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Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory [複製鏈接]

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發表於 07-2-12 19:23 |只看該作者

Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

I finished the 8 hours course for Montessori Parents last 2 Saturdays that organized by Infinity Children. The course and speaker are both great Great GREAT. I will highly recommend you guys to take this course if you are interested to know more about Montessori and how to implement Mont’s theory into your baby’s daily life.

Before to explore the Montessori way of teaching, I used Glene Doman’s flash card theory on my daughter from her 3.5 months everyday, and she is now almost to 9 mths. I like his concept to feed more knowledgeable things to the baby before 3yrs old because the baby likes a sponge, he/she will absorb whatever we give. There is no contradiction to the Montessori theory except Glene Doman emphasis on the result (factual) we give to baby by using the flash card but Montessori keen on to let the baby get the result by going through the process, that means the 2 theories are in conflict with each other. Example, Glene suggest to use flash card to let the baby know what is cat, what is apple, what is river, or what is skyscraper etc, but Montessori will suggest to let the baby understand what these things are by try to bring the baby to see, to touch, to explore by himself. Because the image or the word show on the card will give no sense of the actual things in terms of the size, texture, material, smell and sound etc.

Anyone use these 2 theories to teach your baby at the same time? How are you going to deal with this big difference?

Rank: 4

發表於 07-2-12 22:27 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

我就正正同時用兩個的教學法,我由阿仔4個月開始 frash卡.雖然我唔知佢識幾多,我個人認為montessori的教學法比較適合用係1.5yrs後的BB,1.5yrs前根本用好難用.但我又唔想1.5yrs之前乜都唔做,所以1歲前我會主力用doman的教學法去開發右腦先,到而家佢14個月,我會慢慢開始行montessori.
我覺得佢地兩個教學法都唔係真係好有衝突.我1歲前frash字卡,圓點卡,百科卡,豐富佢的視覺先..好似生果圖apple卡咁,你係佢bbo個時同佢frash,以doman's thoery佢會認得,到佢識坐識行時,再以montessori's thoery比個real apple佢摸,睇,食....我估咁樣佢會更加對apple有認識.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-2-12 23:36 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

There is really no conflict.  In the KU seminar, the speaker explained that Doman's book is called "How to teach your baby to read" and his emphasis is on early reading.  His main aim is literacy.   Montesorri promotes all rounded learning.  Doman method learns reading faster and parents should supplement it with Montesorri or other approach.  No one solution solves all.

Parents should adapt and adopt what they feel is most effective.  

發表於 07-2-13 01:55 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

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發表於 07-2-13 10:01 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

At P.1 Doman does not make the difference, the parents do.  IF you have the TV on or give them a TV game, they do not read at all.  Generally, GD babies do read much much earlier.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-14 18:16 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

I read Doman's book and he always emphasized we shouldn't test the children and we'd see the result years later.  But any actual case in HK?  Any moms used Doman's method and their children are really fast-readers?

發表於 07-2-14 22:41 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

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發表於 07-2-15 01:24 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

[email protected] 寫道:

I believe just keep our kids the interest of reading and repeat everyday w/ them.  They are all fast readers.

Agree! Same in my case. My son love reading.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-2-15 02:24 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

Click here to see #1 Actual case of 1 year old Baby Reading

Click here to see #2 case of 2 year old Baby Reading

Both of these are very early readers.  What parents decide to be right is right.  Any method os fine provided that there is love, attention and no torture.

發表於 07-2-15 05:00 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

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發表於 07-2-16 00:00 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

GD's method was introduced in U.S. At that time the mothers were crazy about it but it was then dropped several ten years after.  Then it was brought to Japan by 七田真, and dropped after several years later.  Then it was brought to Taiwan.  Hong Kong is now following Taiwan.  I believe the method will be dropped several ten years later in Hong Kong too.  I've bought the flash cards 1 year before but I have quited now.  Mostly because I didn't enjoy the game but rather felf much pressure. I don't want to transfer the pressure to the baby.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-16 08:02 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

stccmc 寫道:
Yeah, but parents need to understand the pros and cons of the options before decisions can be made.  I can spend my time making and flashing cards to babies, or, I can use the same amount of time to read picture books with a baby.  The end game is the same (I think); Picking up a book and read, understand it, have a laugh and most importantly, enjoy it.  The youtube videos are about recognizing words, not sentences, paragraphs and stories.

