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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Singapore International School
樓主: kannes

Singapore International School [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-6-20 23:16 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


I'd also like to apply PY1 for my 4/03 daughter for 9/2007 and my 12/04 son for 9/2008 or 9/2009. Why do you want to apply next sept for your son? Then he will be very very small in the class?

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-21 11:30 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


I would send the application form in this year and hopefully will be interviewed in Jan/Feb of 2007for the PY2 in 2007/08.

My son is now studying in K1 and he will become K2 student in the coming September 2006, my hubsband and I found my son quite enjoy his school life and therefore we would consider to let him to SIS only when he become a K3 student. And the most important is the deadline to apply for PY1 for the year of 2006/07 has been expired la!

Your daughter is younger than mine, my son is now 3.5 years old, and your younger daughter should be 3 years old, right??

Rank: 2

發表於 06-6-22 10:15 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


My girl is also a Jan. baby.  Do you think SIS will accept them 1 year early since these kids are only a few days younger than what their cut off date on 12/31?  Do you know of any kids who are successful in getting in 1 year earlier?  

yyyy 寫道:
Yes, I have two girls. My younger one was born in Jan 2004.  I am thinking let her study in SIS PY1 next september if SIS allows. I will ask in September.

Would you mind to share your reasons for applying in next year? I want to consider it also.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-22 15:14 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


I am going to ask after September.  I hope the can accept but not sure.

Why let her study there one year early? Just as you said, she just a few days younger than 31/12.  Second, I think languages are quite important.  Younger to study the better. (just I think, not sure).

Rank: 2

發表於 06-6-22 15:28 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


My daughter is in K1 right now.  She is born in Jan. 2003, all her other classmates are born in 2002.  I see that she has no problem catching up with them so I think if the school can accpet her 1 year early, she is only a few days younger than other kids as their cut off date is 12/31.  Then she does not need to repeat in the kinder to get accepted for the prep school.

yyyy 寫道:

I am going to ask after September.  I hope the can accept but not sure.

Why let her study there one year early? Just as you said, she just a few days younger than 31/12.  Second, I think languages are quite important.  Younger to study the better. (just I think, not sure).

Rank: 4

發表於 06-6-22 16:55 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


My daughter is in N1 now.  She will be K1 in September. The kinder told me if she cannot catch up the standard in K1, she needs to repeat! From now on, the teacher said my child is OK and is more clever than the same age.  I don't know whether it's true or not.  You know, teachers always say something parents like to listen. All her classmates now are bigger than her now.

I don't mind how many my daughter can learn now.  I found out she just remember very little words among what her school taught her. ie. the school taught her 15 transportation vehicles, she just recognise 3-4 only.

cari 寫道:

My daughter is in K1 right now.  She is born in Jan. 2003, all her other classmates are born in 2002.  I see that she has no problem catching up with them so I think if the school can accpet her 1 year early, she is only a few days younger than other kids as their cut off date is 12/31.  Then she does not need to repeat in the kinder to get accepted for the prep school.

yyyy 寫道:

I am going to ask after September.  I hope the can accept but not sure.

Why let her study there one year early? Just as you said, she just a few days younger than 31/12.  Second, I think languages are quite important.  Younger to study the better. (just I think, not sure).

發表於 06-7-5 13:50 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

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Rank: 4

發表於 06-7-5 14:50 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Hi, Stephanie's Mum,

May I ask what class will your daughter apply for? PY2, right? I am going to apply the same class for the year of 2007/08.


發表於 06-7-5 15:55 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

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Rank: 2

發表於 06-7-7 06:45 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Dear Stephanie'Mum
From my experience, the interview will be carried out in in between Feb to March and you will be notified two weeks later.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-28 18:12 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

May i know how PY1 students in SIS learn English?
My little one's teacher is a native mandarin speaker. my little one also told me that pupils in the class normally speak mandarin. on the orientation day, I noticed that the english of the principal is very singlish... i dont have any worries over their academic standard. grateful if anyone can tell me more about how pupils learn English there.tks.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-29 09:22 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


For PY1, there are two teachers, one for madarin and one for english. They are usually native speaking. The method SIS uses is one day Mandarin and the other day English.  Therefore, the students will learn both language very fast as they can concentrate the whole day in one language.

Yes, the principal is quite singlish. But don't worry.  1/3 are foreigners and 1/3 are native mandarin teachers and 1/3 are from Singapore.

The classmates will usually speak english when they play, in school bus....
gogocat 寫道:
May i know how PY1 students in SIS learn English?
My little one's teacher is a native mandarin speaker. my little one also told me that pupils in the class normally speak mandarin. on the orientation day, I noticed that the english of the principal is very singlish... i dont have any worries over their academic standard. grateful if anyone can tell me more about how pupils learn English there.tks.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-29 10:04 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

yyyy 寫道:

For PY1, there are two teachers, one for madarin and one for english. They are usually native speaking. The method SIS uses is one day Mandarin and the other day English.  Therefore, the students will learn both language very fast as they can concentrate the whole day in one language.

