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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 囝囝由英轉中,現準備返int'school的K1,又到要學英文而 ...
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囝囝由英轉中,現準備返int'school的K1,又到要學英文而煩惱 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-7-28 13:14 |顯示全部帖子
I agree with the other parents that it is better for the child to learn its mother tongue. Now that your child is catching up with his Cantonese, it sounds like great time to talk to him in both languages at home. e.g. Certain period of time only English such as reading English stories or playing games and most of the time in Cantonese only.

The downside for non-native parents to speak only English to their child is that the child will learn  limited vocabulary and sentence structures which in turn will limit his ability in comprehension as he moves to higher grades in primary schools.  

My friend's son is such a case. He is still in lower primary of a bilingual DSS but he seems to lack behind his peers in understanding what other people are talking about no matter in Chinese or English.

If you have time, try reading English story books to him or listen to English stories with him. The Oxford Reading Tree (with CD) are great. For Chinese, you may try 我愛讀叢書 from Greenfield. You may look at the link below. The CD contains both Cantonese and Mandarin tracks for the same stories.

Both series will help build your child's vocabularies while the stories are interesting to read.
Continuous exposure to a language is important for a kid to learn a language well. Don't worry about speech delay. Each child learn differently and at his own pace. If you can persist to read with him every day and follow his interest to select books that he likes e.g. themes of cars, trains, animals..etc. from the library, he will love reading and catch up soon.

Hope it helps.

[ 本帖最後由 JTmom 於 11-7-28 13:18 編輯 ]
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