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英基學校 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-19 10:30 |只看該作者

Re: 英基學校


Besides, there will be no preference to those students garduated from ESF kindergartens to enter the ESF primary schools. The admission to year 1 ESF primary school will be mainly subject to the consolidated decision made by the group of Year 1 teachers who conducted the interview. After the interview, the group of Y1 teachers who conducted the interview will discuss and select the students whom they think that can meet the English requirements. They probably don't care which kindergarten (even without attending kindergarten) the student comes from.

But within each category, priority will be given to students who have brothers or sisters studying there or are attending an ESF kindie and so if your child is studying in an ESF kindie, at least you have priority over others to get an interview.  That's why a lot of parents are sending their kids to ESF kindie, never mind it's good or not.  And that's what minggrace is struggling about, to stay at KBCK where her son is doing well, or to go for ESF kindie where he'll have a bigger chance of getting an interview.

發表於 05-11-19 10:53 |只看該作者

Re: 英基學校

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-19 11:07 |只看該作者

Re: 英基學校


it is subject to individual's own decision on what is the more important to the kid - to receive a better education immediately on hand or to increase the chance of receiving a better education later.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-19 15:13 |只看該作者

Re: 英基學校

Is it true that the principal and the teachers in ESF TY are not caring about the child?  

Rank: 2

發表於 05-11-20 11:03 |只看該作者

Re: 英基學校

ramami 寫道:
Is it true that the principal and the teachers in ESF TY are not caring about the child?  

Some teachers are very good to the student. My daughter K1 teacher is very nice. The whole class student love her. But now the K2 teacher is so and so. The principal is working very hard to ensure the students can go to the ESF's Primary. She won't take care about the individual student matter ( That's what I feel).

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-21 09:47 |只看該作者

Re: 英基學校

warrrren 寫道:
Y2KChild said, [quote]If I got another kid, I would put him/her into a pure international kindergarten

I am with Y2kChild on this.  Studying in a real international kindergarten (e.g. Starter School, Small World Christian Kindergarten, ESF Kinder, FIS Kinder etc) has a few advantages, namely: –

1. The chance of getting into one of the international schools is considerably higher.

2. The kids can pick up really good English.

3. The kids can get mixed with kids from other countries.

4. For those who want their kids to learn more Chinese during the primary years, as most international kindergartens do not offer K3, you can always let your kids go to a local kindergarten (say Victoria Kindergarten or Lingnan) after K2.  

Of the few international kindergartens I just mentioned, I know Small World best (my girl studied there).  Small World is like a feeder school to the better-known international schools.  In the past few years, most (if not all) of the Small World kids managed to get one or more offers from ESF, FIS, GSIS, HKIS and the like.  For the minority few whose parents decided to let them go to local schools, they received offers from schools like DGJS, SPCo-ed and DBSPD.  It is not hard to imagine why kids from international kindergarten are well received - let's say you are the head master of DGJS and there are 100 girls standing right in front of you.  Who do you think will stand out – the two little girls who finished K1 and K2 at Small World and French international, and K3 at Lingnan, or the 98 others from local kindergartens?


Dear Warren,

Can you tell me more about small world kindergarten, where is it and does it have a website?

Also other memebers,

Do you know the comments about other two ESF kindergartens (Sheung Wan and Sai Kung)?

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