".

I personally wanted to tell this friend that if this is what he believes in, then what you need is love, a big legacy and a protective G4 to protect the kid for the rest of his/her life.

Although drama is drama, if you put together the life of a person as presented in "Dai Cheong Gum", "A world without thieves (Andy Lau movie)", a parent should consider whether it is true to stated "all you need is love".  

Love for a child is very very important and I agree withn SLI that we live in a real world where a child will need to face injustice, deceit, competition....etc to some extent.

The love that we have for our child should give us the incentive to prepare them well for whatever is ahead.

As a parent, I am always on the lookout for "Breakthroughs".  We are keen to study the science and theories behind prenatal education and postnatal enhancement.

I always believe that parents should always consider their resources, understand their motives, manage their expectations and balance the risks before embarking upon any ventures to improve a child's development.

I used to leave all of the above to my wife but the progress made by my own children changed me into a person that is extremely curious about what is going on in the little minds of a child.  The more I read and observe, the more amazed I become.

For those of you who believe in developing the potentials of your child to the fullest, it is important to do the basic study yourself in detail and you will slowly be able to set a path which is best suited for your family.

All the best!!
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