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Searching the Best School in the World Donated to thankful [複製鏈接]

發表於 08-7-9 15:06 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-9 15:07 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-9 15:10 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 15:34 |只看該作者
其実譲我們反璞帰真、再看看FATE開出的THREAD、大家是否有興趣発表意見、有的、便発表一下、没有的、便可看可不看。  我是第一個回応的人、所以我発表了、不再多説。 話得説回來、無論英文や好、中文也好、総覚得以簡潔、直接為主就最好了。  因今日大家不是作詩作詞的文人雅士、到題便OK了、不是嗎? 冗長的文章、或來得空洞的、看來看去、也不知在説甚麼。 如果今日FATE開的THREAD是類似「心目中最好的学校応具備何種条件(因素)」、我相信很多父母已回応了。  奈何THREAD是Searching the best school in the world、看内容又好像不到題、所以有時我也会像THANKFUL的想法一様、為何不直接了当的説出自己的想法、及生活体験、譲大家分享分享呢!!
有MEMBER説喜歓北欧的学校、覚得質素高、我也賛成、但北欧社会制度同香港完全不同、税制高、差不多人人平等、是真実的共産主義国家。  香港不可能行這套的。  也有提及提唱7歳以後才上学、、、記得有一在香港任教的NET TEACHER告訴我、可以的話不要勉強児女7歳前学写中文字、因這会妨害他們的CREATIVITY発展、理想帰理想、在香港可以嗎?

發表於 08-7-9 15:42 |只看該作者
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發表於 08-7-9 15:56 |只看該作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-9 16:00 |只看該作者
原文章由 daydream 於 08-7-9 14:56 發表
Don't be so stupid

Yes, he has been retired (as an employee) for more than 10 years BUT set up hi ...

Ha Ha Ha.  He has been retired ...  For once I am with you Daydream.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-7-9 16:04 |只看該作者

Since listing your school choices in so many countries is so difficult for you (if not, what takes you so long?), please share with us your experience with the UK, especially Greater London area and Ireland.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-7-9 17:14 |只看該作者

Would this be thee perfect solution to end arguement ????

Dear all,

I have been following this thread for the last week it is very interesting how this arguement have developed.

In the blue corner we have Thankful, daydream,iamfine..etc, who felt frustrated, going round in circles, being treated as if we were in kindergarten (and i must admit this was how I felt at the begining).  "Fate" has lots of philosophy on life - "Do we live to eat or do we eat to live".... and so on.  He also likes to keep people guessing - "what have I got in my pocket can you guess?".

In the red corner we have mum99, papa2000,chingyu ..etc, who obviously know "Fate" quite well through his other threads in this forum.  I sure what they describe "Fate" as a "humble, generous and wise dad" is true.

It funny how that when I read comments from the Thankful and daydream I alway tend to stand on the blue corner and say to myself why am I listening to this guy blabbling on about his "Life's experience", its got nothing to do with me and how my kids perform in international school.

But when I read comments from mum99, chingyu and papa2000, I tend to stand on the red corner as I understand comments from "Fate" life experience which I never learned as a child and that a person should view life in a light-hearted and fun way.

This is called empathy.

This arguement will just go on and on with neither corner backing down.  I did a bit of searching and detective work and have found the perfect solution !!!!

Those in the blue corner should go to the following thread
http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/viewthread.php?tid=1369608&page=3#pid25384622. (dated 08-04-15 20:45)
which clearly explains Fate view on the the best school in the world) In his own word:

"It is also worth mentioning, after 10 year of searching over 4 Countries for the Best School, I would like to share with you my Four Observations :-

1) ....................best School in this World. ........."

For those in the red corner I suggest you skip the above thread and carrying debating "which is the best school in the world" and sharing life's experiences with "Fate".

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 18:02 |只看該作者

Back as Promised

Dear All Actively & Quietly Involved Parents,

I'm back as promised in my following reply to Mum99 - I'm here to repsond to thankful.

But bear with my poor typing skill, it may take sometime.

