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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 女拔面試, 2分30秒, 多謝$40/分鐘
樓主: mycarrie

女拔面試, 2分30秒, 多謝$40/分鐘 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-26 13:18 |只看該作者
人地我就唔知...但我真係覺得講俾人聽無咩所謂lor, 又唔係得一個位, 有您無我, 都要個小朋友有實力架嘛! 我信我個囡係叻囡嚟, esp面試好講臨場表現, even我個囡講既就算係啱都未必係校長心目中expect既答案, or佢鍾意d小朋友有創意呢?! 我地唔在場又唔係佢肚裏條蟲, 永遠都唔會知...

總之我個囡係好野, 佢唔收係佢走寶啦!(我呢份自信都感染左個囡, 佢都好有算信架 )

原帖由 BBR 於 08-10-25 17:16 發表

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-25 17:16 |只看該作者

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-25 16:00 |只看該作者

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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 08-10-25 10:38 |只看該作者


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-24 15:44 |只看該作者
你講得很對,我老公成日話我低,佢話好多媽咪都唔會話你知in咩(包括佢D friend),話我成日in完返黎話比人知in咩,我都覺得有D媽咪會上黎中傷某D名校跟全叫人唔好去in,又話問幾條問題無咩問,我寧願佢地唔講好過咁(陰濕),我老公之前都問左佢朋友in成點,佢都係答問左幾題就返出黎 ,我同我老公講抵你,你成日驚汁書咁你又去問人,個個都咁自私唔識將心比己,其實話比人知in咩有咩所謂,係睇個小朋友到時表現

原帖由 meowross 於 08-10-24 15:27 發表
我囡昨日in完, 兩位小朋友由入去到出嚟用左差不多10mins喎, 又唔似傳聞咁短時間...

間方入面係有兩個人, 一個我認得係校長, 一個係老師生, 校長好nice,我囡入房時有微笑地打量我地兩公婆, 到放個囡出房時又係笑著咁 ...

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-24 15:37 |只看該作者
thanks for your info. let me see any differences on my daughter's interview in Nov.
原帖由 meowross 於 08-10-24 15:27 發表
我囡昨日in完, 兩位小朋友由入去到出嚟用左差不多10mins喎, 又唔似傳聞咁短時間...

間方入面係有兩個人, 一個我認得係校長, 一個係老師生, 校長好nice,我囡入房時有微笑地打量我地兩公婆, 到放個囡出房時又係笑著咁 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-24 15:27 |只看該作者
我囡昨日in完, 兩位小朋友由入去到出嚟用左差不多10mins喎, 又唔似傳聞咁短時間...

間方入面係有兩個人, 一個我認得係校長, 一個係老師生, 校長好nice,我囡入房時有微笑地打量我地兩公婆, 到放個囡出房時又係笑著咁交番個囡俾我地~~

亞囡話除出基本問題仲有圖片問題, 兩位小朋友既圖片問題係唔一樣, 係考d基本生活常識...

另兩位小朋友都係由校長親自發問, 另一位老師, 個囡話, 佢好忙, 有野做, 要寫野??? 咁小朋友閲讀時就係個老師寫野既時候 ~ 咁係咪即係嗰位老師都會評分 ~ 呢樣就唔知勒!

d人成日話問得嗰幾條問題就定收唔收個小朋友~ 唔公平, 又話in得時間太短 ~ 咁點解大家都隻字不提係有問生活常識圖片問題??? 定係大家自私驚俾人知益左人地有準備收左人地唔收自己既小朋友???

以我昨日既經驗, dgs既面試過程ok喎, 話晒都叫做有考過小朋友吖!

[ 本帖最後由 meowross 於 08-10-24 15:30 編輯 ]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-22 20:00 |只看該作者


Wow! so many questions!  First, we just had the interview this week.  My daughter knows that the one who escorted her and took her out of the interview room was the principal who was in a light blue suit that day.  But my daughter told me that there was another teacher inside.  She was in black and she was the one asking her and the other girl questions.  Perhaps the principal was too tired la! But I am sure she was observing the whole interview process.  It isn't a bad thing at all.  

Well, my daughter was asked very simple questions like what her name was but she was also asked questions about a picture.  

I am happy with the whole interview process, be it the format or duration!  But of course, it doesn't mean that I think my daughter has a high chance of being admitted.  I've just tried it but I prefer my daughter to study in a co-ed school.  What about you guys?
原帖由 E.D. 於 08-10-22 16:30 發表
Hi Theressayeung,

Do you mean questioned by teacher but not principle? How do you know it? does it mean a teacher and the principle is sitting in the principle during the interview? But my kid told m ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-22 17:10 |只看該作者

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Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-22 16:30 |只看該作者
Hi Theressayeung,

Do you mean questioned by teacher but not principle? How do you know it? does it mean a teacher and the principle is sitting in the principle during the interview? But my kid told me only the principle inside there? Can you tell us more?


原帖由 theresayeung 於 08-10-22 16:03 發表
What E.D. has mentioned is very detailed.  Just a little bit of supplement.  The waiting room where all parents and kids stay in is actually the school conference room.  It is small but the clerk/teac ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-22 16:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 theresayeung 於 08-10-22 16:03 發表
Btw, the whole interview took almost 15 minutes for my daughter and the girl and my daughter was asked to describe a picture apart from a few simple questions.  But the thing is both my daughter and the girl were not questioned by the principal but one other teacher while the principal was observing them.

