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教育王國 討論區 教育講場 Reading Vs Grammar
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Reading Vs Grammar [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 10-7-1 20:09 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
Reading is one of the most important skills for the children no matter what languages they learn. Reading skill is also seen as one of the important tools to learn knowledge of other areas, like mathematics and science. I think there has been one common problem most people in HK had for ages (including students and their parents in the past and even nowadays). They forget the reason why we learn a  language!! We learn a language is simply because we want to use it. We want to use it to communicate with people around us. We read, not just to learn vocabularies. The ultimate goal is to comprehend and get different ideas or some new information through words we can read and hear. I belong to the group which is so called “after 70s” and I was a 100% local student who finished all my studies in HK so far. That time, my parents did not follow my school works closely. I can’t say they did not care my school works and I never blame them because they spent most of the time at work. To me, learning grammar was just because of exams. When I was young, I like English. But that was not because I was lucky to have good English teachers who gave me enjoyable and interesting English lessons. (actually, I found most of the English lessons I had in school were boring, I am sorry to say that. But that was true.) I really did not know what I learnt from the English lessons. I like English and the motivation I got to learn English was actually from listening to some American or European songs. I wanted to understand what the songs are about so I learnt English. I think there are many people like me, learning a language because of some other interest they might have, like songs, movies or even sports.
As a new mum ( I have a 8-month old baby), I still don’t have any concrete plan on how to let my child learn English, Chinese or whatever languages, but one thing I can be sure is I won’t ask or push my child to spend so much time on all the grammar exercises. Time should be spent wisely and don’t waste time on feeding your child with piles of grammar worksheets. My English is not 100% perfect but at least, I can use it to communicate with people whose mother language is not Chinese at work and at home. Once again, what I want to point out is basic knowledge of grammars (for all languages) is a need for primary and secondary education but they are not the most important thing to bother with.
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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 10-7-2 18:57 |只看該作者

<做 Exercise 還是 【睇書】 好 ?>
http://forum.edu-kingdom.com/vie ... p;extra=&page=1



Rank: 1

發表於 10-7-9 16:25 |只看該作者
如果你grammar唔好...reading 會get 唔到人地想講乜, 特別係tense
我就會偏向俾仔仔join d 以英文為主的活動...drama...等佢對英文有興趣多d
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