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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 最後一站,st. Paul's
樓主: yslgirl

最後一站,st. Paul's   [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-20 01:14 |只看該作者
SPK是我們最差的面試經驗... 4年前, 最後一年有單對單面試, 還會見家長. 人多彷如羅湖過關, 分段放行亦很混亂. 一位老師很cool的問家長2條例牌問題, 另一老師在旁問阿女幾條簡單問題, 由入課室到出課室不夠2分鐘. 相比真光/聖心/靈糧堂, 感覺差很遠很遠. 回家我們還在討論安排如何不當, 超短面試時間點會公平, 校政會否同樣混亂, 收咗都要諗諗... 興幸我們沒有因為那片面的感覺而放棄SPK. 入咗至覺係SPK讀書是另一回事, 阿女好鍾意返學, 亦唔駛為升學煩惱 (正正常常的話15年唔駛煩). 仲想點?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-20 08:03 |只看該作者


原帖由 archer 於 13-02-20 發表
SPK是我們最差的面試經驗... 4年前, 最後一年有單對單面試, 還會見家長. 人多彷如羅湖過關, 分段放行亦很混 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-20 08:14 |只看該作者
picture 發表於 13-2-19 22:39
my daughter just told me she finds the teachers not nice during the interview abd she didn't like th ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 13-2-20 08:14 |只看該作者
apapa 發表於 13-2-19 16:13
I am a parent of SPC.  SPK is a really good kinder, I remember my interview experience wasn't decent ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-2-20 13:19 |只看該作者
sarubuta 發表於 13-2-20 00:28
what was happened in the room?

我最近煲聖心舊post, 發現左呢個thread幾值得去睇, 若果您亦鍾情聖心與spk.
我highlight了Ian對spk interview的睇法, 究竟房裡面係咪會有虐兒案法生呢?  我相信當然唔會!  但係會唔會老師嚴肅樣另小朋友情緒有起伏, 從而剔走一d情緒無咁穩定的學生呢?  我覺得呢個可能性大d.

所以我覺得入了特別房而遭黑面對待的不需要太介懷, 可能裡裡外外都是用緊這種手法interview.

不過, 有讀緊的家長說讀落係覺得非常好, 所以唔洗太擔心佢地會無愛心.  不過唔太相信學校的就最好唔好選擇, 因為家長與學校有信任才容易體諒, 配合對方.

發表於 11-2-17 07:03|只看該作者
Sorry that have been very sick and had high fever (38.8C) so I had slept 12 hours straight.  Just wake up and feel better now.

Honestly, the topic is so sensitive that I guess not many people would really want to give you clear and definite comments.  At the end, both secondary schools are band 1 and as SH parent, I agree in total that SPCS is definitely better on overall school performance (Academic + ECA, except Sports).

If by hearing this that already satisfy some of the parents to choose SPK over SHCK, then please don't go on and read the rest of this post.

Okay, here's my observations from the past years:

St. Paul's Convent is a school which done very well on increasing the value of the school image in overall.
- They are one of the very few Catholic schools which are willing to join DSS (Direct Subsidy Scheme).  That means the school itself has total control on what students they can admit.
- Students are encouraged to join as many competitions (on their own), and welcomed to skip classes in order to take part.  This give students more chance to build their confidence and also more awards and exposure for the school.  (A close relative of mine is current SPCS student)
- Students are being chosen starting from SPK/ SPN with a very specific character.  They need students who are very calm and emotional stable.  I will not disclose the exact details so don't PM me to ask.  My elder daughter had told me what happened during the interview, I cannot accept their method but I am sure that is a very effective method in order to select their students.  In short, they really don't need more than a minute or two for the interview to achieve this.
- As they have established such well organized way of teaching, so parents inputs are not welcomed.  To be fair, if the parents chose to let their children enter this school, they also need to trust them as they are the professional, right?
- Haven't talked much about SPK's curriculum since they are rather easy.  So, eager parents would arrange ECA to supplement that.

In sum, through my experience, I have absolutely no doubts that SPCS provides an excellent excellent environment if the parents want them to be in the top of the "food chain", at all costs.  It is because, they have started real life competition like a commerical setting from a very young age so girls there are well prepared.

For SH, in simple words, everything in opposite of the above.  This is why I always say they are very different schools so no points to compare.
- SHCC (Secondary section) chose not to accept more band 1 students outside and reserve that 30% of seats only to their primary school students (i.e. over 90% of SHCC students are own primary students).  This is a "foolish" act to many people but this tells you how far they can go to love their children.  Also, it tells you the dramatic improvement on these kids since many of them are band 2 during primary.
- Ever wonder why some kids cried and still got accept by SHCK?  It is because from their eyes, it is acceptable and normal for a kid to cry in an unfamiliar environment......
- Parents input are welcomed as this is why they start to have English and PTH teachers (they are not NETs, I am sorry for saying it wrong once, too expensive to afford) and how the Kowloon school buses are arranged.  These all thanks to parents' efforts and the acceptance by the kindergarten.
- The downside, probably your children may not be the top of the top in the competitive world, but they will be good citizens of the society.




btrue  For a second, I thought he was talking about DGS!  發表於 13-2-20 14:29
AL1987   thanks for sharing, despite Ian's comment, I still prefer this school over SHCK.  發表於 13-2-20 14:06

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-2-20 15:19 |只看該作者
"In sum, through my experience, I have absolutely no doubts that SPCS provides an excellent excellent environment if the parents want them to be in the top of the "food chain", at all costs.  It is because, they have started real life competition like a commerical setting from a very young age so girls there are well prepared."

以上的節錄,我唔係太贊同, 我係SPC家長, 此學校的特點是給學生較大的空間發展,尤其上到小學, 學校係encourage學生參與各類比賽, 目的係enjoy 及學習, 攞獎唔係太重要, 我親耳聽過校長話學生代表學校出外比賽,佢係盡量避免出席觀戰,因為佢唔想小朋友太有虛榮心,比賽盡力去做係參賽應有的態度,而你代表學校,係唔應該覺得自比其他同學優勝.  我女曾代表學校參加一些團體比賽,校長在出發前看她們rehearsal, 然後問小朋友是否enjoy? 小朋友say 'yes' 校長就說你們盡力做就好了. May be not everyone like this style, but I do.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-2-20 17:44 |只看該作者


原帖由 sarubuta 於 13-02-20 發表
what was happened in the room?
I don't want her to recall it deliberately. But she did cry towards the end of the interview so I guess she won't

Welll.... If she is fortunate enough to be accepted I would still send her there

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 13-2-20 22:42 |只看該作者
picture 發表於 13-2-20 17:44
I don't want her to recall it deliberately. But she did cry towards the end of the interview so I gu ...


講起, 我女當日見完出來, 我問佢入面做乜, 佢都話有小朋友哭.  似乎真係有些特別, 協恩同德望2nd IN都是自己入去見, 好似冇咁多人哭.  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-2-21 00:22 |只看該作者
KK07 發表於 13-2-20 15:19
"In sum, through my experience, I have absolutely no doubts that SPCS provides an excellent excellen ...

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