Life is a Journey NOT a Competition

原文章由 Fate 於 08-7-8 10:56 發表
Hi Mum 99

Thanks for your support and I was meant to response to xenonlit, Mighty & owenmami FIRST.

But, since you've brought up a very Important Point and I do feel it's essential to Clarify Withou ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 18:38 |只看該作者
Twolovelyboys : my salute to you.. I absolutely admire your patience, calmness and observation in this thread.  

Hi Fate, let me help you as you said you are not very good at typing.  Here you go:-

It is also worth mentioning, after 10 year of searching over 4 Countries for the Best School, I would like to share with you my Four Observations :-

1) There is NO Best School in this World.

Like Every Country, Every School has Something to Offer.

The Only difference is,

What the school offers actually Matches what one needs at a particular point of  time.

2) Other than the Top 10% & the Bottom 10%, the Majority of schools, in majority of places in this World, are More or Less the Same Standard;

3) The Best Education mostly comes from two parts :-

a) Parents

Children learn Most and Mainly from their Parents, AND Mainly from what their Parents DO  than Say.

b) Hardship, Setbacks, Failures etc.

An individual learns their Most Important Skills in Life, More about Themselves, Others and the Nature when they are hit by all these Failures, Disappointments etc. in Life.  How well they handle the Ugly Side of Life is to Determine how Happy or Successful they subsequently are.

Hope I have NOT confused you.

Stay Clam. Stay Focus. And you will be There.

So Fate, no need to retype and no need to say thank you either.  It is your own words anyway.  I just wanted to help by simply "copy & paste".

I think you have answered your own question yourself and that is what was said right from the beginning by another member that there is no so-called The Best School in the World.

End of the story, yes?  

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 18:40 |只看該作者

Part 1- My Promise

Hi thankful,

Although there're parents openly through feedback and quietly through pm (and even yourself suggesting) there's no need to respond to you, I take up the Challenge in responding because of two reasons:-

1) My boys

I've constantly reminded my aged 9 and aged 5 boys,

"It's Wrong to walk away from any Challenge in Life, we've to deal with it there and then and with our best Abilities."

Because to have True & Long Lasting Success in Life, one has to have the Right Attitudes & the Right Abilities and in THIS Order; and

2) Your Kids at SIS (Primary)

Every child deserves More time with their parents.  And I've noticed you were sending a reply to chinyu even at 0152 hrs!!  I really hope my following answers to your questions will calm things down a bit and and everything is back to normal.  After all, the Best Gift to our child is Our Time.

Well, I must admit I admire your Fighting Spirit.
You Never Give Up.  But what if you've been Fighting Under the Wrong Presumptions?  I often remind experienced investors the golden rule before them rushing to invest to ask themselves one question,

'What if I'm WRONG?"

thankful, have you ever thought if there is a possibly you've made WRONG Pressumptions about me?

I must also admit I admire your Attention To Details.
You like a CID. But what about you have MISSED the Most Important details?

thankful, have you ever thought had you stopped arguing for a minute and patiently read the feedback from xenonlit & owenmami for one minute (and my responses to them), you'd have already found the answers you'd Pressurised so Hard for?

......................TO BE CONTINUED..........................

(It's 2038 hrs here in Sunshine Coast, Australia, I've to take my boys to bed and have "10-munite talk about - the things they like most for today."  After all, we're here to Develop Good Habits for our Children. Back soon.)

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 08-7-9 20:57 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 20:34 |只看該作者

Part 2 - My Answers

Hi thankful

For a moment , I thought you're part of my Family.

You're a bit like my Dad.  He critised a Taiwan made TV series, "Body Guard" broadcasted in TVB in the 70s, but still everynight he sat on the chair in front of TV right on time to watch the programme!!  

Just like you keep saying I've been wasting your time, and yet you've kept reading my thread & keep writing feedbacks! So you've concluded it was My Fault you keep reading my thread?

You're a bit like my Wife. She often says I'm "Mad"like you did  - because she does NOT like me going too far in helping others. (And she once stated she must have been in her Worst Year & eyes covered by Ghost to have married me!)

