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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 提昇就讀IS孩子對中文的興趣
樓主: jolalee

提昇就讀IS孩子對中文的興趣 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-10 11:41 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 14-4-10 11:55 編輯

就算屋企講全中文嘅家庭, 我都重來未見過有is學生嘅聽講能力有問題.  但係屋企講太多英文嘅家庭, 我就見過即使係香港土生土長, 家庭背景係廣東話嘅中國人, 就算父母去到高小嘗試改返中文溝通, 但個細路都唔會再講中文! 阿媽同佢講中文, 佢就笞英文.  即使同d 阿婆阿麻被迫講, 都係極唔掂, 成個鬼佬講廣東話咁, 用辭就更係limited.  所以個人意見, 讀IS 小朋友嘅父母, 在家最好用中文為主, 否則日常佢地用中文嘅時間真係好少, 不竟女傭多數又係用英文, 咁最常見又要講中文嘅人, 除左父母, 重有邊個?  好似我自己屋企為例, 琴日全日, 我兩個細路可用中文嘅時間就係同我及老公, 其餘時間係學校, 除左上普通話堂, 都係全英語, 返到屋企同工人都係英文.

我有朋友, 為左考IS, 個小朋友一直都係英文為主. 到y1先驚覺個細路唔係幾肯講中文, 越大個, 改變越慢越難. 個媽媽最初嘗試講多d中文, 見個細路冇物反應, 自然又講返多d英文.  結果而家連上課外活動都要搵有英文嘅, 因為廣東話班個細路跟唔上!


sobmama  doing the same :)  發表於 14-10-6 12:37
sobmama  totally agree!! I am doing the   發表於 14-10-6 12:36
mini_cc  我仔仔P2,完全是你所講那種,我   發表於 14-9-16 20:25

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-10 14:54 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 jolalee 於 14-4-10 14:58 編輯
elmostoney 發表於 14-4-10 11:41
就算屋企講全中文嘅家庭, 我都重來未見過有is學生嘅聽講能力有問題.  但係屋企講太多英文嘅家庭, 我就見過 ...

That's exactly the reason why I picked a fully through-train school over ESF (we are giving up his kindie spot-- the final year to have interview priority into ESF primary). Missing that golden age of 3-6 for language  acquisition is really not worth it for me, Once the child reaches around age 7, even the storage location for language learning in the brain differs dramatically.
As of this morning, I am switching to mainly Canto mode. My son can fully understand me since I started the half canto mode a year ago and daddy spoke to him in canto since birth (although daddy speaks with a heavy geilo accent and has less than 3 hours of conversation with him altogether per week, it still helps). He also has a weekly class in canto too so that helps as well. The main problem is he still answers in English. I would translate his statements into Chinese and ask him to repeat it (usually a question; he's in the 'why' phase). He usually complies. Due to our routine, I notice that he answers better in Chinese during PM as well. LOL.  It is not an easy journey but I see hope yet. Thank you!!

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 14-4-10 21:28 |只看該作者




jolalee  謝謝你!我會努力學好自己的中文的!!  發表於 14-4-11 01:40
elmostoney  非常同意!  主要問題是上小學後寫讀, 三歲實在無須太著緊.  家中有中文語境已足夠, 英文就留給學校吧.  絕不會因為在家中沒有說英文而令孩子跟不上.  發表於 14-4-10 21:55

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-10 22:05 |只看該作者
孩子自我調控能力很強, 以前我跟Montessori教大女,也會很重視3~6歲學什麼什麼敏感期。但生了老二後開始放鬆,甚至可以說,我沒有怎麼對老二實行幼教,只重視他的自理能力。我對老二完全沒有特別教他什麼語文,也沒想過要怎樣教他中文和英文,只隨心去做,並無刻意去用全英或全中和他對話。我反而覺得之前對大女太高期望,會為她做很多事,對孩子的自然發展反而不一定好。



annie40  我们是经一事长一智啊! 嘻嘻!  發表於 14-4-11 14:03
jolalee  Thanks for your reminder. I should just speak naturally ;)  發表於 14-4-11 01:41

