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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 小學叩門成功的小朋友, 是否都是大仔?
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小學叩門成功的小朋友, 是否都是大仔? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-12 19:57 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
我個仔是細仔, 一直都ng 想個仔repeat K1 做大仔, 怕sai左佢一年.但最近有朋友說考小學歧視細仔的情況比考幼稚園更嚴重, 有細仔考了10間都fail.我開始很擔心,自己的固執是否是錯的?

所以想請教各位知ng知小學叩門成功的小朋友, 是否都是大仔?

細仔的叩門經歷收否都不愉快? 有mo成功的例子?
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-12 22:08 |只看該作者
Bella... I think I will ask this question to the teacher from Stafford... they might be able to answer it for us!!!

I am thinking about this question too... mine is small son too...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-12 22:17 |只看該作者
My child is also a small kid and we successfully knock door to P1 last year.  My kid is the youngest in the class (30th Dec)... hahaha.. we failed all the P1 application and finally knock door to enter one of the top school.  So.. you still have chance.. do not worry but to prepare well for the knock door process.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-12 23:29 |只看該作者

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-13 09:38 |只看該作者

直資&私校小學申請/官津叩門成功的, 是否都是大仔?

原帖由 Monghar 於 10-7-12 22:17 發表
My child is also a small kid and we successfully knock door to P1 last year.  My kid is the youngest in the class (30th Dec)... hahaha.. we failed all the P1 application and finally knock door to ente ...

Hi  Monghar,

Sorry to ask but I am not very familiar with the P1 application process.  You said "we failed all the P1 application and finally knock door to".  Did you mean that you failed at applying "直資&私校" and then successfully knock the door of the "官津”?

[ 本帖最後由 bellabella_oh 於 10-7-13 09:49 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-13 09:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 lilian926 於 10-7-12 22:08 發表
Bella... I think I will ask this question to the teacher from Stafford... they might be able to answer it for us!!!

I am thinking about this question too... mine is small son too...

Hi lilian926, are you abe to let me know the results after you have asked the school?  Or may be we can go together!  

Are you going to the orientation day this Fri?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-13 10:02 |只看該作者
"即使你是友善的,人們可能還會說你自私和動機不良,不管怎樣,你還是要友善。即使你是誠實的,人們可能還會欺負你,不管怎樣,你還是要誠實。你今天做的善事,人們明天可能就忘記,不管怎樣,你還是要做善事。” 杜麗莎修女。

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-13 10:08 |只看該作者
原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 10-7-13 10:02 發表
樓主是否肯定仔仔k1-k3都不及人?樓主是否覺得大多幾個月就會叻d?我諗關鍵是你點樣培育而唔係將個波踢翻俾學校去repeat多1年。如果我係小學校長我覺得幾負面 ...

I don't question my son's learning ability.  I just question about whether primary schools prefers big boy than small boy, like what's happening now in the KG environment.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-13 10:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 bellabella_oh 於 10-7-13 10:08 發表

I don't question my son's learning ability.  I just question about whether primary schools prefers big boy than small boy, like what's happening now in the KG environment.

我覺得有KG prefer大B唔係因為能力問題,而係因為行政及收足學費等,到小學就冇呢d考慮,主要睇performance呢:loveliness:
"即使你是友善的,人們可能還會說你自私和動機不良,不管怎樣,你還是要友善。即使你是誠實的,人們可能還會欺負你,不管怎樣,你還是要誠實。你今天做的善事,人們明天可能就忘記,不管怎樣,你還是要做善事。” 杜麗莎修女。

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-13 10:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 10-7-13 10:25 發表

我覺得有KG prefer大B唔係因為能力問題,而係因為行政及收足學費等,到小學就冇呢d考慮,主要睇performance呢:loveliness:

我覺得有KG prefer大B唔係因為能力問題,而係因為行政及收足學費等 <-- 唔明, 咩行政同點樣收唔收足學費呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-13 10:56 |只看該作者
其實樓主問的問題有點兒那個....如果比你係考官, 一個12月出世的小朋友, 性格開朗, 三文兩語好, 品德好, 愛看書, 又聽教.....另一個1月出世, 成日頭dup dup, 問咩唔應, kg成績唔好, 睇電視多過睇書......你係考官, 你仲會唔會選大仔? 凡事無絕對, 你個fd見十間, 十間都唔收, 你有無留意過佢小朋友本身係咩"材料"? 我相信叩門時的表現, 小朋友自己本身的質素, 勝過一切, 為人家長的, 請不要太短視, 亦不要將收生與否的責任, 再歸咎於大仔細仔的問題, 呢個情況, 在幼稚園會出現, 但小學叩門的話, 你未免看得太過兒嬉了