You're a bit like my 5-year-old boy, keep saying, "Prove it, Prove it!" You have questioned I may not even have a child - but at least I should be given the credits for getting a "FAKED" boys photo to attach - and have you?  Please feel free to confirm with other BK parents:

- ngmammy, chelsea, Suk du fuk - our families had a great time in Tsing Yi.  And I had learnt so much from their children, from ngmammy's Love for Reading, chelsea's NOT having portable computer games, Suk duk fuk's Eager to Share. It's our duty as parents to Observe and Learn from others - their children NEVER told me anything; (And I even exchanged HK$100 for tokens for their 5 children to play at the Jumping Gym)

- chingyu, carolsin - our families met in the RC's Fun Day. I learnt from their children How Easy to Be a Happy Person - again they NEVER told me this either;

- ALAU - their family followed us all the way from GoldCoast & stayed at our home in Sunshine Coast and had a great time together.

They can tell you I'm Real and have two boys.

Or you can contact other BK memebers like,
RichMPoorM - how I rang her in UK to clarify and share investment tips;
missi - how I rang her in Canada to share investment tips;

They can tell you how far I stretch out to help others;

Do I need to go on?

You're also a bit like my Ex-Boss, ordering me to do this and that, in a particular order & in a short time.

thankful, do you appreciate people have other committments in Life?  I started the post at 1838 hrs on 5 July (that is in Australia, it was 2038 hrs!) and at 1028 hrs on 7 July you already called me Mad - that's only 1 1/2 day in between, I needed to sleep, eat, bath, exercise as warned by my GP, washing dishes, mowing lawn, cleaning swimming pool etc. as ordered by my wife etc. and take my boys out for trips - yes, we 're now in school holidays in Australia! And yes, I do NOT have a domestic helper!

You're a bit like my Mother-in-law, so Suspicious about everything. What kind of Gains I'm to get from this thread?  Selling a List of Best Schools to BK parents? Selling the Tips of getting into the Best School?  Working as an Immigration Consultant, Owning an Overseas Investment Consultancy Firm etc. I wish my boys are having such Great Imaginations like you lot!

May be you lot are too young, I'm 45 (any Rabbit out there?) . I presume you lot therefore may have never heard of "Confidential Schemes for Certain Senior Civil Servants". I was offered a Deal in 97 and I took it.  Have I ever laughed at you lot for not knowing this Fact? (At July 1997, I had a Monthy Salary of about HK$52,000 + a Monthly Housing Allowance of about HK$18,000 - Happy?)

Did I NOT know you could be Sarcastic when comparing me wiht Indiana Jones?  Of course, I do but, what If I'm wrong - so I preferred seeing it as a Compliment - rather than seeing the Negative side of you.  If you had read more in details (just few more lines), you would have noticed I was NOT being Sarcastic like you, I was  actually Complimenting xenonlit's Analytical Skill.

Alright , now come to the part you're Most Interested, My Dramatic Life Experience.

Be Kind and Everything Comes to You

原文章由 Fate 於 08-7-9 18:40 發表
Hi thankful,

Although there're parents openly through feedback and quietly through pm (and even yourself suggesting) there's no need to respond to you, I take up the Challenge in responding because o ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 08-7-9 20:52 編輯 ]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-9 21:41 |只看該作者

Part 3 - My Dramatic Life

hi thankful,

Let me just concentrate for the last 13 years, because you never seem to have enough time, and also Unluck 13 is a good start in refreshing about 1/3  of Dramatic Life.

At 32, I was already a Millionare & 2 years into my Senior Civil Servant role;

At 32, I had also stood more than once on a MTR platform, thinking that if I jumped down, there would be NO more sufferings - I was, at one point, very Deprssed due to Work Related Stress but I Survived.

At 34, I earned more than HK$100,000 a week due to my Red Chip shares' non stop rising, but only to see them dropped by over 50% within a year due to Asian Crisis!

At 34, just 4 days before leaving HK for UK, I bought the Most Expansive HOS flat in Mongkok (though I would have thought it was in Tai Kok Tsui), it was HK$3,300 per square feet even at 50% discount of the market price, but only to see it drop by over 55% within a year due to Asian Crisis!

