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教育王國 討論區 聖瑪加利男女英文中小學 Any waitlist receive call?
樓主: LeiaT

Any waitlist receive call? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-7-29 23:24 |只看該作者
Dear HKQQbaby,
Please check PM. Thanks so much.


原帖由 HKQQbaby 於 09-7-29 20:36 發表
Dear ChapmanMa

Pls check PM.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-1 22:22 |只看該作者
Hi catcatmom,

係呀, 我同你CASE 一樣, 你有了決定未? 我們都是未買書, 也未做校服.  等gGGFLLRLFLF

我們應該都會選陳守仁, 因為都是我們的心儀, 雖然SMC是我們的首選, 但太遲了, 不過若然真的有如果冇OFFER, 都
若然真係SMC 有OFFER, 到時才作出決定, 不過,機會應該唔大, 因為已停止寫信了.   所以, 假如冇消息, 反而還好, 一心讀陳守仁, 否則真係

原帖由 catcatmom 於 09-7-25 11:59 發表
Pinky I / Mabelzero,

tsl/ pk/smc 都係好學校, pk 有朋友兩小朋友係度, 普通話好到不得了, 而英文就一般(可能朋友要求高).

我一直都喜歡tsl, 無想過smc, 但smc的parent不斷比comment, 所以就移情別戀, 因我想囡囡 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-1 22:29 |只看該作者
Hi catcatmom,

未完成, 不小心按了ENTER,SENT 左,

ANYWAY, 有消息先算啦, 反正機會不大. 你呢 ?

8月3日啦, 應該有消息了, 各位WAITING LIST 家長, SHARING , keep in touch .  祝大家成功.

原帖由 mabelzero 於 09-8-1 22:22 發表
Hi catcatmom,

係呀, 我同你CASE 一樣, 你有了決定未? 我們都是未買書, 也未做校服.  等gGGFLLRLFLF

我們應該都會選陳守仁, 因為都是我們的心儀, 雖然SMC是我們的首選, 但太遲了, 不過若然真的有如果冇OFFER, 都

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-3 12:08 |只看該作者
Hi Mabelzero

其實係有些家長會放棄SMC唔讀, 不過有幾多位就唔知, 識得個媽咪個仔考st paul,英華, 都唔收, 第三間SMC收左, TSL 係second in 唔得, 但最近佢說佢唔讀SMC啦! 佢仲話比SMC個位我個女, 我話唔冼啦!我正選入TSL. 如果我唔讀TSL, 我又比個位佢個仔.不過TSL應該不是佢既first choice.

另外, 一位媽咪我不太熟, 某種原因都唔讀SMC, 去了好傳統既小學, 所以SMC一定有位release出來.

我o地果日交完deposit比TSL, 隔日即有家長收到TSL既電話, 叫家長後補入TSL.

我老公同我一樣, 暫時咩都唔會去O林, 返正我地全全安安, 過左大半年, 亞女有書讀,而且我同朋友講開亞女考了TSL, 所以唔冼抽, 朋友個個都話這間好難考, 入到都係叻仔叻女, 而再同佢地講, 我地仲睇埋SMC, d 朋友個個都唔識SMC, 好多識既, 都係記著以前果band5既女校, 但我老公仍然十分鍾意SMC.

過多幾日, 就去做校服,買書, 到時再contact 比你.      

原帖由 mabelzero 於 09-8-1 22:29 發表
Hi catcatmom,

未完成, 不小心按了ENTER,SENT 左,

ANYWAY, 有消息先算啦, 反正機會不大. 你呢 ?

8月3日啦, 應該有消息了, 各位WAITING LIST 家長, SHARING , keep in touch .  祝大家成功.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-3 12:24 |只看該作者
還有我寫了一封很短既thank信比smc, 只是一封, 還得4/5行, 內容很感謝比機會我地interview, 到8月有位通知我們吧! 比起d寫幾封信既媽咪, 我地既誠意係唔夠人地多, ,如 smc waiting既家長d小朋友, 都係同我個女同分既, 都選左d有誠意既家長, call番我地既機會會微+!

原帖由 mabelzero 於 09-8-1 22:29 發表
Hi catcatmom,

未完成, 不小心按了ENTER,SENT 左,

ANYWAY, 有消息先算啦, 反正機會不大. 你呢 ?

8月3日啦, 應該有消息了, 各位WAITING LIST 家長, SHARING , keep in touch .  祝大家成功.


[ 本帖最後由 catcatmom 於 09-8-3 12:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-4 10:49 |只看該作者
actually, it's 4-Aug already and still did not recieve any news, I guess the chance is very low.
Anyway, it is very happy to see most of the kids get into their other choice like TSL - it is very hard to get accepted! I try once but since I like SMC more, so I did not go for 2nd interveiw.
OK, it is really nice to "talk" to most of you for the last few months, I feel we are all fighting together!
Wish all of your kids enjoy the new school!
All the best!

Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 09-8-4 11:06 |只看該作者
原帖由 happyrain 於 09-8-4 10:49 發表
actually, it's 4-Aug already and still did not recieve any news, I guess the chance is very low.
Anyway, it is very happy to see most of the kids get into their other choice like TSL - it is very hard ...

不要太灰心, 去年認識一位家長, 她都是around 8月10號收到學校call.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-8-4 12:55 |只看該作者
Hi happyrain,

No matter which school your kid will study in, she will have a bright future as she has such a great mommy.

All the best to our kids!

原帖由 happyrain 於 09-8-4 10:49 發表
actually, it's 4-Aug already and still did not recieve any news, I guess the chance is very low.
Anyway, it is very happy to see most of the kids get into their other choice like TSL - it is very hard ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-5 21:53 |只看該作者
我都識得個係8月尾先收到通知, 機會常在, 千其唔好灰心.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-5 23:34 |只看該作者
but, i called this afternoon, the school told me there's no space for waitlist, so sad!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-8-6 11:15 |只看該作者
Really?Did you knock door / send letters / phone call them before?
If this is the case, I feel so sad!
I have been waiting for such a long time!
原帖由 LeiaT 於 09-8-5 23:34 發表
but, i called this afternoon, the school told me there's no space for waitlist, so sad!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-6 23:05 |只看該作者
Yes, dear all waiting list mommy,
I think the chance is really small la.  SMC said up to this moment, all the passed applicants have accepted the place already and seems really no spare place.  Although someone will release out the seat, but seems just a few only la. So the chance is really low.... so sad too...

原帖由 happyrain 於 09-8-6 11:15 發表
Really?Did you knock door / send letters / phone call them before?
If this is the case, I feel so sad!
I have been waiting for such a long time!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-8-8 22:24 |只看該作者
Hi Mabelzero

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