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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 phioncs同国际音标有何分别?
樓主: 乐乐

phioncs同国际音标有何分别? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-3 23:18 |只看該作者
Thank you for your compliment.  My kid is not as smart as you put it, but I trust he has a good memory.  When he was small (below 2), we played phonics VCD about 15 to 20 mins on a daily basis (one-way) and read the same words in the evening when I got home (two-way as I would invite him to repeat).  With our bed-time reading, he developed an affinity for books  and would "sight read" books placed near his bed when he woke up in the morning for one or two hours.  As he reads extensively, he builds up his vocabulary bank and becomes a more competent reader.

His good memory is reflected when he could read "wind" as "wain-d" instead of "win-d" when this word appeared in his story book to mean pulling round the spring of a toy.  This word, as I recall, was first read to him when he was in PN or K1.

原帖由 小謙伯伯 於 11-7-29 19:12 發表
你個小朋友識讀 slimy 好叻啫。因為呢個已經唔止係 phonics 的問題。首先佢要知有slime 呢個字,又能引用 [single vowel + single consonant + e-ending] 個vowel 以 long vowel 讀這個 rule, 將 slime 的 i 讀 ai. 然後第二層就是要知道 slimy 是從 slime 轉化過來的,才可以正確的讀到(SLAI-mie)。講得grand 一點,是認識到字詞的etymology 呢!

Glad to know your nephew is  interested in reading the English bible (while we only show our son the Chinese version (abridged for kids)).  It's indeed difficult to pronounce the names of places and people in the bible.  So I believe IPA would make things easier.  For example, I have never imagined "Job" as in the Book of Job is read like "Joe-b".

The HK accent can also be corrected if one is serious in learning IPA and uses it to practise a lot (examples of HK accent are: "mandatory" incorrectly read as "ˈməndeitəri"  instead of "ˈmæn.də.tri"; "tentative" incorrectly read as "tənˈteitiv" instead of "ˈten.tə.tɪv"; etc)

小謙是我的侄仔,不是 niece,他現在看聖經,由於經書上有很多人名地名,我以前讀書時不大會弄清發音的,現在陪太子讀書都要一一弄清。起初是從網上下載音檔的,但發覺仲煩,因為無可能成日開住個電腦讀書,而家索性抄下網上字典的 IPA 音標,兩伯侄作為參考,希望日子有功可以潛移點化,幫小謙學會國際音標。

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-3 23:37 |只看該作者
Oh yes, pronunciation changes with time, and the more contemporary way of saying "-d-" and "-t-" has adopted the weakened form.  For example, "important" is more likely read as "ɪmˈpɔː.t
nt" while "sudden" as "ˈsʌd.

On the other hand, "Christmas" is often wrongly abbreviated as "X'mas" in Hong Kong.  The correct abbreviation is however "Xmas" which has the same pronunciation as "Christmas".  The "X" can be taken to mean the first letter of the Greek word translated as "Christ", or to mean the cross on which Jesus died for us.

原帖由 小謙伯伯 於 11-7-31 18:45 發表
教英文?梗唔係啦!大學畢業後我係「滿腔熱誠地」教過一陣子書(熱誠到完全無諗過其他,連政府乜O物O 的申請表都無拿過張),但好快就知道自己無呢個 calling,因為設身處地先知原來自己係絕對抗拒參與另一個個體的成長o既,此所以 ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-3 23:46 |只看該作者
You are probably right.  But I remember that the process of learning the IPA symbols (when I was in junior secondary school) did help me a lot - my vocab grew as I looked up the words and their IPAs. When pronouncing them via the symbols, I had to "process" the information carried by the IPA before I could read out the words.

Imitating the sound/pronunciation from the computer or iPhone is rather one-way without actually processing the information I suppose.  The memory span is relatively shorter and one could forget the pronunciation within a short time.

Moreover, when I do a speech, I can write the IPA against the words I am not familiar on note-cards.  Computer or iPhone can't give the clue in a similar way.

原帖由 virjoyba 於 11-7-31 19:22 發表

今時今日, 只要按一下電腦, iphone, 手機, etc. 字正腔圓的英文讀音就出來了, 都不需要學什麼國際音標了!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 11-8-4 01:06 |只看該作者
学好phonics,串字时只需记exceptions或拼音分不出的部分如 double L vs single L。

[ 本帖最後由 1234ats 於 11-8-4 01:10 編輯 ]

Rank: 4

發表於 11-8-4 15:45 |只看該作者
A-Mum / 樂樂 / awah112:



小謙同你位小朋友差唔多都係果類,記性好到不得了,又鍾意睇書,只要係喜歡o既,幾深都照去,無有怕,連汁都撈埋。有兩次我直頭懷疑佢有 photographic mind. 一次係睇天文學o既書,講到太陽系,佢話 Saturn 係 Jupiter 的爸爸,我一時間用我的「常理」邏輯推想:Jupiter 已經係眾神之王,應該唔會有老豆喇卦?

「Saturn 係 Jupiter o既爸爸?係咪真架?」




又有一次睇居禮夫人的傳記,我話 Marie Curie 發現radium. 小謙話唔止 radium, polonium 都係佢發現o既。我話唔係下話?由細到大淨係聽到佢 discovered radium,無聽過仲有第二種 element 喎。小謙即刻翻書,只十秒八秒,隊過黎俾伯伯睇,o係紙頁o既角落頭就有呢個記載。伯伯興奮得摟住小謙:「小謙你好叻仔呀,真係伯伯o既知識小天使黎架。」


小謙看聖經,看英文而沒看中文,是因為他不是返教會,上主日學果隻。由於他的朋友仔當中不乏基督徒,因此經常有姨姨邀請他返教會,但謙爸沒有宗教信仰,也不想孩子在幼年決志信仰任何宗教。惟小謙聽得多自己也想認識一下,所以伯伯就幫他到圖書館借一些兒童聖經故事來看。小謙自兩歲開始學習知識以來,一直都是以英文為 medium of learning 的,明顯與中國文化有關的(如中國歷史和三國演義)才用中文。

X’mas 我一直唔知是個土產,還以為如 maths vs math; Mr vs Mr. 是英美之別,真是學海無涯呢。

[ 本帖最後由 小謙伯伯 於 11-8-4 20:52 編輯 ]
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