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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 St. Catherine Interview
樓主: janice007

St. Catherine Interview [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-11-7 21:52 |顯示全部帖子
Some parents satisfied with their kids' performance during the interviews but at the end got nothing (not untrue; you can find many many precedent cases). The reality is that the game is not "really" looking for the best performers, but most important is the best background or internal potential of the kids.
The schools always want to find the kids which will further raise the positioning of the schools e.g. they hope the kids have good background incl. parents' career and educational background which are the keys to promote the brand name of the schools (of course only some so-called famous schools seem to be like that).
Therefore, I always don't believe if the kids' performance is excellent ==> high chance. The teachers interview with you is the fact of showing a procedure to all "fair" players who have paid $30.
Finally, they will still choose the candidates which they originally have picked up whatever their interview results are.
So, don't be so happy and confident. Apply more Lar.
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