My other question was about whether GD methods will make a material difference at an older age, eg P1.  Some babies can speak at 3 months, other babies can walk at 6 months.  Will they become a linguist, or a runner when they grow older?  Babies recognizing 30 words at 12 months old is impressive per se, but what does it really mean?



Rank: 1

發表於 07-2-16 14:20 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

“what does it really mean? ”  It means 家長可直此揚耀下自己個仔/女叻人幾多, 佢個仔/女就好似個名牌手袋咁拎出黎哂有幾貴. “我個手袋(個仔/女)係最新款(識字最多/最outstanding) 的, 幾high class!!!”

有d家長睇完 YouTube 條片後可能會話個細路有幾勁, 但我就真係睇到眉頭皺, 尤其是1歲果條片個尾段, 個老豆flash完好多個字後, 個細路已經唔多願意繼續做落去, 個老豆比個"nose” 字同個細路講 ”the last one”, 於是個細路聽完就勉強指完個鼻以為可以完事, 點知個老豆跟住重要比個”tongue” 字佢睇, 真係…..唉…

我認為每樣教學方法都有其優點及缺點, 只視乎家長的個人取向從而去衡量及決定用什麼方法去教自己的小孩;  但我覺得最重要的是要讓小孩"快樂地學習"; 家長要經常提醒自己凡事千其唔好走火入魔, 錯誤或過度使用只會物極必反, 令小孩反感失去當初的理念之餘, 又影響親子關係….

stccmc 寫道:
Both of these are very early readers. What parents decide to be right is right. Any method os fine provided that there is love, attention and no torture.

Yeah, but parents need to understand the pros and cons of the options before decisions can be made.  I can spend my time making and flashing cards to babies, or, I can use the same amount of time to read picture books with a baby.  The end game is the same (I think); Picking up a book and read, understand it, have a laugh and most importantly, enjoy it.  The youtube videos are about recognizing words, not sentences, paragraphs and stories.

My other question was about whether GD methods will make a material difference at an older age, eg P1.  Some babies can speak at 3 months, other babies can walk at 6 months.  Will they become a linguist, or a runner when they grow older?  Babies recognizing 30 words at 12 months old is impressive per se, but what does it really mean?


Rank: 1

發表於 07-2-16 15:37 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

AGREE, 我身邊有好多父母都好虛榮, 唔哀得心態搞到d小朋友好唔健康.

mrlabour 寫道:
“what does it really mean? ”  It means 家長可直此揚耀下自己個仔/女叻人幾多, 佢個仔/女就好似個名牌手袋咁拎出黎哂有幾貴. “我個手袋(個仔/女)係最新款(識字最多/最outstanding) 的, 幾high class!!!”

有d家長睇完 YouTube 條片後可能會話個細路有幾勁, 但我就真係睇到眉頭皺, 尤其是1歲果條片個尾段, 個老豆flash完好多個字後, 個細路已經唔多願意繼續做落去, 個老豆比個"nose” 字同個細路講 ”the last one”, 於是個細路聽完就勉強指完個鼻以為可以完事, 點知個老豆跟住重要比個”tongue” 字佢睇, 真係…..唉…

我認為每樣教學方法都有其優點及缺點, 只視乎家長的個人取向從而去衡量及決定用什麼方法去教自己的小孩;  但我覺得最重要的是要讓小孩"快樂地學習"; 家長要經常提醒自己凡事千其唔好走火入魔, 錯誤或過度使用只會物極必反, 令小孩反感失去當初的理念之餘, 又影響親子關係….

