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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 小一面試培訓班有無用?
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小一面試培訓班有無用? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-24 21:55 |只看該作者



Rank: 4

發表於 05-8-24 22:01 |只看該作者

Re: 小一面試培訓班有無用?

Hi maggiefok,

What is your reason of thinking this kind of interview class?

Rank: 2

發表於 05-8-24 22:58 |只看該作者

Re: 小一面試培訓班有無用?

I think it is useful!
maggiefok 寫道:

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-8-25 10:05 |只看該作者

Re: 小一面試培訓班有無用?

我覺得冇用, 我見好多上了很久的, 都唔覺有咩突出表現, 唔駛浪費金錢

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-25 10:07 |只看該作者

Re: 小一面試培訓班有無用?

I think it is not useful although I haven't had an experience for my kids to attend to such kind of courses yet. However, I do have some experience in my daughter to apply for P.1 of those privite primary schools. As a matter of fact, most of those schools have already set up their targets of what kinds as well as backgrounds of candidates to accept... The performance of a candidate at the interview is usually not the only factor for them to determinate the admission. Please note that it is not like a public examination that results can determinate everything. So if your kids do not have a problem to talk and express themselves so far, it  already had enough. In the meadtime, each kid's character is born natural and unique. If he/she is born to be more or less shy, it is really not a good idea to "train" them to be "talkative" with such kinds of courses. Of course being parents, we love our kids and really don't mind to pay whatever costs provided within our ability. However, it is absolutely not worth to pay to such businessmen who just take chance to make money.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-25 14:39 |只看該作者

Re: 小一面試培訓班有無用?

Yes, agreed w/ nagavitor.

Especially for those training centre who claims they have guarantee successful rate for those famous private school is really not worthy.  Nothing can be gaurateed !  Some even costs over serveral thousand.

Base on my personal opinion, I understand those centres would let kids to have some paper, or some even claims to be the past paper.  In fact, these papers are those general exercise (中, 英, 數)from K.3 to P.1 standard.  You can buy your own and let to kid to do.

For the format of interview, you can get different sorts of interview types from the 天書 and newspaper, also from BK( e.g. comparisons, draw and describe, make a toy from what provided material, like play dough, lego, etc)
So, just it easy and understand the way your kid may face to answer.  And try to teach your kid answer the questions in complete sentence.

Remember that the answer from the kid can't be judged right or wrong.  Just let the kid to present what he wants.


Hope all K.3 kids would be success in the coming Interviews !!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-25 16:17 |只看該作者

Re: 小一面試培訓班有無用?

I think this kind of interview courses are useful in certain extend, or else, it won't be charged so high.  Yes, most of those private or DSS schools do have their target group of candidates such as which kindergarten, family background, etc.  But among the same catagory, it may be determine either by written test or interview, so better performance in the interview will help to make your kid outstanding to others within the same group.

Yes, parents can do some practices with the kids, but it won't be as good as an external parties.  I'm sure parents will recognize that your children will follow what the teachers' rather than yourselves, although it is the same thing.  The purpose is to allow the kids to have the practices with external interviewers and also be assesed.  My experience is that my daughter do say differently to the interviewers.     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-8-25 17:18 |只看該作者

Re: 小一面試培訓班有無用?

Agree. It is useful in certain extend, especially if you are working mom and have no time to train your kid yourself but it costs too much.

My son attend the summer course. The course covers different areas for the interview and each lesson just like an assessment to your kid on each area. The teacher will write down what your kid can and cannot do well in that area after each lesson. So you would expect your kid to get familiar with the interview questions and environment. It may help him to get more confidence but don't expect your kid will learn some new things from it, like other courses you may attend.

However, if you have time to train your kid yourself, this can be done. Asking him usual interview questions, tell him what he need to do during interview such as to be polite, how he sit, etc. The final result will probably the same.

So I just use money to buy my time.

This is just my personal opinion. Hope it can help you.

hot1234 寫道:
I think this kind of interview courses are useful in certain extend, or else, it won't be charged so high.  Yes, most of those private or DSS schools do have their target group of candidates such as which kindergarten, family background, etc.  But among the same catagory, it may be determine either by written test or interview, so better performance in the interview will help to make your kid outstanding to others within the same group.

Yes, parents can do some practices with the kids, but it won't be as good as an external parties.  I'm sure parents will recognize that your children will follow what the teachers' rather than yourselves, although it is the same thing.  The purpose is to allow the kids to have the practices with external interviewers and also be assesed.  My experience is that my daughter do say differently to the interviewers.     [/quote]
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