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-14 09:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 9284 於 10-7-13 10:56 發表
其實樓主問的問題有點兒那個....如果比你係考官, 一個12月出世的小朋友, 性格開朗, 三文兩語好, 品德好, 愛看書, 又聽教.....另一個1月出世, 成日頭dup dup, 問咩唔應, kg成績唔好, 睇電視多過睇書......你係考官,  ...

gum 你又知ng 知有學校是不收8月後出世的小朋友? 依你的見解, 又認為是什麼原因呢?

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-14 09:59 |只看該作者
面試時表現係好重要, 若面試時大仔與細仔的表現差不多的話, 先取錄大仔的可能性係較高, 除o左小朋友面試時表現外, 可能仲有其他因素影響....可能如識邊個邊個或者同邊個邊個有關係甚至乎可能係咩名人/上流可能唔洗interview都收???

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-14 12:38 |只看該作者



Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 10-7-14 12:43 |只看該作者
原帖由 brrbaby2007 於 10-7-13 10:25 發表

我覺得有KG prefer大B唔係因為能力問題,而係因為行政及收足學費等,到小學就冇呢d考慮,主要睇performance呢:loveliness:

其實 kg 真係因為能力問題而唔收細仔,尤其自理能力方面。d 老師淨係教都已經夠辛苦啦,仲點會想幫人湊 b 呢?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-14 22:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 bellabella_oh 於 10-7-13 09:39 發表

Hi lilian926, are you abe to let me know the results after you have asked the school?  Or may be we can go together!  

Are you going to the orientation day this Fri?

Um... I think I will ask the teacher later on after the school has started for few months..

Yes.. I will go to the welcoming party on Friday... at 10am, right?  Let's meet up at the party!!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-19 09:45 |只看該作者
原帖由 lilian926 於 10-7-14 22:26 發表

Um... I think I will ask the teacher later on after the school has started for few months..

Yes.. I will go to the welcoming party on Friday... at 10am, right?  Let's meet up at the party!!!

Hi lilian926,

Did you went to the orientation party?  My son was so happy and I had also took the opportunity to ask Ms Chan about my queries.  

Which class is your son going to join?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-20 22:57 |只看該作者
Hi.. Bella,

My son enjoyed the welcoming party so much too!!!!  O.. you did ask about that?  Can you tell me what Ms. Chan said?

My son is in NCC.... How about you?  :D

原帖由 bellabella_oh 於 10-7-19 09:45 發表

Hi lilian926,

Did you went to the orientation party?  My son was so happy and I had also took the opportunity to ask Ms Chan about my queries.  

Which class is your son going to join?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-21 09:48 |只看該作者
原帖由 lilian926 於 10-7-20 22:57 發表
Hi.. Bella,

My son enjoyed the welcoming party so much too!!!!  O.. you did ask about that?  Can you tell me what Ms. Chan said?

My son is in NCC.... How about you?  :D

Hi hi,

My son is in NCC too!!  Can you describe how did you and your son looked like on that day?  I wore a white lace style dress-length top with blk leggings.  My son is tall and wore blue checkers shirt.

Actually I asked both Ms Chan and Ms Fan (class teacher) separately.  Both of them said that they have never heard of any small kids having problems with the primary school admission.  This year, they have around 42 graduates and they are being admitted by schools like 男拔, La Salle, 英華, 陳守仁,蔡繼友, SFA etc...So this strenthen my thoughts not having my son to repeat.  What  about u?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-7-21 22:25 |只看該作者
Hi Bella...

Hello... I wore jeans plus a black t-shirt and my son wore a blue polo shirt plus jeans... There were too many people at the Welcoming party... I think it's difficult to recognize each other!!!!

Really?  um... I really think Big son has more advantage than Small son!!!  Anyway, let's see how's K1 go and then make decision again!!!  

So glad that our son are classmates... cool..... Keep in touch!!!

原帖由 bellabella_oh 於 10-7-21 09:48 發表

Hi hi,

My son is in NCC too!!  Can you describe how did you and your son looked like on that day?  I wore a white lace style dress-length top with blk leggings.  My son is tall and wore blue checke ...
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