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Alison's Letterland Child Care Centre v.s. Woodland Pre-School (Happy Valley) [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-17 22:07 |顯示全部帖子
I've asked opinion on Letterland before but no one reply me. I've registered Letterland already and will start class in April. The environment there is not very good, but I hope the teacher is as good as those in Baby Buddies.  My son has studied in Baby Buddies for 9 months and enjoy very much there.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-18 22:25 |顯示全部帖子
Hi BBB2006,

My son studied at Tin Hau (Tue and Thur morning class) since Jul 2007.  He enjoys the signing time and learn quite a lot of things there such as tidy up his toys.  The teacher on Thur, Michelle, is very nice, and my son would always love to hug her when saying good morning and good bye to her.

Since my son has stayed in Baby Buddies for 9 months already and he is one of the biggest boy in the class, I think it's better to let him to proceed to the next stage (N1).  It's also recommended by Baby Buddies.

So I've decided to let him to try Letterland (Causeway Bay) b/c it's easy to enter (no interview required).  He will attend Mon-Fri AM class starting from April 1.  But since I don't plan to let him to study int'l school, he will only stay in Letterland by July.  In Aug, he will attend Victoria.

原文章由 <i>BBB2006</i> 於 08-3-18 10:15 發表
Hi babymok,
Which Baby Buddies did your baby studied in? I want to know about the one in Tin Hau. Which class did you join and How many days / week (Once / Twice)?

And how about Letterland, which c ...
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 08-3-20 22:44 |顯示全部帖子
Basically, their activities are quite similar to a pre-nursery.  Instead of 3 hrs in PN, their play group is only 2 hours which exclude some PN learning such as alphabet/numbers...  All of the 2 hrs are play time only.

You can refer their schedule to the website.


原文章由 <i>Pamfish</i> 於 08-3-19 17:53 發表
Any one can tell me what will be taught in the class for aged 1-2?
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