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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 浸會大學黃錦輝中小學
樓主: jpkp313

浸會大學黃錦輝中小學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-6-23 22:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 pingoj 於 09-6-23 03:43 發表

我們不是同年級的,不知道整件事,有時候問起高年級的家長,說起BK的評論,有些家長會說,他好不公道啊,有的同學還會擔心,雖雖雖去了別的學校,不知道有沒有人和他玩,有的家長說,幾年前剛開校不久,在學校說要跳樓,嚇得班長去校務處, ...

看你的描述, 和我對某君的印象實在不謀而合.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-6-23 22:50 |只看該作者
我提議走去學校門口問吓學生家長嘅意見, 又或者去車站或附近靜靜聽吓家長對話, 從中可能略知一二。

Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-29 21:16 |只看該作者
My boy will be in Grade 3 this coming September.  I have posted some responses to parents' questions quite some time ago.

I think the school is trying its best to help children with special conditions, and have not given up on them.  When my boy was in Grade 1, one of his classmates was"extremely" active. That boy once sped around the classroom like a bull, bumped into another classmate, and the classmate was injured, sent into hospital, and was put on wheelchair for a month.  Yet, the school only counselled the active boy and made him look after the injured classmate until he was recovered.

This year, my boy was in Grade 2.  One of his classmates was very very active and distructive.  During the lessons, he would ran around, shout, yell, jump on the teacher's table, or simply shut down the teacher's computer to make fun.  All parents complained, but the Class Teachers did not label the boy or gave up.  Instead, they worked very closely with the boy's mom to try to help him.  At the end of the term, at the school's project presentation day, parents witnessed a brilliant presentation by this boy.  All parents, including my husband and I were really impressed.

To be continued...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-29 21:36 |只看該作者
I know parents with children studying in international schools (e.g. Renaisance, CIS, 耀中), private schools (e.g. Victoria, ISF), famous and so-so local schools.  In order to know whether A-School is really suitable for my boy, I asked many of them in detail what their children learnt from schools, the culture and teaching method etc. so I may compare.  My observation on A-School can be summerized as follows:

-  Very enthusiatic and caring teachers (although young and may relatively inexperienced)
-  Structured curriculum with scientific teaching methods
-  Good support for teachers (i.e. good quality control)
-  English and Maths are better than ordinary local schools (but not famous ones)
-  Chinese is about same standard of other local schools but Putonghua is much stronger
-  Not many homework, but children are still learning quite well, so not much pressure
-  School's management team is very strong

-  In terms of creativity and analytical skills, cannot compare with schools that runs IB (but is better than local schools)
-  Admin is a bit messy but is getting better (not as messy as some new DSS schools that drived good teachers away)
-  A bit too relaxed for kids sometimes
-  Too many active childrens (classroom discipline is a problem) and teachers are too soft to manage them

I hope this sharing is useful.


Rank: 2

發表於 09-6-30 19:36 |只看該作者
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