密      碼:
教育王國 討論區 保良局蔡繼有學校 校巴時間表
樓主: 睡美人

校巴時間表 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-4 11:27 |只看該作者
I live in HMT and the school bus came to pick up at 7.55am as scheduled by yesterday morning.  Then, I asked my husband to drive me to Kwong Lee Rd immed.  I arrived at 8.20am while the school bus only arrived until 8.40am.  I asked one teacher who stood at the entrance how they keep and control the time fm Kwong Lee Rd to Tin Hau in the future if the school bus is late for 15mins. But she said that today would be fine and under control.  Let's see what happen today when my son come back home lor.....

原文章由 Lofty 於 07-9-4 09:34 硐表
It is really unbelieveable but it did happened!!!!!!
How about your route?  

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-4 11:30 |只看該作者
As I know, the latest one arrived until 9.15am though I don't know what's this route.  Another one is coming fm Sheung Shui which arrived earlier around 8.50am.  

原文章由 Lofty 於 07-9-4 11:22 硐表
請問你尋日約幾點上車? 8:20am已經到達學校?
尋日我地冇坐校車, 返到學校之後, 發現好多校車都未到.....

Rank: 4

發表於 07-9-4 11:41 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-9-4 14:32 |只看該作者

其實平日係冇這麼多人,如你能留意的話,昨天係有老師make sure小朋友認得來接的家長或姊姊才給他們走.

[img align=left]http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/autobus.gif[/img][/quote]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-9-4 14:44 |只看該作者
你地既校車有沒有安全帶?  Thanks.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-4 15:03 |只看該作者
Lofty, 天使媽媽,

我估我同你地同一架車! 我個工人在樓下等等等等了一個小時!!! 佢打電話俾我, 話"阿mum架車仲未到", 我當時唔係好信! 跟住打去x小姐 (跟車) 打唔通! 打司機電話, 佢先解釋話架車壞左....係果個時候其實架車先到! 佢地結果係坐另一條線回來!

我個仔回來話其實架車早上返學校時已經爆呔! 如果佢無講錯點解兩個鐘頭都換唔倒個呔或者即刻找尋另一架車來接??? 一係點解唔即刻通知家長要遲D返!

原文章由 天使媽媽 於 07-9-4 10:37 硐表
hi lofty,

我可能同你同線, 我昨日等12:35放學, 滾, 我亦早上重跟住校車行, about 8:20到學校, 我等放學係HALL找線, 找不到, 問老師, 話可能係上一層, 我出樓梯見小朋友排 ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-9-4 15:25 |只看該作者
其實成件事最令人發 既地方就係冇人通知家長lor
有特發事件係就係冇人估到, 但點估都估唔中就係佢地既 '零' 應變措施......
原文章由 sschiu 於 07-9-4 15:03 硐表
Lofty, 天使媽媽,

我估我同你地同一架車! 我個工人在樓下等等等等了一個小時!!! 佢打電話俾我, 話"阿mum架車仲未到", 我當時唔係好信! 跟住打去x小姐 (跟車) 打唔通! 打司機電話, 佢先解釋話架車壞左....係果個時候 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-4 16:49 |只看該作者
Hi, Lofty & sschui

I just rec'd call pick up my son on that time.   How about you? And then care-taker told maid so earlier one hour on tomorrow.

原文章由 Lofty 於 07-9-4 15:25 硐表
其實成件事最令人發 既地方就係冇人通知家長lor
有特發事件係就係冇人估到, 但點估都估唔中就係佢地既 '零' 應變措施......

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-9-4 17:03 |只看該作者
My son get off at around 4:30pm today.  The bus driver said they only left the school at 4:00pm.....

原文章由 天使媽媽 於 07-9-4 16:49 硐表
Hi, Lofty & sschui

I just rec'd call pick up my son on that time.   How about you? And then care-taker told maid so earlier one hour on tomorrow.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-9-4 17:30 |只看該作者

No I haven't got any phone call! Tomorrow is Wed so they will come back one hour earlier!

