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教育王國 討論區 嘉諾撒聖心幼稚園 聖心幼稚園(羅便臣道)有無人會去報名呀 ??? ...
樓主: candykiki123

聖心幼稚園(羅便臣道)有無人會去報名呀 ??? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-5 16:23 |只看該作者
我報左名,09/01/10  2:30PM見,4號個日好多人報名呀排左約2小時, 唔會特別教亞囡D咩嘢 等佢自由發揮

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-6 08:20 |只看該作者
究竟 聖心幼稚園(羅便臣道) 係咪一條龍學校,有直屬小學同中學嗎?

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-6 09:45 |只看該作者
They have two primary schools operating on the same campus:

Private Section (SHCSPS) - usually refer to as AM section
Gov't Aided (SHCS) - usually refer to PM section

Since they have private section on primary school, so they can accept their own kindergarten students and some kindergarten students will also continue study in PM section through allocation.

They also have secondary section, SHCC, and the relationships with the primary section is 直屬, and in order to accept as much students from their own primary as possible, all the discretionary places are reserved for SHCSPS and SHCS students only.  So, up to 90% of places are saved for them.

Please refer to my previous posts for this type of school system:


原帖由 charmmykitty 於 09-12-6 08:20 發表
究竟 聖心幼稚園(羅便臣道) 係咪一條龍學校,有直屬小學同中學嗎?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-7 13:46 |只看該作者
hi ian,

你知唔知聖心小學嘅am 及pm的辦學水平係咪一樣??  嗰啲唔係住中西區嘅聖心kg學生, 係咪多數會讀am section? 因為跟教育處派位, 機會好似好低

[ 本帖最後由 21oct07 於 09-12-7 13:47 編輯 ]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-7 16:22 |只看該作者
I think the standard of am and pm primary are quite similar now but the main differences are:

(1) am primary studies English 1 year ahead (i.e. P1 studies P2 level English, and P2 studies P3 level English);
(2) pm primary seems to have more activities now and also for some selected students, they will teach Chinese in Putonghua;

The percentage of am and pm primary to SHCC should be almost the same, but on number should be more from pm since they have more classes in pm.

For those who live outside of area 11, the SHCK can reserve the am primary place first and then try to apply for pm primary based on points.  It's not impossible but depends on each year.  Last year, they even let the students participate the lucky draw but this can vary year from year.

原帖由 21oct07 於 09-12-7 13:46 發表
hi ian,

你知唔知聖心小學嘅am 及pm的辦學水平係咪一樣??  嗰啲唔係住中西區嘅聖心kg學生, 係咪多數會讀am section? 因為跟教育處派位, 機會好似好低

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-7 17:10 |只看該作者
hi ian,

好多謝你嘅分享呀, 我見你囡囡舊年interview 表現好叻叻喎, 我唸佢哋鍾意自我紀律好嘅小朋友, 我個囡呢方面做得唔好架, 擔心添.....

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-7 16:22 發表
I think the standard of am and pm primary are quite similar now but the main differences are:

(1) am primary studies English 1 year ahead (i.e. P1 studies P2 level English, and P2 studies P3 level En ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-7 17:20 |只看該作者
hi 21Oct07,

You are welcome and I was also quite surprise with my daughter's performance at SHCK interview last year (actually it was early this year ).  It just seems like she is destined to study in this kindergarten and her responses to teachers are very spontaneous and natural.

I think it is partly because she likes it very much as she walked around the school waiting for interview, and also, she has been to about 5 interviews before SHCK and as she got accepted by all of those, she has already built some confidence on herself and for us too.  So we can be more relax since we have some great offers in hand already at that point.  SHCK is really a bonus and I also haven't thought we can let her study there but I think she helped herself a lot and now she is enjoying school and the assignment very much.

My tips on some quick preparation is try let her meeting with as much strangers as possible in the coming 1 month until she got very comfortable since there are really not much time to warm up during the interview.  Good luck!

For the self-discipline part, I think they would prefer it but there are too little time left to train her in this perspective.  It is a good training anyway for kids so just softly let her understand while you have time.


原帖由 21oct07 於 09-12-7 17:10 發表
hi ian,

好多謝你嘅分享呀, 我見你囡囡舊年interview 表現好叻叻喎, 我唸佢哋鍾意自我紀律好嘅小朋友, 我個囡呢方面做得唔好架, 擔心添.....

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-12-7 17:22 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-8 10:19 |只看該作者

is your girl a bid BB??

i knew the interview in am & pm section were different last year. it seemed that the pm interview was less seriours and simple that made me feel  the opportunity of acceptance became less.

do you know any children accepted in the pm interview section?? coz we were arranged to be interviewed at the late afternoon on 9 Jan.

