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教育王國 討論區 德望小學暨幼稚園(小學部) 德望學校(小學部)2010/11已被取錄小一家長請報到!!! ...
樓主: beautiful_mama

德望學校(小學部)2010/11已被取錄小一家長請報到!!! [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-16 13:23 |顯示全部帖子
vvmom or 各德望家長,可否解答以下疑間問。

1 德望小學是否可直升中學?
2 學費貴唔貴 ?
3 及其它科目用中文or 英文教呢?
4 是否用普通話教or 廣東話教?
5 有無Native Teacher ?
6 體育堂有無游泳教or 只可參加私人泳班?
7 有什麼校內的課外活動可參加?
8 一年有幾多次測驗及考試?
9 一星期有多少次默書?

Hope to know more about the education method and arrangement about Goodhope before make the final decision as I have other offer on hand.

Million thanks

Rank: 4

發表於 09-11-18 13:47 |顯示全部帖子

Thank you for your detailed reply.
I may have one more choice, 天神。Will be confirmed next week.
It is really hard for me to make a selection between them.
I really know the English level and facilitiate in GH is better. But I need to pay school fee for 6-12 years and the location of GH is a little bit far than 天神.
On the othe hand, 天神 can enter St Mary Secondary School. The secondary school of St Mary may be better than secondary school in goodhope.
I find different selection for those two school in other parents. Some of them select 天神, some of them select GH. Just like apple and orange. Both is better. Hardly for me to determine.

If you have such offer, how to select ?
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