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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 韓國國際學校kis如何?
樓主: scl227

韓國國際學校kis如何? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-3 09:25 |只看該作者
請問返工媽, 你的孩子是否在kis讀?

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-3 09:26 |只看該作者
請問返工媽, 你的子孩是否在韓國國際學校讀書.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-3 09:50 |只看該作者
嗱!我好驚講左會俾人鬧,但我親耳聽過有一校校長話佢地會收好多有SPECIAL NEEDS的學生,唔知真唔真呀!

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-3 12:09 |只看該作者
I don't have any friends' kids studying in KIS. But, last year when I had lunch, I overheard the conversations between two guys. One of them put his son with special needs to KIS, because KIS supports kids with special needs. I think children should be put in school environment where give them the most adequate support.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-3 15:53 |只看該作者

回覆 2# PCMW 的文章

不須大驚小柽,在香港係有小部份國際學校會提供教育機會給這些須要其他人幫助的special needs 嘅學生,Kis有兩班,分別係 Springboard Primary & Springboard Secondary for special needs 嘅學生(學校的website都有介紹),有時在學校小息時間及校外活動都會與其他同學相處,同學都相處融洽,學生家長都不會歧視special needs 嘅學生,還會幫助他們,這是一向以來學校對學生的教育,因為學生將來出到社會也會遇到有不同問題的人。曾見過有一位Springboard 學生開Birthday Party,到來朋友中都有其他學生,最難得那位Springboard 學生的老師都有來(去過無數小朋友的Birthday Party,從冇見過小朋友的老師會來),有學生問那位老師為什麼會來,老師只回答因為那位Springboard 學生是她的學生。

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-3 16:51 |只看該作者
外國人或學校有胸襟接納一群有需要的孩子或給他們機會, 很好. (他們沒有選擇下被選擇了!!! ) 可惜, 中國人社會或香港社會多歧視他們. 若果某一學校多收了這些孩子, 便會被人指這學校水平低, 因為較多有需要的學生而不會選擇入讀.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-6-4 03:23 |只看該作者

回覆 1# scl227 的文章

ESF 都有收special needs 的學生,我又唔覺得ESF水平低喎,亦依然有很多人等位,我覺得除了身處中國人社會或香港社會因素外,家庭和學校教育都很重要,父母都歧視這些須要幫助的小朋友,又怎去教導子女去幫助和融合這些小朋友呢?其實我自己的小朋友可以有機會去接觸和了解這些小朋友,對我的小朋友來說都係一種學習,相信他們將來出到社會,所要面對人種還要多,我們家長大家都是在"社會大學"畢業,都曾面對過社會,相信大家都明白。


Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-4 11:14 |只看該作者
同意 ~

原帖由 samelsaho 於 11-6-4 03:23 發表
ESF 都有收special needs 的學生,我又唔覺得ESF水平低喎,亦依然有很多人等位,我覺得除了身處中國人社會或香港社會因素外,家庭和學校教育都很重要,父母都歧視這些須要幫助的小朋友,又怎去教導子女去幫助和融合這些小朋友呢? ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-4 11:17 |只看該作者
Well said.

原帖由 samelsaho 於 11-6-4 03:23 發表
ESF 都有收special needs 的學生,我又唔覺得ESF水平低喎,亦依然有很多人等位,我覺得除了身處中國人社會或香港社會因素外,家庭和學校教育都很重要,父母都歧視這些須要幫助的小朋友,又怎去教導子女去幫助和融合這些小朋友呢? ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-7 09:10 |只看該作者
我們真的要包容和支援他們. 在這個過程中, 我們的孩子也會得益.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-6-7 12:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 samelsaho 於 11-5-13 18:47 發表
p/s Check pm!

Hello samelsaho, can you please pm me also?

Many many thanks!
成功的人放眼於機會,失敗的人放眼於障礙。 生命長短我無法控制,但內容就可以由我發揮!

Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-8 13:49 |只看該作者
我仔仔八月會讀Reception Class, scl227你小朋友會讀邊班?

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-9 09:53 |只看該作者

Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-19 02:47 |只看該作者
We just moved to hong kong last year from Canada. Originally, we planned to put our son into ESF, but the waiting was so long. Therefore, my son ended up studying at Korean International.

At first, we chose Korean International because 1. they have spaces available  2. they are British- curriculum based 3. they have a very strong Canadian background too - the principal is Canadian and many of their teachers graduated in Canada as well. 4. Although KIS is an international school, it seems more "traditional" compared to other IS. 5. Resonable school price 6. Swimming lesson every Friday 7. Mandarin lessons every week 8. Provide a very comfortable, interactive and "stress-free" learning environment 9. Teachers are in fact very friendly and helpful 10. My son likes this school at the first place (Very important!)

