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教育王國 討論區 約克中英文幼稚園 York - 太多負面news (太陽報頭條)
樓主: vincenthkg

York - 太多負面news (太陽報頭條) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-2 18:31 |只看該作者
To all who read this thread, especially York's parents.

I don't think there is any problem with my kids studying in this kindergarten.  My children learnt a lot positively from York, and they like this school very much.

When they came back home, they would talk about the teachers, the classmates and the school, all cheerfully and they could complete their homework and assignment with us proactively.

This is an ordinary school with 'super' aggressive management styles.  I didn't join these 'plans'.  I think parents have their ability to judge whether to join or not.  We train our kids with our home rules and it is our responsibility to teach them what is right or wrong, and not mainly from the school.

We do not feel guilty or sad to let our children to continue their study in this school.  And we will put all our effort to let them apply for any good primary schools, as before.

Remember it is US (parents) to educate our child, not others.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-2 18:38 |只看該作者
你有沒有看清楚我說"部份"家長? 部份是指有到公海或有給錢學校洗禮那些. 你沒有做. 就不是那"部份"家長. 不用對號入座.

我亦沒說家長貪婪之類. 我只說校長一向太商業. 弄得現在變成貪婪事件. 她要家長給錢作宗教分. 根本這些不用付錢的. 這不是貪婪是什麼?

你亦有沒有看清楚我說是"投考來年K1的家長. 若知道校長是如此理念. 要衡量該校是否仍要選擇. 因為未有宗教分事件前. 極其量仍可說商業. 那麼你孩子在此事前已入讀. 你們沒選擇, 我並沒有說以前及現家長. 但日後未入的. 是否應為孩子的印象分好好選擇?

坦白. 我們大家也是家長. 明白子女學業的重要. 大家一向咬牙切齒地說只是校長的所為. 連累了孩子及家長. 再者我們並不是受害者. 根本可以不理會. 可能大家也太多事了. 通常忠言逆耳.

原帖由 fion_yinyin 於 10-10-2 16:26 發表
「但部份家長卻不能責無旁貸吧. 因為你們可能真的有買校長的"理念". ...................來年申請K1的家長. 自己當好好衡量. 因為今次事件發生後,  真不知日後考小學會否對該校未來畢業生有否影響. 因為小學選取學生 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-2 21:46 |只看該作者
學校肯定有間題, 但...肯參加嘅家長道德觀都有問題, 為了5分, 咩都做得出

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-2 21:56 |只看該作者
「因為今次事件發生後,  真不知日後考小學會否對該校未來畢業生有否影響. 因為小學選取學生. 除了成績外. 也很顧及家長教育及家庭理念是如何的.」




JustAFather 同queeniewingchow,你地同唔同意?

[ 本帖最後由 fion_yinyin 於 10-10-2 22:00 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-10-2 21:59 |只看該作者
學校其實真的不應開班叫家長咁做, 我本身不是教友, 如果我為了小朋友多5分入讀心怡學校, 我都對唔住自己良心。

不過我知道真的有家長去比萬幾蚊去菲律賓領洗, 為我是5分, 家長都不應該猜咁樣的心態, 比你入到你都唔光彩。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-2 22:02 |只看該作者
我支持以上兩位既講法。就算家長有問題都係最後俾左錢參加既家長就問題,而唔係其他就讀york or 考慮過york既家長都有問題,請參與討論的人仕搞清搞楚。

Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-3 01:31 |只看該作者
fion_yinyin ma,

I won't take it too personal in internet board discussion because anybody can say whatever they like and usually not in a respectable way.

One thing is sure is that York Principle has to be condemned for not being carefully enough to consider the consequences, shall her 'business plan' fail.  She should have lawyer or someone to comment on such a plan whether it is legal, at least.  She pushed too hard in these years.  They had provided extra courses like the english test Cambridge (and some others I can't remember the name), SAT 10, EPGY etc 3 years ago when my small-boy son graduated.  We thought these courses are OK because my son could benefit from the learning and still got CERTs as bonuses.  Still, we would have attended courses offered by other centers if we didn't take Yorks, anyway.  My big-girl is now in K3.  She only takes those English courses.

There are always '既得利益者' in any system especially in P1 admission.  '弱肉強食' They are the lion and we are prey.  York might have 300-400 K3 students (I'm not sure), with this incident they could easily overtake us under this crappy points system, or even in DSS/Private schools because they thought York's name is finished.  

