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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 選讀拔萃女小學,還是讀瑪利諾修院小學
樓主: mamafans

選讀拔萃女小學,還是讀瑪利諾修院小學 [複製鏈接]

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發表於 11-2-22 09:44 |只看該作者

回復 97# mamafans 的帖子


Rank: 4

發表於 11-2-22 10:11 |只看該作者
I believe it is better to create another thread.

Just to comment on the so called Need-blind policy! My niece is a very smart girl in the US. However, her family simply cannot support the "Need-blind" tuition fee, they cannot even submit a "Need-blind" application form to show their address.

原帖由 lawsonmoon 於 11-2-21 23:52 發表
The problem is that many parents in HK feel that's not a problem. They think you and I have a problem!
Just like asking somebody's monthly income is very rude in western world, but many people in HK d ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-22 10:22 |只看該作者
A new thread talking about 'Need-blind' policy will be a good education to the general public in HK.

Still remember that I was asked by those so-called US Need-blind Ivy League to fill in the details such as how many cars my family owned and their makes, size of the house, etc .... when I applied for undergraduate and graduate studies in US.

原帖由 DGJS 於 11-2-22 10:11 發表
I believe it is better to create another thread.

Just to comment on the so called Need-blind policy! My niece is a very smart girl in the US. However, her family simply cannot support the "Need-blind ...

[ 本帖最後由 LesMis99 於 11-2-22 11:18 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-22 10:34 |只看該作者
LesMis99: DGJS is a private school. My understanding is that it is not part of any government Discretionary Places Allocation system and hence the address proof requirement is irrelevant. I have applied to some private primary schools and they did not ask for any address proof.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-22 11:04 |只看該作者
I guess the point I would like to bring up is that asking for the proof of address should not be  something alarming at all as the HK government-run schools have been adopting the policy for decades. This is a 'standard' procedure that everyone has already accepted in HK, similar to that we need to carry our HKID card with us all the time. I was just being laughed by my colleagues in my office (from US, UK, AU, FR, JP) that somebody has thought that hk private school uses address as a mean to assess how wealthy one is in order to offer a Pr.1 place. They thought this is really ridiculous indeed!

原帖由 4eyesDad 於 11-2-22 10:34 發表
LesMis99: DGJS is a private school. My understanding is that it is not part of any government Discretionary Places Allocation system and hence the address proof requirement is irrelevant. I have appli ...

[ 本帖最後由 LesMis99 於 11-2-22 11:13 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-22 14:11 |只看該作者
Now 2 views are before us:
One view represented by Lawsonmoon is that the scrutiny of applicant's address at interivew stage is an abnoxious practice, discriminatory, and probably contrary to the very concept of a Christian education, which is one of the foundations of DGJS.
Another view represented by LesMis99 is that the scrutiny of applicant's address is a standard practice among government primary schools for determining "catchment areas" and that, whilst DGJS is not a government school and hence any concept of catchment areas is irrelevant, its staff did not understand the meaning of "catchment areas" and the different circumstances of a private school and hence they have unnecessarily wasted their time at interview stage in religiously following the irrelevant standard practice of "address checking" without intending to use the applicant's address as one of the factors in P1 admission selection. According to this view, the fact that there are more P1 students from Repulse Bay area and not so many from Junk Bay area is purely incidential and random.

Rank: 4

發表於 11-2-22 14:54 |只看該作者
Well, what we saw from Lawsonmoon is that:
Lawsonmoon can accept so called Need blind schools explicitly to use high tuition fee to ban smart but poor candidate. Then ...... your proposition!  

CAIS is also a Christian school. Why it charges so high to avoid smart but poor people?

原帖由 4eyesDad 於 11-2-22 14:11 發表
Now 2 views are before us:
One view represented by Lawsonmoon is that the scrutiny of applicant's address at interivew stage is an abnoxious practice, discriminatory, and probably contrary to the very ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-22 14:59 |只看該作者
I can simply put it this way. I propose that the successful rate only depends on kids' ability/performance and is independent of the address one puts on the application form. The perception that people sees more students living in Repulse Bay (as you put it) than any other places is a result of more applicants from Repulse Bay, not because their successful rate is higher. As successful rate is constant across the region, this is a fair game indeed. In order to tilt the balance of mix of the students from different backgrounds, I think smart kids (not necessarily from upper class family) should be encouraged to apply to the school and not to be deterred from doing so just because of living in public housing estate, for example!

原帖由 4eyesDad 於 11-2-22 14:11 發表
Now 2 views are before us:
One view represented by Lawsonmoon is that the scrutiny of applicant's address at interivew stage is an abnoxious practice, discriminatory, and probably contrary to the very ...

Rank: 4

發表於 11-2-22 15:16 |只看該作者

其實有時我對DG的規矩都有D莫名其妙。比如說,如果學生的洋名不在HKID, 老師便不會叫她的洋名。除非父母替她改身份證!