你意思是只是老師問問題, 唔係校長??
;-) :-o 8-) :-? :-P :-x

Rank: 4

發表於 08-10-22 16:24 |只看該作者
Hi Theresayeung
May I know when u went for the interview?
原帖由 theresayeung 於 08-10-22 16:03 發表
What E.D. has mentioned is very detailed.  Just a little bit of supplement.  The waiting room where all parents and kids stay in is actually the school conference room.  It is small but the clerk/teac ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-22 16:09 |只看該作者
Thank you very much. I thought the kids would only be interviewed by the principal.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-10-22 16:03 |只看該作者

interview flow

What E.D. has mentioned is very detailed.  Just a little bit of supplement.  The waiting room where all parents and kids stay in is actually the school conference room.  It is small but the clerk/teacher there was very polite and she kept apologizing for the condition of the room, like being small and not cool enough.  Then, families by families go out to let the teacher check the original document.  

One thing that interests me most is that when it was our turn, I saw the teacher clip my daughter's 5-page portfolio together with the application form, plus put an assessment form on top.  

My question is: Does it mean that the Principal hadn't read the portfolio beforehand?  

But I know for sure while conducting the interview, the Principal did put down marks of my daughter's performance on the long assessment form.  I think it couldn't be a mere impression but is criteria based.

Btw, the whole interview took almost 15 minutes for my daughter and the girl and my daughter was asked to describe a picture apart from a few simple questions.  But the thing is both my daughter and the girl were not questioned by the principal but one other teacher while the principal was observing them.  
原帖由 E.D. 於 08-10-22 14:39 發表
I did it already and here is what I observated.....

1) Waiting at the front gate (I should say standing and waiting) until around 5 to 10 mintues before your interview time.

2) Then the school-helpe ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-22 14:50 |只看該作者

原帖由 E.D. 於 08-10-22 14:39 發表
I did it already and here is what I observated.....

1) Waiting at the front gate (I should say standing and waiting) until around 5 to 10 mintues before your interview time.

2) Then the school-helpe ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-22 14:48 |只看該作者

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Thank you very much for your detailed information.

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-22 14:40 |只看該作者
Twokidsmum, thank you very much!!!!

原帖由 twokidsmum 於 08-10-22 14:20 發表
Hi E.D.,

游水 – 多數學生都識, 因為二年級上學期要考cap.
樂器 – 學校鼓勵學生學鋼琴以外的樂器.
Speech – 有不少人參加.
P.1 – 自由參加 / P.2或以上 – 老師選學生, 然後每星期練習
Fencing – 純粹個人 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-22 14:39 |只看該作者
I did it already and here is what I observated.....

1) Waiting at the front gate (I should say standing and waiting) until around 5 to 10 mintues before your interview time.

2) Then the school-helper (he looks like a helper but not clerk and of course not teacher) will check your interview time on your letter and let you go upstairs. (2nd floor)

3) Then you will be led to a tiny room (about 10 ft x 10 ft and it looks like a store room but not classroom. A long table with a lot of books is placed at the middle of room and a long sofa is placed at the wall side. The kids would read book by the table and parents can sit with the kids or sit on the sofa). Several families already waiting inside the room. Their interview time probably earlier than you a little bit. A teacher (she looks like a teach) is sitting by a other small desk (next to the room door) and she would double check the document for each family, collect your original school report, and you will pay $100 at this moment.  

4) You would stay in the tiny room about 10 mintues. Then a clerk (she is a lady around 20 year old, and look like a clerk) would bring 2 families to outside of the principle room. She will put your original school report in a folder and bring it to Dai. Principle room is at same floor.....

5) When you arrive outside of the principle room...you willl see 2 pair of parents is sitting on a bench at outside of the principle room. Their kids is taking the interview at that moment. You/your kids and the other family (who came from the tiny room) will be settled on another bench and waiting. The waiting time is totally depending on the interview time of the previous kids.

6) The final stage is, Dai will bring out the 2 kids from her room and looking at their parents (not you) and then turn to you and bring your kid to her room for interview....and then bring them out and looking at you now and you can leave. During the interview, Dai will return the school report to your kids and obsevate the kids' manner.

That's it...

原帖由 zenzenmama 於 08-10-22 14:06 發表
Dear Rabbit, No problem.

Can anyone share more about the interview flow for us?

Thank you very much..

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 08-10-22 14:20 |只看該作者
Hi E.D.,

游水多數學生都識, 因為二年級上學期要考cap.
Speech – 有不少人參加.
P.1 –
自由參加 / P.2或以上老師選學生, 然後每星期練習
Fencing – 純粹個人興趣


原帖由 E.D. 於 08-10-22 14:09 發表

so does it mean many activities and my understanding is correct, right??? Can you advise what is the most popular activity in DGJS? I heard thant swimming/fencing/speech is very common... ...

Rank: 2

發表於 08-10-22 14:09 |只看該作者

so does it mean many activities and my understanding is correct, right??? Can you advise what is the most popular activity in DGJS? I heard thant swimming/fencing/speech is very common....can you share what you know?

Anyway, thank you for your advice.

原帖由 twokidsmum 於 08-10-22 13:42 發表
Hi E.D., vhunghk,

小女升小學前讀全日, 有直屬小學, 所以實在沒有時間, 亦沒必要上太多課外活動. 我曾跟隨一些家長報讀某些課程, 但感覺效果一般, 最後還是由我自己教. 報名時, 小女還未太懂游泳, 亦沒有參加過朗 ...
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