原文章由 天使媽媽 於 07-9-4 16:49 硐表
Hi, Lofty & sschui

I just rec'd call pick up my son on that time.   How about you? And then care-taker told maid so earlier one hour on tomorrow.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-4 17:48 |只看該作者
Hi chancherry,

yeah, I do agree w/ u as I had been there as well and just like a sandwich at the corridor outside the hall.  Even I want to go down and pick up my son later, there's no way back as the parents fm the back seems very anxious and just push to the front.  Its quite terrible for yesterday lesson la....but I think that only the 1st day would be like this.  Anyway, the school shd arrange a teacher or pose some instruction for the parents to line up and pick up their kids.

原文章由 chancherry925 於 07-9-4 11:41 硐表
因為特別原因,我的兒子首2星期不會乘搭校車,聽家長說往年經驗開頭的校車服務會較混亂,我可能剛巧避過了.但從昨天開學日家長接放學的情況也夠混亂了,10:20以有老師帶學生到禮堂,慢慢家長聚急到門口,水洩不通,但裡面的 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-4 17:53 |只看該作者
My son's school bus has one care taker who is quite polite.  However, my son said that he just buckle up by himself since the care taker didn't remind at all.  

原文章由 Lofty 於 07-9-4 14:44 硐表
你地既校車有沒有安全帶?  Thanks.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-4 18:01 |只看該作者
My son told me that he leave Kwong Lee Rd until 8.55am but arrive Tin Hau as late as 10am since the traffic is severely congested.  Could any one varify the time as I frighten that my son couldn't remember clearly?  If its true, sincerely hope that it could be improved shortly.  Otherwise, their study would be seriously affected.

After school, the bus arrived home around 4.10pm for 5mins late only.  The care taker also gives me a notice that tmr would be back one hr earlier w/o further calling.

原文章由 sschiu 於 07-9-4 17:30 硐表

No I haven't got any phone call! Tomorrow is Wed so they will come back one hour earlier!

發表於 07-9-4 19:35 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-5 08:19 |只看該作者
The care taker just tell me that they would come to pick up my son at 7.45am fm tmr onwards, ie 10mins earlier.  Hope that everything could be on the track shortly.

原文章由 ckwliu 於 07-9-4 19:35 硐表
i went to pick up my son this afternoon and the mom there told me that the last bus arrived at the school at 9:50!!!
she also said the teachers were very anxious too, waiting for the bus, and jumped u ...

發表於 07-9-5 12:47 |只看該作者
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Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-5 22:00 |只看該作者
Finally, the bus company called me in the evening and final cfm the time change back to 7.55am by another bus.  So, I don't think that they could arrive Kwong Lee Rd campus at 8.25am for catching up the shuttle bus to Tin Hau.  Anyway, let's see what would be happened though the teacher said that tmr would hv formal lessons being started.

原文章由 ckwliu 於 07-9-5 12:47 硐表
oh 7:45?  not too early for ppl living in Kln as we leave our house at the same time too and we live in HK.  this morning we got to school by 8:10.  traffic is sometimes unpredictable, yesterday we we ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-9-11 15:58 |只看該作者

Shuttle Bus

Shuttle Bus arrived Kwong Lee Road at 3:42pm today.

Rank: 2

發表於 07-9-11 21:27 |只看該作者
Last Sat, the school bus called again and finalize the pick up time at 7.40am as they explained that the school requested not to be late again.  Finally, however, the bus arrived to pick up my son at 8am by yesterday morning w/ the explanation of "congestion".  Its better for today morning as they come at 7.45am and my son said that they arrive Tin Hau at 9.02am.  Don't want to say and complain anymore abt the school bus service but just want them to regulate everything at a better pace.

原文章由 Lofty 於 07-9-11 15:58 硐表
Shuttle Bus arrived Kwong Lee Road at 3:42pm today.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-9-12 10:59 |只看該作者
The lady called us last friday and "inform" us that they need to add one more stop in the return route.  The reason is the bus from other route is full.
原文章由 waltermama 於 07-9-11 21:27 硐表
Last Sat, the school bus called again and finalize the pick up time at 7.40am as they explained that the school requested not to be late again.  Finally, however, the bus arrived to pick up my son at  ...
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