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Teach your child to read? Any result? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-2 15:05 |只看該作者

Teach your child to read? Any result?

No matter you're user of 大陸童書, Glenn Doman, flashcard, English Time, Disney World English, can you share when can your child read?

I have followed this forum for more than a year, I noticed that some moms have used Glenn Doman for long time, really interested to know when can your child start to read?

My son is now 30 months, he is still very interested in reading. We read 30 mins a day. He only wants me to read, he sits still, listen to me and read the pictures.  However, when I pause, he can join in and follow on.... I think he has memorized the stories.  But when I ask him to read to me, he said, "No, mommy read."  

I've tried to write some single word on the blackboard, he can learn 1 or 2 per day.  I will test him on the following day and make sure he knows those words. I taught him 'wet' last night, he was not interested and walked around in his room.  After a while, I said, "why don't you tell Teddy what is that cos Teddy wants to know."  Then, he said, "Teddy, it's wet."

Can we share?

Rank: 4

發表於 04-11-2 22:19 |只看該作者

Re: Can your child read?

我估未有咁快呀. 我都仲等緊. 希望三歲左右吧. 現在仍在繼續努力.

香港的孩子可能會較其他地方的孩子慢一點, 因為要學中英文兩種語言.

Rank: 2

發表於 04-11-2 22:56 |只看該作者

Re: Can your child read?

I did not know the philosophy of Glenn Doman or Flash card until six months before.

With the use of DWE for the first year (not yet start for programme series) and I let my boy to choose VCDs and books he liked, he start reading by  himself at the age of 4.  Just for reference, he can manage to finish 亲亲自然学英语C at first reading.  Even big books like encyclopedia of dinosaurs, he can read and understand by words like plant/ meat/ insect eaters, places/ period they lived and etc.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 04-11-3 14:58 |只看該作者

Re: Can your child read?

Nice to hear from you. You know that I did not believe in GD method, I am keen to know your result.    I guess most children can read by age 3, no matter which method we use.

I've ordered 亲亲自然学英语 and many other books recommended by FXPC.  For now, we mainly use Oxford Reading Tree & some other leveled readers which I bought long ago.  He can read by sight - daddy, mama, shark, eat, wet, map, yes, no, stop, start & his name.  
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