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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾&#215 ...
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有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-11 16:33 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

Hi TimMaMa

你囝囝會讀麥小定堅小? 我都將會係06-07年度小一的家長,很高興可以係到同各位交流下意見!


1.有冇人知此校的教學理念怎樣?Interview時只係覺得個校長好 '攝人',怕個仔讀得好辛苦。


想知多的,可click 入 http://www.spcc.edu.hk/family/b5_about_vision.htm

我又唔覺校長好'攝人',我地反而覺得校長好好傾,好和藹可親. 我囡囡仲好鍾意鄔校長同間學校,自己決定在要讀這間,唔會撰其他學校!

2.此校的孩子是否要狂 '谷' 補習?若只跟學校的教學進度有問題嗎?
我聽聞小朋友上課好開心,每星期仲有兩節小朋友自選的課外活動.而上課時班上同時有一位老師在教書,另有一位講普通話的助教,主要幫助小朋友跟課堂進度.我估這位助教會幫小一生對手冊,功課,適應學校生活等等... 而小朋友就要用普通話和這位助教溝通! 而上英文oral時,就有成四位老師上課,而一班只得28個學生.如果係咁既師生比例下,小朋友上課跟得上的話,我估就唔使點補習!   跟唔上,自然會有電話搵家長!  :-|

3.你們對 Co-ed 的評价怎樣?需否定期捐獻?
以我所知, Co-ed 無需定期捐獻,如很多學校一樣,捐獻都是出於自願!

對 Co-ed 的評價尚有待開學作親身體會後再分享!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-12 12:18 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

Hi bbjamie

Nice to meet you here! In the long run ( >11 years), I think it is worth for your family move to HK Island. As you know, two Primary Schools will combine and relocate to the new premises at Wong Chuk Hang in 2008.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-12 12:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

Dear gogochurch



1. 請問學校午飯時間係幾時? 你係送飯去,小朋友自己帶飯定搭食? 搭食的膳食ok嗎?
2. 小朋友使唔使自己帶水壺返學?
3. 六月先有家長會,到時先訂校服會唔會好趕?
4. 返學淮著乜野鞋同外套?
5. 學校有冇小食部? 要俾幾多零用錢俾小一小朋友?
6. 小一有乜課外活動撰? 係咪係學校概覽講既小一都可以任撰兩樣? 定係由學校選俾小朋友?

Sorry, 太多問題,請抽空解答,謝謝!

好開心有這個topic 係到,希望大家得閒 "up" 下,等我地保持聯繫!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-12 18:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

Dear gogochurch

Thank you for your quick response. You're so helpful!      

My girl likes SPCC the most. DGJS is only her 3rd choice. We support her decision, hope that she will enjoy her school life in SPCC. Thank you for your kind concern!


Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-16 10:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

Dear chinmama

Thank you for your kind information regarding the lunch issue.

I think that the lunch boxes from Maxim are not so tasteful and healthy. On the other hand, if the kids need to queue up to pick up their lunch bags that are delivered during lunchtime, I think it would be < 30 minutes for them to eat their meals. Hence, do you suggest that kids bring their own lunch boxes from home would be the best? If kids bring their own lunches, can they enjoy their lunches immediately when the lunch bell rings (then they have 45 minutes to take their meals)?

Are the lunch volunteers need to carry out their duties every day? What's the time duration and what are the duties? Are their other kinds of volunteers? I hope I will be the volunteer too.

chinmama 寫道:
Hi primary 2006

My kid is studing in SPCC(mrps) and I'm a "lunch mom" (lunch volunteer). Here's some supplementary information about their lunch.

Lunch time is from 12:15 to 1:00. About half of the kids eat their homemade meal while half order lunchboxes.

For those who don't order lunchboxes, they can bring their lunch with them when they go to school. Or their family (usually the maid) have to bring to school and put the labelled lunch bags on the shelf at the entrance before lunch time starts. When lunchtime starts, the school entrance will be closed. Those kids who need to pick up lunchbags will line up and go to the entrance to get them.

Hence, it usually takes 10 min to get them all ready to start eating. Kids must stay in their classroom until 12:45. Most of them should have "finished" at that time (of course most of them won't be able to finish all the food).

