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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 RC Parents. Let's share.
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RC Parents. Let's share. [複製鏈接]


發表於 06-10-23 01:26 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

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Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-23 10:11 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

Honestly, when it comes to money, as the "payee" it would never be "fair". I would not even want to pay $100 you said, if I really can choose.

But think about it this way, RC is an IS, which is never meant to be cheap anyway. The way I put it might sound mean to some people, but that's the reality.

Many ISs charge even more than $800 for application; plus the other fees like entrance fees, debenture etc.

i think this is not fair for the applicant as $800 is too high if we don't have the interview.  If it is just $100-200, i think is acceptable, but $800.........

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-23 10:15 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

Some questions to RC upper primary (and secondary) parents.

Do children in P4-6 have any chances to go to overseas trips? Or any local overnight camps?

How about secondary students?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-24 10:07 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

I noticed alot of the chinese students are speaking cantonese after school. Not like the other ESF schools. It is not that I am baised against cantonese.. but I think we,  as parents sending our kids to IS - we want them to learn English and be proficient in it.. I think we shoudl raise this issue to the school and see if they are aware of it and plan to do anything abt it. As mentioned by the principal - RC is a school of distinction and......the excellence of its English language teaching.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-24 10:26 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

I have exactly the same impression.

I think many students came from local schools. I noticed the way they talk and the content of their conversations. Many children from traditional IS, even if they speak very good Cantonese, do not talk like that. Really very unlike other ESF schools.

I think this might still be a great problems in the coming few years since in order to keep up with the students population, they need to take a lot of children from local schools.

I know RC is very popular now, but it seems that it is still mostly popular amongst children presently with local schools. I went to the introductory meeting a couple of months ago and there were so many parents who claimed to have children studying at local schools handing in the forms. I really doubt those children would have competent English standard. Note that "good English" in local English schools are still not really sufficient for studying in an IS.

tipper 寫道:
I noticed alot of the chinese students are speaking cantonese after school. Not like the other ESF schools. It is not that I am baised against cantonese.. but I think we,  as parents sending our kids to IS - we want them to learn English and be proficient in it.. I think we shoudl raise this issue to the school and see if they are aware of it and plan to do anything abt it. As mentioned by the principal - RC is a school of distinction and......the excellence of its English language teaching.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-24 11:01 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

As far as I know, speaking Cantonese among the local student and around the school campus is a very common phenomenon in ESF schools or other IS.

I helped with the P1 class activities a few times and noticed that 90% of these kids did communicate in English. One of the mummy even told me that her girl was much more egar to speak in English at home after she joined the school.

As for higher form student, I think it is not easy for them to switch to 100% English speaking outside the classroom if they are from local schools. Well, consider that it has only been 2 months since the school started, what is your expectation in such a short time?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-24 11:08 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

我也參加了兩次fild trip, 老師出發前會強調不准說廣東話,
我孩子告訴我在學校老師一聽到他們說廣東話, 就會叫他們說英語.

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-24 11:23 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

Isn't that a problem itself already?
Why should such a reminder exist in the first place?
With only 4 Chinese classes per week, the children should have been mostly communicating in English. So they should have been speaking English most of the time anyway.

Do not mistaken me. I still think RC is a good school; and Mr Kenny is definitely a educator with zeal. I myself have submitted the form for next year.

It is just that parents should bear in mind that RC would not be quite like the traditional ESF.

nanshanlu 寫道:
我也參加了兩次fild trip, 老師出發前會強調不准說廣東話,
我孩子告訴我在學校老師一聽到他們說廣東話, 就會叫他們說英語.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-24 11:27 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

"I know RC is very popular now, but it seems that it is still mostly popular amongst children presently with local schools. I went to the introductory meeting a couple of months ago and there were so many parents who claimed to have children studying at local schools handing in the forms. I really doubt those children would have competent English standard. Note that "good English" in local English schools are still not really sufficient for studying in an IS. "

I think this is one of the intention of ESF, that is to divert the demand of ESF schools from the local families to here.  RC has will evaluate the student English standard before accepting the kid.  I heard a few people failed to join P.1 and P.2 this year because of insufficient understanding of English.  I am sure if they accept the student, they are confident these kids can survive here.  Kids don't speak in English doesn't mean they are incompentent in English, may be they are just not use to use it orally.   That is why there will be 'Language Bath' to support them and to help them to build up confidence in using English.

As a existing parent, I try to look at things in school positively and provide support whenever and whatever I can as I know my kid is going to stay here for 13 years.

So far, I am very satisfied with the hardware and software of the school, especially the teachers there.  Through my observation during the time I stayed in the school, I think we have a great principle and head of primary, they are smart, caring, and work with heart.  I am really happy that I picked this school for my girl.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-10-24 11:59 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

I agree that within 2 months, may be quite demanding for the children to switch to 100% English speaking - considering that they have been in the Local cantonese environment for the past 6 years. But I think, more important - is how the school view this issue (or is this an issue from the school point of view ??).  Teachers should consistently encourage speaking of english in the campus !

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-24 15:37 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

My child is studying the local kinder, I want to let him studying the international school, how to increase the chance to enter?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-25 06:50 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

I agree with BBQQ & tipper.