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 14-4-11 00:25 |只看該作者
jolalee 發表於 14-4-9 00:12
謝謝你的分享,實在非常合用。語文的確是實用、互動的情況下學習最好。我仔仔也有個說中文的表哥,比他大兩 ...
老實說, 我並沒有好似大部份人咁, 好認真的將中文和英文分開, 因為再外地生活時要只和她說中文有些難度, 雖然她的初期語言能力真的比同齡小朋友差, 要2歲才會說英文句子, 中文只懂講幾個詞語, 不過她是聽得明的, 那時做health check的醫生同我講, billingual小朋友是會遲些開始說話, 是很正常, 不代表她不懂, 只是未ready講出來, 所以不用心急! 當然在香港的家長會心急d, 會覺得小朋友語言遲緩 .... 她差不多3歲來香港, 那時英文已開始流利, 中文不太好, 不過當佢接觸多d講中文的人時, 佢的中文已逐漸進步, 我同佢講乜語言都是睇情況而定, 可是唔覺得佢有語言混淆, 佢對中文和英文都很接受, 基本上就是對人講人話, 對鬼講鬼話, 不過有時佢會玩佢爸爸, 專登同佢講中文. 我冇要求佢一定要英文問用英文回, 中文問用中文回, 因為我不想她覺得我束搏佢, 佢很硬頸, 我越迫佢越唔會做. 如果有時佢用英文回我, 我會認同佢, 跟住話俾佢知頭先講d嘢中文係點講, 佢都好接受, 會自動轉回中文, 有時佢講中文, 我會話: 你咁叻嘅, 識講中文同英文兩樣! 佢會好開心!
佢現時是讀國際學校, 9月都會直升同校的小學部, 其實佢去年讀了一年本地KG, 都學了不少廣東話, 不過今年雖然轉了IS, 佢d廣東話都仍然有進步, 我的親友們都好驚呀佢d中文越講越好.

其實學語言興趣真的很重要,我識的ESF畢葉生, 說ESF的中文課學唔到d乜, 不過佢中文認讀ok, 因為中學時鍾意睇[龍珠]! 另外有朋友6歲移民UK, 佢喜歡中文睇書, 半自學咁佢d認讀都好勁(寫就不太得), 可以睇到中文聖經, 三毛, 金鏞的小說!  雖然興趣睇落只是一個起點, 不過冇咗佢, 你迫佢上無數中文堂, 佢都學得唔好!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-11 01:36 |只看該作者
cowmoon 發表於 14-4-10 11:10
我女兒有輕微的中文讀寫問題。感恩現在七歲的她,已進步了很多,可讀簡易拼音版的西遊記等,同時也喜歡英文 ...
用部件教中文的確很有用,我也去過有關高較教中文的seminar, 不過我自己中文差,兒子也不是容易坐下的那一種。請問各位有那些playgroup用部件高效教中文好?

閱讀興趣:的確我朋友送了一本簡易版的三國演義給我們。我兒子雖然三歲但好像對它很有興趣。前天晚上我叫他choose a book, 他說他要看「中國演義」。我心裡暗笑拿了書跟他讀,又是要看放火燒赤壁(即火燒連環船)及孔明借箭。書看了不過幾次,他已經常問我「曹操喺邊啊?」我真要走去多謝送書的朋友!

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-11 01:55 |只看該作者
紅紅 發表於 14-4-11 00:25
老實說, 我並沒有好似大部份人咁, 好認真的將中文和英文分開, 因為再外地生活時要只和她說中文有些難度, 雖 ...
"雖然興趣睇落只是一個起點, 不過冇咗佢, 你迫佢上無數中文堂, 佢都學得唔好!"

因為之前要考難度較高的IS而注重英文,現在大可放心做返自己 興趣班我會多選中文的。我始終也是同意那句,學習動力比其他什麼方法都重要 (當然有好方法便事半功倍)。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-11 09:18 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 elmostoney 於 14-4-11 09:18 編輯

直至大女兒20個月, 我和她只用英文對答.  有一次幼教導師提醒下, 我才突然改用全中文 (大部份中文). 最初她不太理會我, 後來慢慢會回答, 但仍以英文為主. 終於她用中文了, 但口音有如洋人說廣東話, 到四歲才真的改正過來.  

下個月她8歲了,唸了三年國際學校.  她的英語口語一直比同學差 (理解沒問題), 只在近大半年才明顯開始趕上, 這和她喜結交朋友及愛看書不無關係.  中文口語方面, 她算可以.  當然沒有本地學校的孩子能用的詞彙豐富, 而且會夾雜著不少英文, 但基本上算得上流利.  

因為從小在全普通話幼稚園上學的關係, 而我家長期聘有普通話家教 (這個學年起, 一星期四天, 除了一般寫字, 認字, 讀書, 造句外, 會說故事和討論), 我家孩子某程度上可說是三語發展的 (他們的普通話在一般情況下溝通沒問題, 太地道的當然不行. 記得老二三歲半時, 有一位老師, 如不深究, 還以為他生長在普通話家庭. 當然, 再說下去, 可能要露馬腳.)  所以我更感受到, 多語發展的孩子, 給他時間, 他們能做得到的.


jolalee    發表於 14-4-11 10:59

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-14 08:25 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 jolalee 於 14-4-14 08:27 編輯
elmostoney 發表於 14-4-11 09:18
直至大女兒20個月, 我和她只用英文對答.  有一次幼教導師提醒下, 我才突然改用全中文 (大部份中文). 最初 ...

