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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 9龍靈糧堂收左
樓主: 綽綽媽

9龍靈糧堂收左 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-11 16:52 |顯示全部帖子
It's a very good school, don't think they need to lie about the number of applicants, because 500 is not a lot comparing with other famous kinders, anyway, my son has been there since 2 years old, the teachers are all very loving, he has changed from a shy little boy to a now very confident and outspoken person.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-11-20 19:38 |顯示全部帖子
My son was accepted by most kinders but I chose LLC eventually because I felt their teachers were loving and I knew my son would be happy there.

Many of my friends' kids chose other famous kinders, such as C, K or V. Their parents' comments were the teachers are very big nose and not very approachable. Also they felt a lot of pressures because  their kids have  lots of homework. I know 2 of their kids started to hate schools from K2, one of them actually needs to see an educational psychologist because of that. What I am trying to say is when you choose kinder for your kid, please take into account of your kid's personality, not all kids can handle heavy homework and competitions at such young age.

原文章由 管家 於 07-11-20 11:43 硐表
我都收到信收我個仔讀 k1.

我仔仔現讀緊 何文田維記, 我不喜歡讀緊果間, 老師一般, 連我小朋友冇返學都好似唔知咁! 唉! 係頭兩星期都會打電話俾我, 之後...... 冇咯,
而且有 d 家長唔睬人的(同佢打招呼, 唔睬都算,  ...
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