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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 Victoria (HMT) PN accepted/ waitlisted / rejected?
樓主: Waikiki

Victoria (HMT) PN accepted/ waitlisted / rejected? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-17 21:24 |只看該作者
Hi Juniorli and Keonama,

My girl, Valerie, got accepted to the am Mon, Wed & Fri class as well.  So, all of our kids will be classmates *o*  So glad to meet you all here.  My girl is attending Victoria's playgroup since last Oct and she is having lots of fun there.  Teachers and classmates are excellent.  You guys made a good choice. :p

I've already known you since I always saw you appeared in Venice's blog.  Heehee!  Nice to be classmate with you.  

原文章由 Keonama 於 08-3-17 18:41 發表
Hey, Juniorli,

Your son and my girl will be classmate as my girl also got accepted by the Mon, Wed & Fri AM class in HMT.  Nice to meet you here.

Do u know anything about the orientation??  I ju ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-17 21:28 |只看該作者
Hello Larissa!!!  Nice to see you here!
Hope we'll be in the same class finally la...

原文章由 Waikiki 於 08-3-16 02:51 發表
My girl's accepted for the 2-day pm class.
She was born in Sept, 統稱細女.
I am pleased with this since she is 細女,I don't think she is ready to study alone in Aug, plus I have other arrangements for  ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-17 22:11 |只看該作者

As I remember, Pre-Nursery will be 20-25 students in a class.  And they have very good ratio .The ratio of students to teachers is 4:1(Just on August).  

原文章由 veldasharpe 於 08-3-16 21:24 發表

Do you know how many will be in a  ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-17 22:27 |只看該作者

回覆 #2 fchristine 的文章

Dear Valerie,

How and what a coincidence that we could finally meet.  Yes, Venice is my buddy cousin, she got admitted by HK Pre-School previously.  It's so great that we will be in the same class.  Yo Yo Yo!!

I see, you're already attending the PG in Victoria.  How did you find it??  Is it good?  If yes, in what aspects?  Would you pls share with this freshment??

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-17 22:35 |只看該作者

回覆 #2 大吉 的文章

Dear 大吉,

Thanks very much for your sharing concerning the Small B issue.  I feel more relief now.

Your another sharing concerning the ratio, is it the 4:1 deluxe ratio just apply in Aug, how about other days?

For your elder one, how he enjoys the school life? Will you let him finish his kindi in Victoria alone or just treats Victoria as a stepping stone ??  Sorry for all those questions.

[ 本文章最後由 Keonama 於 08-3-17 22:38 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-17 22:51 |只看該作者
Hi WaiKiKi and everyone,

My girl has be accepted on 3 days AM class, so lucky, that is my first choice. Nice to meet all of you. Hope can see in the orientation.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-17 23:09 |只看該作者
Hi to my TTpm classmates and all other schoolmates,

Nice to see all of you here!!!

For MWF, my girl will be attending another kindergarten.  It is a montessori school situated on the HK Island.  She also goes there in the afternoon.

Yes Dao, my girl is attending Victoria playgroup now.  She is with Miss Winnie and Miss Yeung Mon & Wed 3pm.  Another mama here, fchristine is also our classmates.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-17 23:23 |只看該作者

Because they are no K2 and K3 students on Aug. The K2 and K3 students will start on Sept. So, all of the teachers will take care of the PN and K1 student (speacilly to PN)on Aug. I think the ratio of student to teachers on Sept about 7:1.

For my elder one, he likes the school so much. I like this school. The teaching method(I.B.) is very good. Very different from other school. (e.g. They taught my son "big" and "small". They didn't use the worksheet.  They told my son to draw a big hands and small hands with mum and him. That was fun.)

[ 本文章最後由 大吉 於 08-3-17 23:32 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-17 23:24 |只看該作者

至於pg, 其實開初報真係因為聽人話好,自己都係抱住一試嘅心態。Valerie由Oct初番到依家,一直都好開心(呢樣好緊要),可能又因為我哋好好彩隅到好好嘅中文老師&英文老師。唔好以為pg淨係玩,其實依家同番開學時做比較,阿女喺各方面包括聽說能力,自理,與人相處...都有進步。而我每次都會堅持親自帶阿女返pg,經過幾個月嘅觀察,personally覺得佢哋各方面都做得唔錯。
Please kindly check your pm.

原文章由 Keonama 於 08-3-17 22:27 發表
Dear Valerie,

How and what a coincidence that we could finally meet.  Yes, Venice is my buddy cousin, she got admitted by HK Pre-School previously.  It's so great that we will be in the sa ...