Elmostoney 我有一個問題想請教你。你覺得用蒙特梭利的方法教中文效果如何?(for both your kids)

兒子打從一歲起便是蒙記教出來,直至現在也主力在同一所蒙記學校成長學習。黎緊八月要開始適應 main stream IS的新校了。一來我真的不想他未夠四歲便離開蒙特梭理的教學環境(老師說如果他能待到六歲,對他的專注力及學習的耐力上會有很大幫助),二來他要由雙語學習變回單語 (幸好新校每天2.5小時課程,2小時英、半小時中,好過冇),我打算每週一個早上放他在近兩時的普通話蒙特梭利班。我很慶幸原校的上環分校有這課程,對我來說簡直是一石二鳥。當然每週兩小時在蒙記訓練及中文學習方面都不是很夠,但總算好過冇。其實我也可以選擇一週兩次half day (3 hrs) bilingual kindergarten class, 但他己返緊half day, 不想太overload佢,而且兩小時專心用中文做蒙記學習,我覺得也不錯。另一選擇當然是每週找中文老師補普通話,我也認識一位好老師,但如其他家長所說,這方面等他大個點才開始都可以。只想聽聽閣下及大家的意見。

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 14-4-14 14:25 |只看該作者
For your reference, nearly all IS school kinders would mix part of 蒙特梭理curriculum +  other western curriculum into the teaching, so 蒙記學校 is not the only magic to nurture children's attention, focus and disciplines.   

Regarding Chinese tutors, must source the very qualifed one with kind heart. I hate the buy and sell concept in education personally. It doesn't work if your boy doesn't feel the caring and beloved.  Every week 1-2 lessons are sufficient.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-14 19:48 |只看該作者
回覆 annie40 的帖子

Yes the teacher we know is very caring and wise, excellent methodology mixed with a kind heart. I just hope she still has a spot for my son when he is older.

As for Montessori vs. main stream IS, there still is a big difference in terms of the set up, environment and teaching method. Yes, mainstream teachers trained in Western ECE (early childhood education) does learn about Maria Montessori's theory, and probably know about the sensitive period etc. However, a Montessori specific classroom is designed very differently from a mainstream one, including the rules of engagement. Actually, i must say (although i am a great Montessori fan), that there are certain aspects lacking in the Montessori setting, such as the all important mature pretend play we now see in most quality kindergarten. I really don't mind it since i can supply lots of pretend play for my son at home (including an accommodating playmate - myself). Montessori also avoided conflicts between children with they very well designed 'personal space' (the work mat), which is great for academic learning purposes, but then kids do learn too when they fight for toys and has to solve social issues naturally themselves. So although i do feel the lost going mainstream, i do look forward to what he will experience up ahead ;)

As to a weekly Montessori mandarin class next year, i still wonder how effective that is.


annie40  noted. thanks for sharing.  發表於 14-4-14 21:42

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-14 23:49 |只看該作者
jolalee, I cant say how a child would fare in learning Chinese under the Montessori system.  I am afraid that there isnt a Montessori school in HK focusing in this area.  Even IMS teaches Chinese by using a mostly traditional method.  Taiwan,on the other hand, has a longer history of Montessori education and many schools hv developed a good Chinese program following the Montessori methodology.  I know some basics of Chinese Mont teaching, but getting a basic set of tools is just too much work.  So I teach my kids by using whatever material is available and then I do lots of trials, esp with my daughter.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-15 02:35 |只看該作者
Hm, they do? Given the good track record of how well IMS students' Chinese turn out even with a large non-Chinese population, i thought they have a good thing going there which is different from other schools... I heard the level of Chinese at DMS-Central is also pretty good as well, but perhaps i really should take a closer look before i allow my son to spend (or waste) 2 hours each week doing it.

From the Montessori advertising photos i always notice the sand paper characters, much like their English counter parts, and i thought perhaps this is the way to go given i don't want to spoon feed my son Chinese at this (or any) age. Do you think rote learning is the only way to acquire Chinese (reading & writing). Last year i went to a seminar on 高效中文認字, and they teach about learning Chinese using 部件。Given my level of Chinese (or the lack thereof), most of it went over my head, but it gave me the impression that learning Chinese can be fun and easy if the method is correct.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-15 12:26 |只看該作者
my friend's child is at IMS.  Once the child reaches a certain age around 4.5 at Casa, they start them on lots of Chinese hw. Their sand paper characters are few imho and I saw them using some Otc Chinese copybook as well.  if u come to think of it, they need to achieve a similar Chinese level as LS P1 at age 6/7,so what do they have to do? Personally, I think the pinyin system is a good way to start a child on reading in order to sustain their interest in Chinese in this age when IS kids have a definite preference to English.  If they are not willing to read, your path will certainly be wrought with difficulty.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-4-16 01:30 |只看該作者
回覆 elmostoney 的帖子

I see, so I guess IMS also apply the rote learning method when it comes to learning to write Chinese? May I ask what is Otc Chinese copybook? (Sorry I am so new at this) I think going the pinyin route is possible after the child mastered English phonics. I know schools such as YCIS teaches English & pinyin phonics in different years on purpose so that the kids don't confuse the two. Are pinyin book usually come from mainland and do they teach using simplified Chinese?