At 35, so, my wife & I had to squeeze in a tiny room near Wood Green, London, paying 50 pounds a week, sharing a toilet with eight other persons, one of which was a pregnant woman who often caused a long queue O/S toilet!

At 39, we sold our semi- detached house in Totteridge N20, London and went to NZ (my wife is a RN).  Our Mortgage was instantly gone, thanks to the Dramatic House Appreication in UK and the Great Exchange Rate. We thought we had nothing to worry from then on.

But, on 20 July 2005, in NZ, my wife suddenly shouted loud in my younger boy's room (who was then about 2 1/2), askiing me to rush to the room.

I saw my wife hitting my boy's face quite hard, massaging his heart with three fingers, crying and saying loud to my second boy,

"Come back, my boy.
Don't go, my boy.
Mum is here.
Don't give up on us.  
Wake up, m boy....."

My younger boy was not responding, his limbs were powerless, his eyes half open half close etc.  we rushed into the car, my wife kept doing the above.

That's the Most Difficult Moment in my Life and the Longest Drive to Emergency, which is only a 7-minute drive.  It's so hard to see your own child going and going, right in front of you, second by second.

I then made a Promise in Life,

"If my boy survives this, I'll do whatever I can for the rest of my Life to help other children."

And my younger child DID start to wake up  before us arriving the Emergency.

I had so much Tears in my eyes and then so much Joy.

So what did I write this post?
So, what was my Hidden Agenda?

I wish every parent to undestand,

We're to make Good Memories for Our Children.
We've to be Happy First.

It's NOT us bringing Our Children to this world, it's Our Children Bringing Us to this world - they bring us to be their Guiding Angels.

We're NOT the Best Ourselves, why do we have to push Our Innocent Children to be one?

Sorry, have to go, I cannot stop my tears because of the flashing images of my younger boy's incident.

The Greatest Burden in Life is Parents' Unreasonable Expectations

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-7-9 22:33 |只看該作者
Enjoy reading yr post, FATE. I like yr New Age style of response.

Thank you for sharing yr life story. It touch my heart.

發表於 08-7-10 03:33 |只看該作者
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 08-7-10 07:27 |只看該作者

Part 4 - My Questions

Hi the not so thankful thankful

Since you enjoy pressing others with questions and I've answered some if not all of them, and it's only Fair that it's my turn now to ask you some questions :

1) Why did you have to be even More Aggressive to me every when a BK parent supporting me?

2) Could you provide me 3 BK parents that have seen you in person? (I gave you 5)

3) What is the title of your BK thread you've open  YOURSELF;

4) What makes you Happy?
(Other than Being Sarcastic - you used this term yourself)

5) When is the last time you helped others?  

6) When is the last time you said "Sorry" to others?

7) Have you seen a USA movie called, "Pay It Forward"?

After my second child "Near Death" Incident, I spent a few days alone, asking myself,

"What have I done to deserve this?"

And then I realised how Wrong I had been.

Before leaving HK, I already owned the name of "The King of Complaint". I had a 100% Successful Rate. Big Firms had to pay me compensation in cash or gift vouchers or points as "One Off", "Gesture of Goodwill etc. time and time again. Just to give you two examples,

I had made the Assistant CEO of Hang Senk Bank asking his driver to take him from his office at Central  to my office at TKO, then taking me out for a free lunch to settle my complaint.

I had made a solicitor sending in his messenger at 2100 hrs to hand deliver an "Apologising Letter" to me.

I had been offered free meals from my friends, helping them to write Complaining Letters and, of course, seeking compensation.  

I continued my life as the "King Of Complaint" when I moved to UK. Again, just to give you two examples.

I had a Regional Manager of HSBC to visit me at my Toteridge (N20) home to offer Personal Apology.

I had the CEO of Laings Home visited me at my Mill Hill (MW7) to offer Personal Apology and Compensation.

I never felt So Good, So Great, So Powerful,

"I'm in Total Control, I'm the Boss" I once said it to myself.  

