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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC interview
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RC interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 07-6-17 22:40 |只看該作者

RC interview

Hi, my monster will be going to RC for interview tomorrow and I would like to have an idea what kind of questions & how would the interview would be like???

Could anyone tell me please      Many thanks!

Rank: 2

發表於 07-6-18 09:20 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

Which year do you apply?

It may be different for different year.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-6-18 16:06 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

Any vancant seats at present for the coming year?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-20 12:56 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

How do you feel of this interview ?? How long can get the result ??? Interview or Screening????
Please share!Thanks!
When the rain is over, the sky clears up take one's course 順其發展;聽其自然

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-20 23:55 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

The campus is nice and my son liked it very much (he is norally quite shy) He was not nerous at all maybe because of the friendly of the interviewers. results without 2-3 weeks.


KaKaYa 寫道:
How do you feel of this interview ?? How long can get the result ??? Interview or Screening????
Please share!Thanks!
Anson & Anise

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-21 15:08 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

Today, My friend told me about the interview in RC last month. They said the staff so loose and not good procedure for identify.Compare with other ESF e.g: kowloon Junior school is differences.
Everyday the staff will be interview at least 30 applicators.So  I'm anxious any seats for interview at RC. They felt this school likes to earn the application fees more.

May I know your kid to apply which year/Grade class??
Good Luck!
nicki_416 寫道:
The campus is nice and my son liked it very much (he is norally quite shy) He was not nerous at all maybe because of the friendly of the interviewers. results without 2-3 weeks.
KaKaYa 寫道:
How do you feel of this interview ?? How long can get the result ??? Interview or Screening????
Please share!Thanks!
When the rain is over, the sky clears up take one's course 順其發展;聽其自然

Rank: 2

發表於 07-6-21 18:04 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

KaKaYa 寫道:
Today, My friend told me about the interview in RC last month. They said the staff so loose and not good procedure for identify.Compare with other ESF e.g: kowloon Junior school is differences.
Everyday the staff will be interview at least 30 applicators.So  I'm anxious any seats for interview at RC. They felt this school likes to earn the application fees more.

I cannot speak for other parents but I did not find anything wrong with the interview procedure. What did you mean by "not good procedure for identify"? Are you worried that someone would ask another kid to go "請槍" for the interview? Well, I do not think anyone would be that desperate.

How do you know how many children are going for interview on one day? For primary school, they do the interview in groups, and several teachers would be interviewing different groups of children at the same time. For secondary school, the interview is done one by one, for at least 30 min per student. If we are really to take a guess, 30 students per day is not difficult to achieve, but who can be so sure?

I do not believe that if they do not have any more vacancies, they would ask the kids to go for the interveiw. I think the staff are simply too busy. If someone did not suceed in getting a seat, either the kid was not up to the standard, or the kid was simply not lucky (some children really refuse to speak up in front of strangers).

I am sorry if your friend's child failed in the interview. And I am sorry if you still have not heard from the school yet for the interview. I know that this is really very disappointing. But you must understand that they do have many applicants this year. Peter Kenny said yesterday evening that they have received 3000+ applications in total this year. As far as I heard, they are really still interviewing children and more interviews would be done during summer holidays. Yes, it is going to be difficult this year simply because the school is making it more difficult this year. With the 3000+ applications on their hands, they have choices and it is quite natural for the school to try to get the better ones from amongst the applicants. There would surely be more disappointed parents than successful cases. But it is just not fair to say that they school are cheating on the application fees.

As many of parents have told you already, there are many other schools around. Just let go of it and be happy.

Good luck.

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-21 19:06 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

"not good procedure for identify"? During the date the staff only asked the parent wrote down the name and no identify any Document!:
Generally, it's not my business! Just hearing it!-)
Pelican 寫道:
I cannot speak for other parents but I did not find anything wrong with the interview procedure. What did you mean by "not good procedure for identify"? Are you worried that someone would ask another kid to go "請槍" for the interview? Well, I do not ......................................so on.
Good luck.
When the rain is over, the sky clears up take one's course 順其發展;聽其自然

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-21 19:30 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

我地去 RC interview 時,係每個孩子都有一個大大的 name sticker 貼在身上,而在 interview 時,老師應該會再問小朋友的名字,意外將兩個孩子對掉,機會好細。
如果你話係有家長,特意請槍搵另一個孩子去 interview,會唔會誇張 d ?先要搵一個合適年齡的 "槍手",英文要好,重要夠醒目,明明自己叫 mary,都識講大話,話自己叫 julie,重要熟讀亞 julie 的個人資料。中學的 interview 更難請槍,整個 interview 差不多 30-40 min,我孩子話,由家庭,學校,個人嗜好等都有傾。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-21 19:51 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

I think RC doesn't need to cheat for the application fee as the fee is actually non-refundable.  Once an application is received, the fee will go into the school's account no matter whether there are vacancies or not.  