At this point I am still trying to get my boy to sight read traditional Chinese, because I teach using street signs & everything we see around us. After next year when we settle with his current school, which uses simplified Chinese, then I might have to switch over. In the mean time since his current school uses traditional Chinese, I am glad and take advantage of the opportunity.

So far ever since I switched over my boy is speaking Chinese more & more. He would blurt out a whole sentence in Chinese (at his own timing) which never happened before. Thank you everyone for your advise! I still use various opportunities to strengthen his English grammatic structures (ie role play time in English or lunch time while my helper is around; still feel rude to dine together and speak Chinese with my son--bad Etiqutte if you ask me).

My boy is good at verbal memory but not as focused when it comes to text recognition. I take advantage of that and use the books he memorized somewhat and point at words he already has in his head (both the English & Chinese story books), not sure how much that would help. I know other boys his age being able to read text quite well already so I worry a bit, but I really don't wanna force it and hope to move at his own pace. I know in terms of verbal language learning there is somewhat a window (which some has disproved here), does text recognition has one too? I heard about kids who learn to read early continues to excel in grade schools, just wondering if that is true, especially when it comes to Chinese reading...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-9-16 07:04 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 jolalee 於 14-9-16 08:09 編輯


Thanks to the encouragement & suggestions from fellow EK parents, after I switched over completely to daily conversation in Chinese since April, my son (now 3 years & 10 months old) is speaking mainly with me in Cantonese,  :)

Surprisingly, we chanced upon 三國演義 (comic book version as a gift from a fellow mom) and 西遊記 (since i ran out of bed time story ideas and started telling him about the monkey king; we later bought a 西遊記繪本 as well). He loves them both and kept asking me to read stories from it to him. I was just quite impressed that we were going through 中國四大名著 at this early age (although they are washed down versions, of course).

My boy is able to switch over upon meeting different people now; school in full English and family members in full Chinese (at least for those who speaks Chinese). Grandparents overseas were pleasantly surprised by how well the kid is speaking in Chinese now, given he was mainly "English channel" less than half a year ago.

Just want to encourage fellow parents that language switch for a child is possible, if the right methods are used. Keep at it everyone, and hope your children will continue to find success in bilingual learning ;)

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 14-9-16 10:36 |只看該作者
good job, Jolalee!  My girl loves money king and all kind of Chinese tales as well.

Once kids love our cultures and stories, mom can nurture them all Chinese things easily.  Keep going..

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-9-16 14:54 |只看該作者
jolalee 發表於 14-9-16 07:04
Surprisingly, we chanced upon 三國演義 ...
There is a difference between learning a language and learning a culture, e.g. it is possible to be good at the French language without knowing much about France and its history and culture.

If the intention is to learn both language and culture, then it is fine to use something like 三國演義, but if the intention is just to learn the language then one should be careful in choosing the learning material, otherwise one might get more than what was bargained for. This post is not meant as a discouragement in any way, just a little reminder :)

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 14-9-16 17:31 |只看該作者
It is a package to learn both language, culture and people .  Without the interest into history, culture and life, the learning of language would be like a beauty with no soul that we hardly keep it going persistently.

For passed 12 years I have been struggling to source appropriate learning material to learn Chinese. I was always disappointed not able to find readers that match to my child's interest and reading level .   But luckily we Chinese have a lot of beautiful history, poems, people, tales, wisdom that keep her in wonderland at all times.  She is proud of her country and Chinese wisdom.

What I want to say is it is ok to read all stuff that gives  fun and entertainment to children. I hope my experience would support those young parents to find their own way in home tutoring.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 14-9-16 18:07 |只看該作者
annie40 發表於 14-9-16 17:31
It is a package to learn both language, culture and people .  Without the interest into history, cul ...
Hmm, many people in Hongkong know the English language, some know it quite well too, but very few know much about English or the broader Anglo-Saxon history or culture. Its not really a matter of beauty or soul or anything deep, it is a matter of whether one learns a language as a communication tool or as an art form or as an essential part of a "national identity", it is very much a personal choice and I'm not saying one choice is right and another is wrong :)

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