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英基7校教學欠佳 10小學首個自評報告 水平參差 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-6-4 00:27 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 英基7校教學欠佳 10小學首個自評報告 水平參差

Parents should go the ESF's web site to read the whole report.  

The paper version of 明報 has also mentioned some strengths of ESF's primary school.

- 英基小學生的學術能力與英國學生相若,
- 學生表演及視覺藝術水平亦良好
- 優秀教師對學生有合理的高期望, 提出具啓發性問題
- 師生間關係優良, 學生熱愛學習, 品行優秀
- 大部份學校的高層管理合作緊密, 管理制度運作良好

ESF's Schools are not equal, we should not view them as one school.  Just like local schools, parents should use all kind of channels to get the best information about the schools.  The best way is to talk to as many parents as we can.

I guess that Sha Tin Junior is one of the three schools because it has good reputation.  My son's English ability has improved a lot during the past six months.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-6-11 16:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 英基7校教學欠佳 10小學首個自評報告 水平參差

Let's look at the bright side, after the review, I think that the not so good schools will become better, the good schools will become even better.  The good thing after the global economic decline is that  everyone is working harder to keep their jobs.  We opted to send our children to IS because the local education system is already too sick.

Don't think the IS system is a perfect system, it is just a better system.  Don't forget our own contribution to our children, we can do lot of things to complement the education system.

Try our best then no regrets.

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