The kids will rush out of the classroom at 12:45. 12:45-1:00 is the "lunch recess". Most of them will leave the classroom, some (<5) will stay.

primary2006 寫道:

1. 請問學校午飯時間係幾時? 你係送飯去,小朋友自己帶飯定搭食? 搭食的膳食ok嗎?

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-16 10:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

Dear patayypatayy

Thank you for your sharing!      

patayypatayy 寫道:
My daughter just finished St. Paul Co-edu primary school ( Kennedy ) and has promoted to F.1 in St. Paul Co-edu. My feeling of her six yrs study :
- Study easy in the area of exam or tests. School push not hard
- Quality of students very high. May be their parents do a lot behind. Students smart seems not relating to the school, but parents behind
- If one wants to be top student, competition very keen
- A lot of resources available. Parents fully support. A lot of activities supported by huge no of professional parents
- Principal or teachers desire your children get prizes from outside - music , writing or sports.
- Overall, school is quite good and I believe your children can enjoy a happy school life

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-17 15:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

Dear chinmama

多謝晒你既詳盡資料! 我囡囡唔肯食飯盒!佢話佢食過幾次day camps 既飯盒都好難食,又唔知當日會食乜,冇得撰,所佢已經諗定會帶飯返學食!

我都想每星期做一兩日 lunch volunteer, 順便帶埋的愛心飯俾囡囡食!

chinmama 寫道:
Dear primary2006,

1) do you suggest that kids bring their own lunch boxes from home would be the best?

It depends on your kid's preference. Some kids eat very little bit even they bring their own food.

2) If kids bring their own lunches, can they enjoy their lunches immediately when the lunch bell rings (then they have 45 minutes to take their meals)?

No, they have to wait until everybody is ready and pray before they start. Don't worry, they have enough time to eat.

3) Are the lunch volunteers need to carry out their duties every day? What's the time duration and what are the duties?

Once a week. On duty between 12:15-1:00.
Each lunch mom will be assigned one class (not her own kid's class). The lunch mom will stay in the classroom to look after the kids during the time period.

4) Are their other kinds of volunteers?

Yes. Lunch mom is only part of the works offered by the PTA. There're many other activities coordinated  by the PTA. Information will be given at the meeting in June.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-1-17 15:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!


kittylock 寫道:
As SPCC has been successfully changed to a DSS through-train school in 2001, I wonder whether the below situation still exisits.

If the answer is positive, then I think competition among student would be very keen to avoid being ranked at the last 5.

mmww 寫道:

There are 10 students out of 56 not promoted to SPCC which counts for 18%.  It is quite high.  Will this bring pressure and competition to students?



Rank: 2

發表於 06-3-23 15:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

Hi gogochurch


- 是否只淮穿全黑皮鞋,漆皮面或有立體黑色花得嗎?
- 是否只淮穿全白波鞋,有白色壓花得嗎? 係咪繃帶或自動貼都得?
- 冷衫,外套及羽絨有甚麼規定? 定係全部深藍色就得?
- 書包有冇話乜款唔得?

請指教! 等我可以得閒買定先,謝謝!

Rank: 2

發表於 06-3-26 11:17 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

Hi gogochurch

Thank you for your detailed informations.    

Rank: 2

發表於 06-3-28 18:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!


1) 想問下幾時派表 ?
派表: 05年9月1日至9月16日
交表: 05年9月12日至9月16日

2) 幾時interview ?
1st In(全部申請小朋友): 05年9月尾至10月尾
2nd In(只約見100位小朋友及其家長):05年10月尾至11月初

3) 幾時放榜 ?

kent哥 寫道:
我小朋友下年要報名, 有以下問題想知 :-

1) 想問下幾時派表 ?
2) 幾時interview ?
3) 幾時放榜 ?


Rank: 2

發表於 06-4-4 14:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 有冇子女讀緊St. Paul Co-ed 的家長? 入嚟傾吓!

請問各位知唔知 SPCC 係小一入學前的暑假有冇升小預備班或其他學校活動?

我想早的知道然後安排其他暑期活動, 謝謝!
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