From my observations, I can say that KIS is a pretty good school. As a parent, I would rate KIS as a B+ school. After studying at KIS for a year, my son was quite happy and has enjoyed learning very much. Maybe we are Canadian, my son feels very comfortable studying at KIS. (some teachers are from Vancouver, UBC) Therefore, we feel like KIS is a place where we belong to, even though most of the students are Koreans. Of course they have chinese students, but they do speak English. (most of them came from overseas instead of locals) The other thing that i like about KIS is that they have a low teacher-student ratio. In my son's class, they only have 17 students + a teacher + an EA. (I consider this as a very important factor because low ratio means the teacher will better understand my child's need) Moreover, my son has to do homework every other day, like math, English, science and social studies.  He also has to practice hand-writing and write about his experiences in his journal. Furhter, they have spelling test every week (10 words) and projects (either an essay, a model or a drama, etc)once awhile. Most importantly, my son made academic progresses after a year studying at KIS. His spelling, comprehension, hand-writing, Mandarin and oral skills are much better now. He used to hate doing homeworks, but now he is able to do his homeworks independently without my help. Academically, he is more focused now. Socially, he made alot of friends, including Koreans and Europeans. In fact, his best friend came from Swiss. Interestingly, my son also learned some simple Korean words and was able to surprise his dad with a Korean birthday song ()

I've heard some of you commenting that KIS students are quite naughty and "wild". Well, I can only say, there is a big difference between the Korean and English section students. Since my son is studying in the English Section, I can say that his classmates are very polite, hard-working and naive compared to the Korean section. (Even Koreans in the English section are quite hard-working since Korean parents are quite traditional and they place a high expectation on their child.) Due to this type of positive peers influence, my son suddenly realized that "oh, i need to work harder from now on, just like "XXX" "

From my observations, KIS is a low-profile IS that is making progresses every year and is working hard to promote happy learning but at the same time, to motivate students to meet certain academic expectations. I believe IS will gradually become one of the popular IS in hk, because they are now working hard to motivate their primary students to become active as well as competitive learners.

Compared to local schools, KIS of course is an international school since English is the teaching medium and all students speak English in the English section. All KIS teachers are native English speakers. However, compared to other IS, KIS is more "traditional" in a way because 1. they do expect students to meet certain academic results 2. they do give out homeworks and students do need to finish them on time. Compared to an IB school that provides progress reports, KIS do give out reports that have actual ratings, such as S--, S, S++, etc. Therefore, my son have to meet certain academic requirements before he got promoted to the next grade.

If you are looking for a high profile, popular international school that has a long-term good reputation, then KIS may not be your first choice because it is still developing and yet making academic progresses steadily.

But if you are looking for a potential international school that is able to provide your child a happy, multicultural learning environment as well as to motivate your child to make steady academic progresses,  KIS is a very good choice indeed.

As a KIS parent, I only believe in "there is no good or bad school, there is only the most suitable school for your children!" I can't really comment on anyone's behalf whether or not KIS is a good school for your children because it is always unfair to comment "this school is good for everybody", or "that school is bad for anyone". However, I am glad to say that KIS best suits my son's need.

Hope this help you a bit ^^

[ 本帖最後由 JennferT 於 11-6-19 03:45 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-20 12:56 |只看該作者
十分謝謝, jennfer t,
我不是要選別人心中最好的學校, 只希望選我心目中最適合我孩子的學校.  看來我可以很放心了. 最重要孩子讀得開心.

Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-21 23:49 |只看該作者
My child also studies at KIS.  He's been studying there for 2 years, and my husband and I both felt strongly that my child has learned much there.  The teachers are great, they are kind, patient, and passionate about the things that they are doing.  My child has made a lot of friends there, he used to be a very shy kid, and is now more confident in himself and enjoys school life a lot.  We once have considered switching him out to other local schools, but he repeatedly expressed that he would like to stay at KIS.  My feeling is, KIS is not a "first class" IS, but has a lot of the things that it could offer, and the environment is not stressful at all.  I am constantly amazed that without any help, my son could finish his homework, and get all the words spelled correctly.  They have good reading programs, require kids to read 2 books a week and celebrate when the kids finish reading 100 books!  I hope those that come after us will find that this is a reasonable school, and that you will find your child progress gradually when studying there.  Just a note, so far I have known many kids and attended many of their activities and found that the kids there are very behaving, so no need to worry about the behavior issue.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-22 13:47 |只看該作者
名校又好, 非名校也好. 只要學校有理念和關懷學生, 讓學生開開心心地學習, 不抗拒上學便是好學校了.  

學習和人生是長遠的, 不是入了所謂名校便是一切!

Rank: 2

發表於 11-6-22 19:02 |只看該作者

回覆 1# scl227 的文章

Actually KIS is a small school and I feel that the principal has spent  a lot of efforts to improving the school in the interview. He told me the problems of the school/students and what he was going to do to overcome the problems. He show me that he is focusing on of his students instead of just managing a school.  

It is the reason I decide to let my kid to go to this school.

Rank: 1

發表於 11-6-22 21:28 |只看該作者
i overheard that the principle is not returning to the school after the summer holidays. can anyone please verify?

原帖由 Tracy88 於 11-6-22 19:02 發表
Actually KIS is a small school and I feel that the principal has spent  a lot of efforts to improving the school in the interview. He told me the problems of the school/students and what he was going  ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-6-23 08:19 |只看該作者
我帶孩子去其他的is面試時, 副校長只見孩子, 不會見家長, 但kis就不同了, 他會與家長面談, 感覺很親切.

不過, 現今辦學要講包裝. 只有包裝得好才有客仔光顧!!!! 可是, 教育不是商品呢!!!
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