不過,都沒理由因為E D吾揀DG

原帖由 LesMis99 於 11-2-22 14:59 發表
I can simply put it this way. I propose that the successful rate only depends on kids' ability/performance and is independent of the address one puts on the application form. The perception that peopl ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-22 15:35 |只看該作者
This is really minor thing. Sending kids to school likes Eton, Winchester in Britain or DG/DB in HK has only one purpose, letting them compete in a highly competitive environment in a very disciplined manner to strive for excellence, chellenging one's limit indeed!

Having said that, one should let it go the 'Hallo of elite school' once the school years have finished because people/students are always biased after spending most of their study life there. Sooner or later, they will need to integrate with others in the society where things will look very differently.

原帖由 DGJS 於 11-2-22 15:16 發表

其實有時我對DG的規矩都有D莫名其妙。比如說,如果學生的洋名不在HKID內, 老師便不會叫她的洋名。除非父母替她改身份證!

不過,都沒理由因為E D吾揀DG。


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-22 17:59 |只看該作者
Many parents are not convinced that there is no ulterior motive when private primary schools require address proof at interviews.
When "address screening" is practised under the disguise of a government guideline for a different kind of school for catchment purpose, parents are alarmed.
It really is foolish and cannot be justified. No sensible educators would waste their time in checking things they don't need for admission selection purpose.
Here comes the third view: Some private schools really use applicant's address for selection screening but they would never admit it in public.
Parents are entitled to know what kind of private schools they are dealing with.

發表於 11-2-22 18:08 |只看該作者

回復 11# Sherryko9 的帖子

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-2-22 23:13 |只看該作者
這就是MCS同DGJS的分別, 在FORUM上很明顯的.

每次有人說MCS係貴族學校, 或收生參差等負面訊息, 個個TOPIC只有一兩個回覆就無人回. 沒有人是MCS家長嗎? 不可能吧...

每次有人說DGJS既負面訊息, 家長們都辯論一番.

每所學校在文化是有分別的. organization behaviour 理論上的attraction 及attrition 的concept. 這就是為甚麼outspoken and confident 女仔會適合DGJS. 如果唔係呢type, 就算幾叻都好...可能會有hard time囉.

原帖由 wootaitai 於 11-2-22 18:08 發表
次次DGJS discussion end up 都有火藥味 ga la...

[ 本帖最後由 nicolemummy 於 11-2-22 23:29 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 11-2-23 00:00 |只看該作者

回復 113# nicolemummy 的帖子

本人極少在這裏表達意見, 但我今次是想講, DGJS 插班我只見過從MCS轉來, 未見過由
DGJS 轉過去. 還有, DGJS 的老師常常提點同學要有禮貌, 而同學們一般相處是非常愉快和純真的. 如果比我再選擇, 我也會是這樣.
還有一點, DGJS 教英文真是有它的一套方法.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 11-2-23 09:35 |只看該作者
Thanks for your sharing.  Would you kindly share more on this point 'DGJS 教英文真是有它的一套方法'?  Really likes to know more.  Thanks.

原帖由 iloveyoga 於 11-2-23 00:00 發表
本人極少在這裏表達意見, 但我今次是想講, DGJS 插班我只見過從MCS轉來, 未見過由
DGJS 轉過去. 還有, DGJS 的老師常常提點同學要有禮貌, 而同學們一般相處是非常愉快和純真的. 如果比我再選擇, 我也會是這樣.
還有 ...

發表於 11-2-23 09:45 |只看該作者
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-23 09:48 |只看該作者
My friend is a DGJS parent living in Repulse Bay. He told me that he would not be surprised that if some parents would prefer their daughters' classmates in DGJS were all living in Repulse Bay and equally would not be surprised that if some parents encouraged the school to select P1 students based on their residential address, which is vigorously checked at interviews.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-23 09:55 |只看該作者
DGJS parents working in PR fields might advise the school accordingly.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-23 10:04 |只看該作者
我也不太喜歡有宗教的學校、但HK choice不多、英基小女都在等。 USA比較先進,政教分離;攞政府錢的學校唔可以在學校宣揚宗教。

其實都幾sarcastic, christian schools 收咁貴,耶穌12門徒有D仔女都冇錢讀(fisherman, carpenter)^.^
原帖由 DGJS 於 11-2-22 02:54 PM 發表
Well, what we saw from Lawsonmoon is that:
Lawsonmoon can accept so called Need blind schools explicitly to use high tuition fee to ban smart but poor candidate. Then ...... your proposition!  

CAIS  ...

[ 本帖最後由 lawsonmoon 於 11-3-11 19:22 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-2-23 10:19 |只看該作者
It is totally different, government publicly admits this is their rules of game to use address  at 2nd stage luck draw. Those schools  legally have the right to do that. Why we don't say something about this rules of game is another issue.

Put it this way, simply ask your colleagues at work what is the motive behind when school get your electric bill copy and then check your original at 2nd in when you are just applying P1. Then tell us HONESTLY, I would say they will give answers you don't want to know, simply they all come from developed countries.
原帖由 LesMis99 於 11-2-22 11:04 AM 發表
I guess the point I would like to bring up is that asking for the proof of address should not be  something alarming at all as the HK government-run schools have been adopting the policy for decades.  ...
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