Rank: 1

發表於 07-2-22 14:54 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

A good start needs good nourishment.  Doman and Shichida just gave initial methods and inspiration to parents on the potentials of a child.  

All babies can sing.  We can teach them to sing nursery songs, canton pop, church hymn or Bach music.

When a child can read, what moulds their character is the type of books that you allow them to read.  A P.6 boys who reads "Captain Underpants" will be different than a child who reads "Harry Potter" and will be different than a child who reads "How to win friends and influence people".

To think that Doman and Shichida are the saviour of your child's academic journey is "too simple and naive".  Nothing replaces good parenthood.  However, good parenthood with good method, good support and good philosophy makes the job so much easier.

Any disgareement?   

Rank: 1

發表於 07-2-22 15:00 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

As for the question "what does it mean"?

It means different things to different person.  It could mean:

1.  Cruelty to children;
2.  Short term memory which has no value;
3.  Good dedicated parents;
4.  Child given early start on literacy giving them confidence to read more and watch TV less;

Our intrinsic values and standards will interpret it differently for each individual.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-22 15:02 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

I have to declare I don't know much about these two methods, I have heard of them though.

'Speeding up' the learning process might not do much good to the child if it's over the top. I tend to reckon a good teaching or learning approach might not get any immediate, remarkable 'results' (for the child/parents?). It should however benefit the child in the long run e.g. instilling a sense of curiosity.

stccmc asked an insightful question.

Rank: 1

發表於 07-2-22 15:09 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

At a seminar that I attended, the speaker explained this to me:

"We will not and do not enjoy reading a Korean newspaper (except pictures) since we do not know the words.  We might spend a little more time on a Japanese newspaper since we know some of the "Hanji".  We read the whole of Singtao since we know all the words and they mean something to us."

"Early reading is a counter balance and preferred over early TV."

Doman and Shichida both advocated that babies love learning but adults take the fun out of learning because of pressure, unreasonable expectations, test, exams, etc.

It is not so much speeding up.  Back in the 1920s, car travel at 20km per hour and 60km would be speeding and lightning.  Today we call 60km crawling and Ferrari goes up to 240km.

What is "Speeding up" in light of our understanding of the learning abilities of a modern day child?

發表於 07-2-23 22:49 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory

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發表於 07-2-24 13:35 |只看該作者

Re: Conflict between Montessori and Glene Doman's (Flash Card)Theory


起初上完2堂montessori course後,真係好猶疑是否應該停止再閃我個女。因為個導師一而再再而三地强調填鴨式的教育對嬰幼兒早期學習的害處,即係好似大多數mami都熱衷使用的doman flash card teaching method。嬰幼兒在經過長期不求甚解地把文字,數點及图像死記硬背後,往往會反而導致佢哋學習障礙。尤其是嗰D有上認字班的幼兒,當佢哋到達適齡上學的時候,往往會以為自己真係識好多嘢,老師要教的佢哋都見過晒D字又讀過晒,因而变得自大同失去學習的興趣,故步自封,與同學仔及老師的關係变得疏離,以致不願意再返學。

係咪好似講到好負面呢?須然唔會每個用過flash card的B都會絞成o甘,但我相信一定會有lee D cases。其實無論用flash card又好,用montessori education method 又好,兩者都希望襯幼兒吸收力最強的時期(0-6 yrs old)比多D機會佢哋學習唔同kar 嘢,為未來成長打好基礎。


所以flash card我會照閃,不過我會配合用montessori的理念將數量,感官經驗再實體化。例如我會用dot card閃佢,再用貯埋好多的FANCL洗面foaming ball由1數到20,將D ball ball一粒粒放係佢面前,再捉住佢隻手仔去一粒粒摸下佢哋,希望阿女好快就識得跟住數• 數目再多D時就要找另類物件代替D ball ball 啦。
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