Sadly, we only have 10 basic points, we can only target DSS or private school or wait for the lottery.  But I still believe school headmasters are not fool, they treat each child alike and they select carefully if they can see them.

Every parent should not de-focus in their P1 campaign (We didn't change a bit with these bad-news).  
Your child need more time from you so kiss and hug them more.  And don't waste too much in these boards.

Really hope that all parents find good school for their children.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-3 09:11 |只看該作者
JustAFather 你eq比我高,我係呢方面要向你學習。

但其實唔係我想take it personal在先。身為york家長,見到york校長做左一樣咁傻既野而且有hard feeling,仲俾人拉落水將個責任推埋俾家長,我至會出聲反抗。如果唔係件事就會越講越臭。


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-10-3 13:26 |只看該作者
約克再揭聘導師教慕道班                                        2010年10月03日-appledaily                                                                                 
【本報訊】天主教「入教」的慕道班導師,一般不受薪教授課程,但被踢爆未經天主教堂區批准而擅自開慕道班的九龍塘約克教育機構,竟公然在天主教香港教區的官方刊物《公教報》刊登廣告,以時薪 200元高價招聘導師,被一名堂區主日學導師發現後向教區投訴,招聘廣告即消失得無影無蹤。

慕道班導師向不收費轄下有三間幼稚園的約克教育機構,舉辦慕道班斂財,即使校方推說是借場地予「家長團體」開課,但事件越揭越臭。於天主教堂區擔任主日學導師多年的黎小姐,約半年前於《公教報》上看到約克刊登廣告招聘一名慕道班導師,「最奇怪係佢畀 200蚊時薪,咁我哋一般係唔收錢,咁高人工,咪去應徵睇吓佢咩葫蘆賣咩藥」。



校方將責任推給家長約克自稱是名校,有曾在該校任職人士透露,馮氏夫婦自 80年代初搞幼稚園,捉住家長對追捧英語教學心態,「賣點係主要用外籍英語教師,又去第二處訂香港唔常見功課紙畀學生做」。校方頗多收費項目,如學生畢業相和 VCD;但另方面教師流失大,「早期只係月薪四千幾請人」。約克校方昨未有回覆本報查詢。

Rank: 2

發表於 10-10-5 00:48 |只看該作者
Being an EX york parent, I would like to give some of my comment to York.

1) It is true that York is a very commercial school and everything is $$...!!  But parents have own discretion whether to join.  My daughter only joined the Cambridge in the whole KG  despite they offer quite many courses.   They are quite " primary style" starting from K2 so the kids usually pick up P1 quite well.

2) The academic level is good and children are enjoyed school.  They have their own way to teach English and children do enjoy to learn the language.  In fact, they are quite open in taking up new challenges. It definitely sounds crazy to send a four yrs old kids to China to take the Cambridge but at least they have heart to do so.  If you do not mind to pay, they offer many opportunities for your kid to take up different international courses and believe most of the KG do not have.

3)  Believe the family of the principal are all devoted in this Business and always wanted to make the KG a very famous one.  To circumstance, they make it.   However,  their way of introducing that sometimes so extreme and not every parents accept.  They are always money first and their frequent new messages that of course require money to achieve.

4) I am disappointed with what have happened recently on York.  Being a responsible school, parents should not be encouraged to do something not honest. The worst is that you pay to the school and they HELP you so.  

5) I was happy to see their new campus after my daughter graduated and I thought they have a good start as their son do help them a lot on school development. However, they are too focus on earning money.

Honestly, I don't believe all the so called certificates unless those are renowned one.   Most of P1 interview do base on how your kids present and the fluency of speaking.  Most of the famous school hosts the interview in Cantonese and surprisingly most of the kids are not doing so good in it as parents usually focus the training in English nowadays.  Don't expect the interviewers would ask complicating questions, sometimes only your daily life and do group games.  Remember, a polite and cheerful kid is always the welcome one.

Afterall, there are always good school and bad school in different parents eyes.   Kids only spend three hours in school , so the real school is HOME.  Parents are always the key persons to help our kids to grow up in a positive way.

I hope the incident may help York to review their school management deeply as parents are not stupid.  They need to do something to rebuild the confidence to the parents.  York existing parents, don't give up..!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-10-5 12:26 |只看該作者
真係好多謝你--- 一個真正用家的分享
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