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-21 21:41 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview


I totally agree with:

It's ridiculous to say that "RC wants to cheat the appl. fee.  Further, I don't think the idenfication procedure is loose, it's quite reasonable.  If u're so picky, international school"S" will disappoint u.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-22 08:54 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview


I was wondering which document should be presented for the identification purpose.  In Hong Kong, the official document for a kid (let's say aged below 12) is birth certificate and ID card, which do not have any photo, maybe passport is a choice.  If you think bringing a passport along is a solution, you should suggest to RC though IT IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS.  Or you think our world is so bad that some parents would cheat a place in RC by employing other kids for interview?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-22 12:57 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

Dear all,
多謝大家有很多回應,本人和小朋友今天已經去RC interview 對於其他朋友說的不好感覺,本人覺得都ok又不錯!Mr kenny還和我們說早晨,其他staff都非常nice
”轉牛角尖”只是以前anxious,但interview後又沒有這焦慮  哈哈!多謝大家
Fattymom 寫道:

I totally agree with:

It's ridiculous to say that "RC wants to cheat the appl. fee.  Further, I don't think the idenfication procedure is loose, it's quite reasonable.  If u're so picky, international school"S" will disappoint u.
When the rain is over, the sky clears up take one's course 順其發展;聽其自然

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-6-22 13:31 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview


RC正正位於馬鐵隔鄰, 大塵一

Rank: 2

發表於 07-6-22 13:47 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

I have been to the school many times but never really notice the dirt. But, I have never been to CAIS, so cannot say which is cleaner. If you think RC is dirty, then you might consider keeping your seat at CAIS. Your child's school life would not be happy if all she hears from you are all sorts of complaints about the school. On the other hand, you seems to like CAIS a lot. So why not take the offer. I am sure you would be happier at CAIS. Cheers.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-6-22 14:24 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

KaKaYa 真係一個好有趣的家長。
之前就話孩子讀耀中,後來不滿意學校,就轉去另一間 local 幼稚園 ( 好似係聖羅撒 ),又神奇地有位喎。好喇,讀讀下,而家又話好唔滿意,又要轉校。
話到咁想轉校,但當初又只係申請一間啟新,等了又等都未輪到自己 interview,就急,就開始批評啟新收生程序。
有人建議佢申請埋其他學校,佢先拿拿林去申請 CAIS,印象中,佢話五月申請,結果又神奇地 CAIS 竟然兩個星期內話有位喎。
而家又突然話啟新比佢去 interview,雖然啟新收生程序,面試程序,都比佢批評為差,但係佢都依然去 interview 喎,比著係我,覺得學校咁差,點會去讀?interview 都費事舐時間。
去完 interview,又話學校污蹧。
真戥佢孩子慘,即使考到 RC 考到 CAIS 又點,樣樣都話不滿,成日覺得人地呃佢,去到新學校,可能又話不滿,又要轉校,真係玩死小朋友。

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-22 14:28 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

其實我常覺得馬鞍山是出明水秀的地方,料不到大塵,不過上學不是問題 (不是很厲重,只是學校的冷氣機位,因日前下雨後,一條條黑暗些塵在牆邊....)
如成事我會上一帶地產問!謝謝 [quote]
Saturn 寫道:

RC正正位於馬鐵隔鄰, 大塵一
When the rain is over, the sky clears up take one's course 順其發展;聽其自然

Rank: 4

發表於 07-6-22 15:15 |只看該作者

Re: RC interview

多謝妳的誇獎及留意,我從沒有不滿意 local 幼稚園 ( 好似係聖羅撒 ),在這裹我還要讚揚校長.先生及工作人員,他們無私的教學(全校人和我都很好,不用妳担心),只不過我先生不愛LOCAL學校怕小朋友填鴨式讀書辛苦 ;我本身喜歡LOCAL女校,所以嘗試才讓小朋友試試;現在她比較大些我們覺得她很活躍,所以才後期幫她報讀國際學校;難道不是好事嗎?
當中你和很多其他家長都有建議佢申請埋其他學校....,還有些教我HOLD住一間學校,然後最選心目中喜歡一間,你明知我當初又只係申請一間啟新....!SO WHAT!!!!
When the rain is over, the sky clears up take one's course 順其發展;聽其自然
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