Thanks a lot.

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-7 17:20 發表
hi 21Oct07,

You are welcome and I was also quite surprise with my daughter's performance at SHCK interview last year (actually it was early this year ).  It just seems like she is destined to study ...

[ 本帖最後由 21oct07 於 09-12-8 10:27 編輯 ]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-8 10:29 |只看該作者
Are you asking if my daughter is a Big B?

Technically yes.  At least she is allowed to apply for Pui Ching last year but among the youngest to apply, but probably not being considered as Big B by some other kindergartens.  She was born in late August.

Why ask?


原帖由 21oct07 於 09-12-8 10:19 發表

is your girl a bid BB??

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-8 10:35 |只看該作者
haha, you have two parts of questions and added more after I already replied you!

My daughter also had the interview in the afternoon.  I notice from last year that due to time constraints, the afternoon interviews become shorter with probably less questions.  However, the assessment of a child doesn't purely rely on how long the interview is (certainly make it more challenging for a lot of kids since they need no time for warm up), but the way they interact with the teachers and other children during the interview.  This observation doesn't really require a lot of time.  You can basically see it from the very beginning.

That's why I keep reminding parents that the children must be very comfortable meeting with strangers and short warm-up.  Providing that they don't change a lot on admission criteria.  But an independent mature kid is probably what they look for.  (Mature judging by behavior, not the month they were born)


原帖由 21oct07 於 09-12-8 10:19 發表

is your girl a bid BB??

i knew the interview in am & pm section were different last year. it seemed that the pm interview was less seriours and simple that made me feel  the opportunity of acc ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-8 10:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-8 10:35 發表
haha, you have two parts of questions and added more after I already replied you!

My daughter also had the interview in the afternoon.  I notice from last year that due to time constraints, th ...


Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-8 11:06 |只看該作者
Good morning jean2003.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-8 11:59 |只看該作者
只是好奇, 多數大bb嘅表現都會好啲嘛, 細bb未必可以係行控制得咁好

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-8 10:29 發表
Are you asking if my daughter is a Big B?

Technically yes.  At least she is allowed to apply for Pui Ching last year but among the youngest to apply, but probably not being considered as Big B by som ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-8 12:05 |只看該作者
我個女好睇彩數, 佢由細到大都唔怕陌生人, 心情好就一齊玩, 心情唔好就會扭計

我哋都in過7間kg, 有啲佢表現得好好, 但有啲面試時老師問佢嘢, 佢會唔答人, 我個囡好情緒化, 所以好難估計佢會點樣

要再讚多一次, 你囡囡真in 聖心嘅表現真係好好

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-8 10:35 發表
haha, you have two parts of questions and added more after I already replied you!

My daughter also had the interview in the afternoon.  I notice from last year that due to time constraints, th ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-8 12:09 |只看該作者
No problem at all, I am also just curious why suddenly ask if my daughter is a big B only.

I guess I realize my daughter is born in the middle of the year and can be awkward as some parents described: if born in September to December, having disadvantages as small B but have an option to be extra-big B the following year.  At least there is an alternative, although not preferred to some parents.

So being a August BB, the way my wife and I agree to bring up our daughter is to train her on independence, and being able to take care of her own self to improve her maturity.  We took the risk of not providing training on other hard skills to her like joining playgroups for English and PTH.  Since our belief is these can be done later but we need to focus on her mental training.

The outcome is she is much more mature than kids in her age and as we don't mix her with languages other than Cantonese at all (supplement by talking to her a lot!!!  I mean a lot!), her communication skills is very well.  She never speaks in BB languages at all and after papa and mama, she is using simple sentences to talk to us once she started to talk around 15-18 months.

Certainly different parents have different way to bring up their kids and I am just sharing this with you to see if it could be good reference to you.

原帖由 21oct07 於 09-12-8 11:59 發表
只是好奇, 多數大bb嘅表現都會好啲嘛, 細bb未必可以係行控制得咁好

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-8 12:18 |只看該作者

可否請教你點train up 囡囡 變得成熟啲? 自己train 或出去上堂?? 我個囡表達方面都ok, 佢都無講bb話, 佢好細個已經可以表達到自己, 可能我哋都係成日同佢講嘢..haha

但佢係情緒控制方面比較差, 令我好頭痛....

原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-8 12:09 發表
No problem at all, I am also just curious why suddenly ask if my daughter is a big B only.

I guess I realize my daughter is born in the middle of the year and can be awkward as some parents described ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-8 12:22 |只看該作者
haha, really making me embarrass now having you said it twice!  But thank you for the compliments again!