What starting off as merely Fight Back of being Victimised by firms' mistake had become something controllable - I started looking forward to be Victimised, so that I could Complain - I was totally in love of Complaining!

But, then after my second child's incident,  I had finally woke up.  I then realised How Mean, How Sarcastic, How Naive, How Arrogant, How Ignornant, How Hollow, and bascially How Terrible a person I had been!  How much Hattress Trapped WITHIN Myself.

I realised the Ultimate Punishement had finally caught up with me.  And the Worst Bit, it happend to Your Most Loved One to ensure the Greatest Damage!

From that day onwards, I started changing myself.  When firm making mistakes, I draw their attention in a Positive Way, showing them what the mistakes were and  how I would have done to have prevented the mistakes from happening in the first place.

I began to feel better, began to understand the Wisdom of

"Forgiveness is the Best Biggest Gift in Life, to Oneself, to Others."

thankful, do you think I've NOT thought of the possibility that you're actually a Nasty Person, committing all these Offensive Acts (like Dictating what others should do, how they should do etc.), thinking that you could get away from hiding in your Virtual Identity?  

Do youn think I have NOT thought of the possibility that you're actually a Lonely Person, desperately Seeking Attention by being Unreasoanable, Unfair etc. to others?

Of course, I did.  But, I also reminded myself,

"What if I'm Wrong? And you're a Real Person with children."

And if this is the case, what do all these leading you to?  

If you were Smarter, Wiser, Have Better Carerer, Have More Money, Have Better Education etc. than I;


Does the above make you a Better Person, a Better Parent?

I constantly remind my boys,

"Being Right does NOT give you the Right to be Rude."

And you've NOT been Right from a start.

There are Good Sides and Bad Sides inside every peson. It's about time to show us your Other Side.

thankful, I suggest you to take a ferry ride from the Central, have a nice cup of tea on board, look further and deeper, let go all of your Unhappy Life Experiences and Negative Emotions, and arriving in Kowloon with a New Vision.

I've to thank you for showing us the Classcial Example of,

"How a Prejudice, Egoism  can Impair a Person's Judgement."

(And basically any Negative Emotions , which have the Potentails in Destroying a person)

thankful, in Life we all making choices.  

You now have a choice, you either come back and show us your Other Side and be a Friend,


Continue to be Negative, which I do NOT have time for - and you could Take Over the thread if you want for your Own Satisfaction or Gain or sorry what ulxx what is the word you love to use to decribe motive again ,as you obviously enjoying being the Centre of Attraction.

And one HK famous Writer/Producer Choi Lan once stated,

"Never Bother to be a Friend of a Negative Person"

It's NOT about you or I, it's about Our Children - they're watching us. Copying Us.

Looking Forward to Your Answers to my above questions and meeting the Goood Side of thankful.

So will you excuse now, as I've to take my boys to a maze (www.bellmaze.com)

Passing on Our Positives to Our Children

原文章由 Fate 於 08-7-9 21:41 發表
hi thankful,

Let me just concentrate for the last 13 years, because you never seem to have enough time, and also Unluck 13 is a good start in refreshing about 1/3  of Dramatic Life.

At 32, I was alr ...

[ 本文章最後由 Fate 於 08-7-10 07:39 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-7-10 08:52 |只看該作者
hi fate,  sorry to hear about your child, I am feel for you. I now think I know what you want us to find out ourselves. There is no best school and the best education is at home from parents. We have to be positive and kind to other people to make sure our children positively effected by us.  Honestly, I had read something like this before many times, I had forgot about them, this time, I can remember better after this thinking and arguing and your different method in presenting your ideas.  Thanks. I only hope there are more parents also appreciate your good cause.

Sorry to parents I unintentionally offended before during the heated (and now know productive) debate.

原文章由 Fate 於 08-7-10 07:27 發表
Hi the not so thankful thankful

Since you enjoy pressing others with questions and I've answered some if not all of them, and it's only Fair that it's my turn now to ask you some questions :

1) Why  ...

[ 本文章最後由 Papa2ooo 於 08-7-10 09:02 編輯 ]

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