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Tutor Time 多多國際幼稚園 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 07-5-12 11:16 |只看該作者

Tutor Time 多多國際幼稚園

請問知不知道讀紅山半島多多國際幼稚園好不好? 雖然學費貴, 但勝在雙語教學(英文/國語), 而且是小班教學(每班大約8-10人左右), 但不知教育水準如何?請指教!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-5-13 01:06 |只看該作者

Re: Tutor Time 多多國際幼稚園

my son studied in Kowloon Tong Tutor time for 2 months last year. Bad........the staffs and teachers were so young aged and not experienced enough. The classrooms were small. My son sat just next to the toys, so he kept playing the toys and not obey the teacher's command. Also, he liked to walk within the classroom and not concentrate at all. He was only 20 months old at that time, and I presume it's quiet normal. The teachers just ignored him or asked me to make him more concentrate. They are not friendly and this created big pressure on me. Both my son and me felt unhappy in this school.
All the things changed completely after I choosed HMT Victoria. The classroom is big and tidy, teachers(although still v young age) are warm-hearted. My son studied v happily in the school and continued to PN class now.
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