Actually my daughter also have emotional issues usually for two reasons: (1) lack of sleep; (2) feeling hungry (low in blood sugar).  Try to understand the source of their emotional problems since the above mentioned issues like my daughter is related to physical problems only so as parents we need to make adjustment and not to blame them for being emotional.  Make exception plan to accommodate the interview schedule so to maintain stable emotional status of them may be helpful.

Also, other factors may affect my daughter's performance like she prefers interview by young teachers with nicer facial expressions (and impressions ).  These are really out of control so need to depends on fate.


原帖由 21oct07 於 09-12-8 12:05 發表
我個女好睇彩數, 佢由細到大都唔怕陌生人, 心情好就一齊玩, 心情唔好就會扭計

我哋都in過7間kg, 有啲佢表現得好好, 但有啲面試時老師問佢嘢, 佢會唔答人, 我個囡好情緒化, 所以好難估計佢會點樣

要再讚多一次, 你 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 09-12-8 12:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-3 10:34 發表
Interesting question and I also wonder if all the interviews can be finished within a day due to higher birth rate in 2007.

However, don't forget this is a Catholic kindergarten so it is very unlikel ...

Hi Ian,

我最後都係12月4日交左form.  因為唔想太早in.  所以10:00左右到,點知要係1月9日2:30pm in.  原來即使5號交form 都係1月9日in.  好在, 我怕遲一日交, 突現唔到我的誠意, 所以4號去左交.
我想請問你, 你覺得小朋友去考學校, 要活潑d, 色彩鮮艷的衣著好些, 還是深沉些如黑,灰等好些, 因為之前, 我為了囡囡看來大個些, 就特意比黑+灰的裙比佢著.  點知, 全部都敗北.   我真係好唔開心,好担心, 因為上星期五, 連最後的希望都無埋(全部已考的kg都......無啦!), 所以down左几日.

現在, 只寄望sh & st.paul (更無可能).  所以我要好好裝備, 由小囡到自已的包裝都要細心鑽研, 希望學校感受到我的誠意, 因為我只係一個小c nine, 真係好怕面試這家野, 我怕自已的應對唔得體, 害左個女, 偏偏最需要c 6的時候, 佢就有事.   sh 真係最後希望.

另外, 我無意中發現, 我仔去年在班上考第1名個男生, 係sh讀幼稚園, 所以, 我更相信sh的幼稚園學術水準都好高.

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-8 12:43 |只看該作者
hi 21oct07,

We keep posting messages while the other one post a new one tim!

Would it become even more competitive to SHCK applicants this year after I tell you how I train my daughter to be more mature?  Just kidding.  

We didn't take any courses at all but I did have some trainings on child psychology when I was really young and while in college.  The importance for the child to be independent is to provide minimal help to them and let them try to accomplish tasks by observing the adults and practice on their own.  We seldom teach her anything specifically unless we notice she can't handle certain things by herself.  I believe children have different natural talents so as parents, we also need to pay a lot of attention to observe their strengths and weaknesses.

Not sure if the information is sufficient enough but it is really a lot of efforts and time spent as parents to monitor such progress.  Anyway wish you and your daughter all the best in the coming interview.

By the way, which kindergartens your daughter have secured already?

p.s. SHCK is one of the few kindergartens which have lots of small BBs.  So, everyone have a fair chance I think.

原帖由 21oct07 於 09-12-8 12:18 發表

可否請教你點train up 囡囡 變得成熟啲? 自己train 或出去上堂?? 我個囡表達方面都ok, 佢都無講bb話, 佢好細個已經可以表達到自己, 可能我哋都係成日同佢講嘢..haha

但佢係情緒控制方面比較差, 令我好頭痛... ...

[ 本帖最後由 iantsang 於 09-12-8 12:45 編輯 ]

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-8 13:12 |只看該作者
hi gogocheung,

Concerning the selection of clothing, we usually rather choose to be too formal rather than too causal.  My wife and will usually wear suit like working clothing.  It is because we found that it is very difficult to draw the line of causal and don't want to take the risk of wearing something too causal.

For the kids, I think no need to be all black and grey in colours, but pure colors without any flowers or cartoon characters are good selections.  We usually will mix red with some white or grey or black too but as a girl, they should wear something a bit girlie.  A color scheme too dark may not be very appropriate and too serious.

Sorry to hear that there are no good news yet?  What about waiting list?  It's tough to wait on waiting list but I believe many seats will be released in the coming months so don't rule them out too soon.

原帖由 GogoCheung 於 09-12-8 12:34 發表

Hi Ian,

我最後都係12月4日交左form.  因為唔想太早in.  所以10:00左右到,點知要係1月9日2:30pm in.  原來即使5號交form 都係1月9日in.  好在, 我怕遲一日交, 突現唔到我的誠意, 所以4號去左交.
我想請問你, 你 ...
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