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發表於 09-4-19 07:15 |顯示全部帖子
My boy didn't like to speak and read English too.  It's because I found that his pronounciation development is a little bit slow, so we focus on speaking Cantonese with him only.  He learnt English through watching VCDs.  

Recently, he loves reading.  I put a lot of Chinese and English books at home and he can take the books easily.  Before, if he chose an English book, when I started to speak in English, he would request me to speak in Cantonese.  I told him I didn't know the story and so I need to read in English first.  Then I would tell the story in Cantonese again.  He now knows the pattern.  Sometimes, he even asks me to tell the story in English!

I also borrow books from the library.  But I think it's better to buy some books at home too.  The children love to read the same book repeatly.  My boy asks me to read 西遊記 with him nearly every day!

For spoken English, my boy is still poor.  Sometimes I speak English with him.  He understands but usually reply in Cantonese.  However, if he asks me to explain something and I speak in English, he would ask me to repeat in Cantonese.  I think he really wants to understand something.  Anyway, I think it's okay.  At least he is okay to listen English and can answer YES or NO to me sometimes now.  I'm planning to let him meet the foreigners more often so that he must speak in English.

I think the most important is the children don't resist the language.  The time, it doesn't matter then.

原帖由 jasonpoon 於 09-4-18 04:14 PM 發表
My son is already 4 years old but he seems don't like to speak and read English.  We go to library to read the book together on every sunday.   So please let me know more about this "your baby can rea ...
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