Yes, the principal is quite singlish. But don't worry.  1/3 are foreigners and 1/3 are native mandarin teachers and 1/3 are from Singapore.

The classmates will usually speak english when they play, in school bus....

hi yyyy,

Sorry, I have a little amendment to your message. Having checked my daughter's class schedule in PY1, they were taught by half day english and half day mandarin.

BTW, long time no chat, how are you ?


Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-29 10:57 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


Thanks a lot for your update!  When I wrote the message, I also think about the changes maybe.

I am planning to apply PY1 for my younger daughter.  Please give me some hints as mine maybe outdated already.  

I have noticed that from my daughter's timetable for this year (P5), they are more concentrate on their main subjects.  Only one PE class, one Art & Craft class and no Dance class.  I am thinking whether this occurs in P5 or the whole school.

florence 寫道:
yyyy 寫道:

For PY1, there are two teachers, one for madarin and one for english. They are usually native speaking. The method SIS uses is one day Mandarin and the other day English.  Therefore, the students will learn both language very fast as they can concentrate the whole day in one language.

Yes, the principal is quite singlish. But don't worry.  1/3 are foreigners and 1/3 are native mandarin teachers and 1/3 are from Singapore.

The classmates will usually speak english when they play, in school bus....

hi yyyy,

Sorry, I have a little amendment to your message. Having checked my daughter's class schedule in PY1, they were taught by half day english and half day mandarin.

BTW, long time no chat, how are you ?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-29 11:51 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

yyyy, 你唔好0甘客氣啦  :

hints ? 我無咩hints可以俾你喎, 我仲要向你多多請教呢  
   你個大女讀緊sis, 細女都應該一定入到既....

今年有個朋友個仔入左PY1, 所以陪佢一齊去orientation, 發覺今年出席既家長比上年多很多很多, 而且今年PY1比上年既4班加開多一班tim....

我個女升左PY2, 佢而家班裡由原本既18人加到23人了...

老師方面都有調動, 因為ms joanne tsang (亞女PY1既eng teacher) 升左做 HOD, 所以PY2每班都有一位老師轉左.

PY既playground正在進行加建上蓋工程, 以後小朋友在下雨天都可以出playground玩了, 不過工程預計要到12月中...

另外, PY classrooms外既牆壁都晝上了好多得意既公仔, 好靚, 小朋友見到一定好開心....

有無考慮俾大女入sis  既secondary school呀 ? 我之前有提過亞女一個讀P6既朋友, 佢考到庇利羅氐女子中學及港大同學會, 最終選入讀後者, 聽佢daddy講當日都有好多sis既學生去考呢間中學, 收左幾多就唔知了, 學費約 3千幾.  
yyyy 寫道:

Thanks a lot for your update!  When I wrote the message, I also think about the changes maybe.

I am planning to apply PY1 for my younger daughter.  Please give me some hints as mine maybe outdated already.  


Rank: 4

發表於 06-8-29 13:59 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


我諗住妳個女上年interview完, 應該知道大約int什麼添!!!雖然有家姐讀緊, 如果int得好d, 會比較放心呀!!!(因我個女係超細女, 今年都唔知有無機會int呀!)

今年p5都有4班, 不過p6得2班, 可能很多同學在學校9月份宣佈時已找了學校吧!

我們一家知道學校有中學真的很開心, 如果沒有中學便要轉校, 轉校始終要重新適應, 又擔心如果新校沒有法文學, 這幾年學得又會白費...不但法文, 就是中文都有這個問題, 香港比較少國際學校如sis般注重中文的...個女又早早表明不會返local school讀, 佢話唔想適應d繁體字!

妳真是一個好媽媽, 不但留意呀女的學習, 連學校的外墻設施都留意到...我真係有d蒙查查架, 不但未識晒呀女d老師, 連呀女學緊d麥都唔多清楚!今年PTM時要睇清楚D先!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-29 14:44 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School


可能我個女仲細, 所以我先至可以參與多d, 可能佢大個d就唔同我講0甘多架喇, 佢到時大把friends呢....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-29 20:38 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

my little one is a small girl as well and she is in PY1. i also learnt one of my daughter's classmate who was born on Jan 2003, super small child!
may i know whether ms joanna tsang is good or not?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-29 21:11 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

Joanne is a very nice and  a well experienced teacher. She has been teaching here for over 10 years.

gogocat 寫道:
my little one is a small girl as well and she is in PY1. i also learnt one of my daughter's classmate who was born on Jan 2003, super small child!
may i know whether ms joanna tsang is good or not?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-8-30 12:21 |只看該作者

Re: Singapore International School

阿仔其實唔識講, 亦聽唔董英文… 現已返了3天sIS, 他表現得好唔開心, 我亦明白是需要時間適應, 但佢由2歲開始返學都從未哭過, 但仔仔佢返了sis後, 在學校哭了及今天要我打電話返學校唔返學….我知對佢來說面對全英語的學校是一個好困難的適應期, 我唔知可以怎樣幫佢, 又好憂慮他會否以後變得抗拒上學, 又擔心佢如何可以跟得上聽同講,…..  
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