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柏斯琴行 - 小小莫札特(親子)音樂班 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-13 15:39 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-14 19:02 |只看該作者
我仍KEEP住上學期之書本, 白板及音樂咭等, 但學完了一學期就無再學了.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-15 00:20 |只看該作者
小圓圓 ,
其實我都係想仔仔, 大d嘅時候比佢學鋼琴, 所以唸住比他返吓呢d班, 睇吓佢有無興趣.
但你認為我選這個course, 適合呀?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-15 14:30 |只看該作者

回覆 1# angelcambo 的文章

我上過兩次莫札特(兩個小朋友), 都只是上了一學期,第一次課堂及老師教得多些,都算充實, 但第二次另一個老師每堂只教一至兩樣嘢,如大細聲的符號, 或C的位置, 咁就叫一堂.另外有一兩首歌仔唱吓,或者有時間就間中玩吓遊戲, 如搶凳仔等.

第一次上我嗰個老師不著重做WORK BOOK, 留返時間教吓其他嘢.第二次上嗰老師花幾個字做work book油顏色,認真扼錢.

總括來說, 第一次滿意, 第二次實在價錢與收獲不相稱.小朋友只係得兩個字: 開心.



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-23 03:13 |只看該作者
so bad, I enroll it & it starts from mid Dec. Now I find better Music school, but very expensive, and will have trial class. If I know Parsons is not good, I can save that money and prefer paying more for that expensive one, if it is good.

But if I join 1st sem in Parson, seems wasting if not join 2nd sem. as we can't get the certificate w/o joining 2nd sem & w/80% attendancy...haha, but I don't think the cert. is important for 2yr old kid, won't be an advantage for applying K1 or P1 in the future.

Hope it is not bad la, as it is newly open at Times Square (Parson), hope the teacher is good there.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-23 19:16 |只看該作者

回覆 1# momo627 的文章



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-23 23:59 |只看該作者
大人同小朋友睇個課程好唔同,大人可能覺得要充實學好多野, 但對於一個3,4 歲小朋友一堂教一個concept ,已經好夠,跟住果堂不停重覆教/做練習都關於果個concept 係正確的。所以就算花15分鐘去油顏色家長係覺得呃鐘,但對小朋友係正確架~

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-24 02:49 |只看該作者

reply to 小圓圓

We have monthly pass at My Musikbox since Feb, 3 lessons a wk on weekday, only costs $800, but it is good, but not famous. So bad their Sept schedule is not yet planned as they are planning for summer course now (so late), but most other music school are almost full, so can't wait for them. They charge at $2000/10 lessons for weekends class, but not certificate.

The one I am looking for is Wiener Klang, with 36 sessons, $2000/4 sessons/mth, get 15% off if you pay 12 sessons in 1 go. Sounds great in their curriculum and we can get a certificaite from Vienne International Music School (forget the name) after completion of 36 sessons in a yr. We will have trial class by paying $200 this Sun, if it is good, though it is expensive, we will let him to try 12 sessons until Parsons starts at Dec...if I find it is good, we may continue Wiener, and give up 2nd sem of Parsons (if it is not good, as some mammys give bad comments in Bk recently, but don't know why, many mammys enroll their courses), as I don't think Parsons certificate is useful (of course, cert. from Vienee for 2Y kids may not be useful for applying K1 as well)..but Wiener is really expensive.

I also find one called KinderU Suzuki, 18 wks/term, $5xxx/term, reasonable price, but they will do the same content in these 18 wks, and only parents can have class with kids, not maid (not convenient as my hb needs to work on alternative Sats), and the staff says many parents found it boring as it repeats the same thing in 18 mths, but they believe it is the best way to let kids to memorise all songs and movement related to that songs...but I don't agree w/them, as I do think kids at 2Y learns fast, unlike pgs for 1 to 2Y, they learns quickly and when they know and get used to it, it shall allow flexibility to let them learn new things, otherwise, it will waste their time. And at the end, the staff told me, they have long waiting list....starting from people who just give born to baby....so many parents think their ideas are good? but price is reasonable, that's true. But not my cup of tea, and it is at Wanchai, not convenient to me as we will have gym class at CWB, better to find a music school nearby to save time for travelling.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-24 02:50 |只看該作者
As it is newly open at Timesquare for Parson for this music pg, so wish their teacher is good.
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