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關於KinderU [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-1-29 15:39 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
在另一條BK thread看見有關家長對KinderU的評價, 我覺得須要發表下意見.

我的bb從小在KinderU返playgroup, 只學普通話及英文的班, 對, 它主要奉行flash card教學方法, 給我的小朋友牢牢記下很多很多的中文及英文字和讀音, 當年考幼稚園, 孩子也僥倖考到數間所謂名幼稚園如聖保羅堂聖公會呂郭碧鳳蘇浙等am班.

由於看到KinderU教學法的成效, 縱然有多間選擇在手, 我們亦決定安排孩子入讀Rightmind Kindergarten, 以繼續深化孩子所學到的知識.

There are always two sides of a coin. 一件事情的結果, 它的成與敗亦取決多個因素, 以playgroup為例, 很多時陪同孩子的人的角色亦非常重要, 有時眼看一些菲菲或印印根本不理小孩, 任由那些bb走來走去, 公公婆婆也未必應付得好一些頑劣的孫兒, 那些playgroup老師那有七手八臂搞得好秩序.  幸好我bb那時班中沒有很多搗蛋鬼, 不負責任的菲菲印印亦不多, 老師都能順利把緊密的課程deliver到.

現在孩子還在Rightmind, 對文字的敏銳, 以及書本的愛好, 我想除了家長的努力, KinderU和幼稚園的啟蒙及培養亦極為重要, 尤其孩子從出生的頭數年.

其他家長有冇對KinderU較正面的評價呢, 若有亦可在這發表一下, 我個人就是不想事情太過一面倒 (都係那句: there are always two sides of a coin).

[ 本帖最後由 cornelius 於 09-1-29 15:46 編輯 ]
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-1-29 19:20 |只看該作者
Although KinderU may seem a bit commercial to many parents, in our case, we find that we benefit from it.  In fact, from BabyPlus (for those who know what this is) to playgroups, we had been a good patron of KinderU.  

Back in early 2006 our son attended KinderU in CWB at the age of six months.  He had a pleasant time there, learning through flash cards (the Glen Doman approach which needs to be supplemented at home).  

Since then, our kid has had an affinity for words (both Chinese and English).  He's been able to recognise (and pronounce) many words.  Take our yesterday visit as an example.  We went to see some friends in Mei Foo yesterday.  Our son could read out "新動力新生命" (printed on the side of a pen in auntie's home).  When we went to the park (Lai Chi Kok Park) where we saw a big sign, he stared at the pictures and words, saying "No skateboarding", "No dogs allowed", "No cycling", "Offenders will be prosecuted", etc (the pronunciations were quite good except "offenders" and the "ted" in "prosecuted").

I believe KinderU has laid a good foundation for our son.  This has helped a lot in developing a reading habbit for him since the more words (not just pictures) he understands/recognises, the more willing and motivated he gets in the reading process (and that multiplies!).  In our case, our son loves reading a lot everyday (not uncommon to find him reading for one or two hours continuously).
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