It is true that many Cantonese speaking kids in RC & ESF schools talk to their peers in Cantonese.  It is very natural that they would prefer to talk to each other in the language they are most familar.  What's the big deal they talk in their mother tongue?  It can't really reflect their Eng. standard!

Parents who want their kids to be familar with Eng. should also give them the Eng. environment at home (not necessarily be orally but giving them Eng. channel TV, radio, reading Eng. book, etc).

It is very likely that older kids take longer to pick up a 2nd language.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-25 06:58 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

nanshanlu 寫道:
我也參加了兩次fild trip, 老師出發前會強調不准說廣東話,
我孩子告訴我在學校老師一聽到他們說廣東話, 就會叫他們說英語.

I would say teachers keep reminding the kids to talk in Eng. is mainly because the school know that this is what parents are most concern about & they just try to "do" something to cope with the "needs".


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-10-25 10:06 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

I agree with Saturn.
My son studied in int'l pre-school, kindy, Phoenix and now RC. He used to speak a lot of English, very little Cantonese when he was 2-3 years old (cos' I spoke to him all in English in order to equip him for the interviews of int'l schools). Then, once I'm sure that I will put him in int'l school for his future education, I purposely changed to speak Cantonese with him. Noow he speaks both. He speaks Cantonese to me and local Cantonese, he speaks English to our helper and his teachers and any foreigners he meets. I know he speaks Cantonese with his classmates and friends. But I think it's fine. There's nothing wrong with him speaking his mother tongue. To me, it would be a shame if he cannot speak his mother tongue, right ? And, I don't think his English is much affected. He still spends 5 days a week speaking English. Also, he loves reading English books, watching English TV programs (more than Chinese). I have no doubt that he can communicate perfectly with foreigners. And I see it as a must that he should be able to speak fluent English and Cantonese (and Mandarin).


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-25 13:58 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

Hi Ruby1219,

My strategies on dealing with my son's language learning was exactly same as yours.  But not as lucky as you, my son refused to talk in Cantonese when I tried to switch back to his mother tongue at his age of 5 & he lacks the interest of learning Chinese now.

I think parents should feel satisfied with their kids if they are willingly to learn both Chin. & Eng. in an IS.  It doesn't really worth bothering so much on their Eng. standard if parents have prepared to let them study in an IS for the rest of their schooling.


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 06-10-26 10:06 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.


Nice to have people share the same thinking.
I think you were a bit too late to switch to Cantonese for your son. In fact, my son did resist in the beginning when we switch to Cantonese with him. But then slowly he adapted. Now, even sometimes I talk to him in English, he replies me in Cantonese. But his Cantonese is not very good, always inserts English terms into it and sometimes applies English grammar into it, very funny.


Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-26 10:55 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

Hi! Saturn & Ruby,
我已為我女兒apply 2007 Year 1, 而RC係我嘅首選國際學校, 好希望囡囡interview成功, 但對RC認識都係靠你哋嘅文字對話及那日open evening得知, 而我都有一啲問題希望你哋可以幫忙解答一吓, thanks a lot!

1. 於lunch time是否由老師帶領到Canteen, 及帶回課室呢? 因為我諗佢哋未必知時間自己返去(they are only 5 years old) . 如自己帶食物是否要在Outdoor進食呢?
2. 你們覺得校車安排好嗎?
3. 泳池啟用了嗎?

Rank: 1

發表於 06-10-30 15:39 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

開學已兩個多月,RC 家長可否分享下學校現時情形。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-30 21:12 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

很對不起, 我沒有刻意地去了解妳所問的三件事情.  不知妳這三個問題是否是妳決定送女兒進RC的主要因素嗎?


natsze 寫道:
Hi! Saturn & Ruby,
我已為我女兒apply 2007 Year 1, 而RC係我嘅首選國際學校, 好希望囡囡interview成功, 但對RC認識都係靠你哋嘅文字對話及那日open evening得知, 而我都有一啲問題希望你哋可以幫忙解答一吓, thanks a lot!

1. 於lunch time是否由老師帶領到Canteen, 及帶回課室呢? 因為我諗佢哋未必知時間自己返去(they are only 5 years old) . 如自己帶食物是否要在Outdoor進食呢?
2. 你們覺得校車安排好嗎?
3. 泳池啟用了嗎?
謝謝解答 [/quote]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-31 10:52 |只看該作者

Re: RC Parents. Let's share.

1. 於lunch time是否由老師帶領到Canteen, 及帶回課室呢? 因為我諗佢哋未必知時間自己返去(they are only 5 years old) . 如自己帶食物是否要在Outdoor進食呢?

--- Teacher takes the kids to wash their hands then go to the canteen together.  Since lunch time lasts for an hour, kids usually spend the rest of the time to play after eating.  Just like snack time, A teacher will blow a whistle when time's up and the kids will line up at where they belong. 5-year-old is big enough to handle it themselves.  

If the kids bring their own food, they can choose to eat inside the canteen or outside the canteen where the tables are.

2. 你們覺得校車安排好嗎?

---  I am not sure about this as my kid doesn't take school bus.  

3. 泳池啟用了嗎?

-- I am not sure about it either but I think Y1 kids will not be using the pool.
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