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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 除了ESF和ICA, 有那家國際學校收生是以該年年尾出生截期 ...
樓主: elmostoney

除了ESF和ICA, 有那家國際學校收生是以該年年尾出生截期? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 16-5-27 11:17 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 nintendo 於 16-5-27 11:18 編輯
elmostoney 發表於 16-5-26 10:15
如果小朋友已讀開, 唔會因為四年relocate轉校好理解, 不竟有哂peer group. 但未落搭的家長唔會咁諗, 有睇過 ...

If in the end only Island School give you a place, you will probably have to take it anyway.  However, you are already outside the ESF system. So you need to wait until all ESF primary students settle down with their choices. The places released eventually available to outsiders are probably not going to be as many as you thought.

"去得大圍咁遠返學, 就唔洗一定諗Island School. " You are stuck in an awkward position and not like you have a lot of choices or options. If I were you, I would be happy to take any offer. Which school(s) do you mean when you said you can have other choices? ICS? YCIS? AIS? RCHK? CAIS? Some of them have 31/8 cut off but even if they do not, honestly, with the transition phase from primary to secondary, a lot of students in IS or LS is looking for a chance to switch to the IS secondary school they like. It is not going to be like the piece of cake you expected.

If in the end Island School is the easiet choice, then you probably have to take it anyway. I know a few families that live on the island with kids going schools in NT. If you are too concerned with travelling time, you might wish to consider moving to Tai Wai.

Last, about the cut off date. I strongly suggest that you call the schools up to speak with admission officers. Some schools are very flexible with the cut off date if the student is much older. The most extreme case is a child 2 years older than his peers. So a responsible school would always be willing to consider a student's application on its own. The first thing is you need to somehow "beg" for a chance of interview. Then you can put forth your case to the interviewer.

Good luck.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 16-5-28 15:39 |只看該作者

回覆:除了ESF和ICA, 有那家國際學校收生是以該年年尾出生截期?


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