[ 本文章最後由 fchristine 於 08-3-18 00:43 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-18 00:50 |只看該作者
Hey lingling06, if course I remember your lovely son...

I will defintely check out Tutor Time and Yew Chung tmr.

原文章由 lingling06 於 08-3-17 17:02 發表
Hi, BJLover,

Congrats!  B is admitted to Victoria.  Mine is on waiting list.   (We should have known each other.  See if u can recognize my boy from his old picture here.:;pppp:)

Apart from Tutor t ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-3-18 08:39 |只看該作者

Yeah, I asked the receptionist and she said around 20-25 students per class. Furthermore, I asked how many kids hhad been accepted for PN and she said around 100 including those accepted for 3-days and 2-days class.

原文章由 大吉 於 08-3-17 22:11 發表

As I remember, Pre-Nursery will be 20-25 students in a class.  And they have very good ratio .The ratio of students to teachers is 4:1(Just on August).  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-18 12:45 |只看該作者

回覆 #5 Waikiki 的文章

Waikiki & fchristine,

This is Jayden mama. Nice to see you here. I am still looking for schools to fill up the other 3 days of the week for Jayden.
Waikiki, can you tell me the name of the montessori school?
Hopefully I can only see you the end of April after my delivery.

[ 本文章最後由 rc_ac 於 08-3-18 12:48 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-18 15:28 |只看該作者
Hi rc_ac,

So happy to see you here.

If you want to fill up the rest of the week, you may try tutor Time.  I heard that Tutor Time is not bad.

No school this week Miss everyone so much ar!

原文章由 rc_ac 於 08-3-18 12:45 發表
Waikiki & fchristine,

This is Jayden mama. Nice to see you here. I am still looking for schools to fill up the other 3 days of the week for Jayden.
Waikiki, can you tell me the name of the montessori ...

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-18 22:40 |只看該作者

回覆 #1 fchristine 的文章

Dear Valerie's Mami,

I am very glad to meet you here.  As said, I will call you during Easter holidays.  Pls also check your pm if you've time.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-18 23:00 |只看該作者
mine was waitlisted. but there is a remark "Waiting HG" at the top right hand corner of thenotification letter from HMT Victoria. I wonder they has just put mykid on waiting list for Harbour Green campus only. Other mothers, doesyou letter bear the same remark??
原文章由 Keonama 於 08-3-18 22:40 發表
Dear Valerie's Mami,

I am very glad to meet you here.  As said, I will call you during Easter holidays.  Pls also check your pm if you've time.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-18 23:00 |只看該作者
So far only rc_ac got accepted for Tue and Thur pm class? Anyone else?

rc_ac, have you paid for the fee yet? I have submitted today and also got the information about the school bus too.

Rank: 4

發表於 08-3-19 10:56 |只看該作者
Hi, Keonama,

Happy to meet you here. I just asked the KG that there will be no more schoolbus service provided to Shatin/Ma On Shan route in the coming term. It makes me a bit hesitate whether I should choose this school or not. Should I really need to move to Kowloon side?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-19 11:03 |只看該作者

回覆 #2 BJLover 的文章


I have submitted the deposit on Monday morning in person because I want to queue up for the waiting list of 5 days class. I think I am not going to use the school bus this year because I do not live far away and I prefer to take my son to school.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-19 11:04 |只看該作者
Hi BJLover and ra_ac
Me as well.  TTpm class.

Jayden mami, 原來係你。
The name of the montessori school is Casa Dei Bambini.

原文章由 BJLover 於 08-3-18 23:00 發表
So far only rc_ac got accepted for Tue and Thur pm class? Anyone else?

rc_ac, have you paid for the fee yet? I have submitted today and also got the information about the school bus too.

[ 本文章最後由 Waikiki 於 08-3-19 11:09 編輯 ]

Rank: 1

發表於 08-3-19 14:31 |只看該作者

回覆 #3 juniorli 的文章

Hi, Juniorli,

I also called the School Bus Company this morning, they could arrange a room to room pick up service for my baby.  However, as Tsing Yi will be the first stop, the  bus company said my baby may need to get on the bus as early as 07:30hrs for the school will start at 0845 sharp!!  What 0730hrs ??  I found the time is too early for my baby.  Luckily, both my husband and I am driving to work, so we will drop her off ourselves and let her take the school bus on the way back.  However, I still have to pay full fare for the Company as they don't offer one way trip.  Meanwhile, I will source other school bus companies as there are quite a few School bus coming to our place to pick up the kids in the morning.  Move to HMT, The property price is too high at the moment, I don't think I can afford it now.

[ 本文章最後由 Keonama 於 08-3-19 14:33 編輯 ]
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