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教育王國 討論區 升中派位 急:聖類斯被降為中中了!還應該選擇她嗎? ...
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急:聖類斯被降為中中了!還應該選擇她嗎? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-15 23:14 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
小兒明年將入讀聖類斯小學P1, 原本是希望升中時有直屬英中做Backup, 但現在中學被降呢為中中了, 
(1) 這對我小兒影響大嗎? 
(2) 小學部的英文水平會否受到影響?
(3) 中學部的Banding會否由現時Band2 頭下降? 

   0    0    0    0

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-16 00:09 |只看該作者
St. Louis is still going to use English as medium of instruction.  It is not changing to a CMI school.  I think there are some confusions during news report which need to be clarified.

What going to happen is they will have ONE class only using Chinese to help those students who may not be totally suitable to be taught in English.  Everything will be the same, the school is still an EMI, not CMI.

Primary section won't be affected as the changes in secondary section is much smaller as it may have been reported.

Finally, I don't think a school having over 80% of students admitted in the top 40% of entire HK is a band 2 school.....

原帖由 fishman10hk 於 09-12-15 23:14 發表
小兒明年將入讀聖類斯小學P1, 原本是希望升中時有直屬英中做Backup, 但現在中學被降呢為中中了,
(1) 這對我小兒影響大嗎?
(2) 小學部的英文水平會否受到影響?
(3) 中學部的Banding會否由現時Band2 頭下降?

很 ...

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 09-12-16 18:19 |只看該作者
好好既分析,你好似好熟sls咁 wor,未請教! 我個女都係讀聖心既,佢係nca.

Rank: 4

發表於 09-12-17 00:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 fishman10hk 於 09-12-15 23:14 發表
小兒明年將入讀聖類斯小學P1, 原本是希望升中時有直屬英中做Backup, 但現在中學被降呢為中中了,
(1) 這對我小兒影響大嗎?
(2) 小學部的英文水平會否受到影響?
(3) 中學部的Banding會否由現時Band2 頭下降?

很 ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-17 13:51 |只看該作者
Hi mrs. aj, I remember your nickname from SHCK's forum.  My daughter is studying in NCBpm.

I know quite well of the development because I am an old boy of SLS.   I am also one of the many dedicated old boys who regularly help to organize events for the current students so we understand quite well of the current environment.

原帖由 mrs.aj 於 09-12-16 18:19 發表
好好既分析,你好似好熟sls咁 wor,未請教! 我個女都係讀聖心既,佢係nca.

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-17 22:05 |只看該作者

回覆 5# iantsang 的文章


我所擔心的是惡性循環問題, (降呢) 後中學吸引唔到band1生進入, 跌band祇怕是遲早之事, 今天的聖類斯中學頗有昔日觀塘名英中 - 聖若瑟英文中學 的影子, 轉為中中後現在祇能掙扎於band3邊緣了, 你認為可能性大嗎?

此外,至今仍然見不到校方有任何應變計劃及回應, 莫非等著坐以待斃? 

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-17 23:38 |只看該作者
hi fishman10hk,

I won't worry this issue will happen, mainly due to the differences of students allocation in the Central & Western district:

Currently, there are 12 secondary schools in the district, where 10 of them are EMI (including St. Louis which is still an EMI), and only two are CMI.  Moreover, 3 of the other EMI are Direct Subsidized schools so their students sources are including those outside of the district.  So basically all the EMI are competing with each other to fight for as many band 1 & 2 students as possible from the own district.  What happened with St. Louis is simply because it is a rather low profile school so it is less popular as a choice for parents who are outside of the district.  Due to that reason, less Band 1 from outside of Central & Western district are being attracted so they fail short on achieving the enough top 40% students from the entire HK to open all English classes, but I can tell you they just missed it by very very thin margin......

Anyway, the philosophy of the school itself is to give opportunity to students from all levels and from different background to be given a fair opportunity to be educated, and provide good moral training.  If we assume other EMI are attracting better P6 students than SLS, then you will be surprised that the public results are rather similar by reading each schools' annual reports.  So, students in SLS actually got the best improvement and this is the essence of how the school has been run the past 80 years.

For your information, there are already a lot going on at the moment and I can show you the following message already being distributed by the old boys association.  There are huge supports being done by many many dedicated old boys who wanna give back to the school - this tells you clearly what sort of quality of students this school has been able to developed.

[url=]St. Louis is and will be an English School – Clarification of Fine-tuning[/url]

During the past few days, there has been a lot of reporting in relation to “Fine-tuningin the media.  We want to clarify any mis-represented news with St. Louis School in this Newsletter.  We would also like to take this opportunity to share with you recent updates on our Alma Mater.

I. St. Louis will continue to be an English School:

Under the “Fine-tuning” policy, we understand that the in-coming Secondary 1 students of St. Louis will be divided into 5 classes and 4 of them will be taught with English as a medium of teaching for ALL subjects (except Chinese Language and Chinese History). The remaining class (“Fine Tuning Class”) will still adopt English as medium of teaching for Mathematics and Integrated Science.  In other words, the actual change is in fact minimal.

Such an arrangement is applied only to Secondary 1- Secondary 3.  When students are promoted to Secondary 4, ALL 5 classes will use English as a medium of instruction for ALL subjects, just like what St. Louis has done in the past decades.
In summary only minimum (5%) change from the current full English curriculum:

Form 4-6
5 full English classes: ALL subjects in English except Chinese Language

Form 1-3
4 full English classes: ALL subjects in English except Chinese Language and Chinese History
1 "fine-tuned" class: Math (Eng), Integrated Science (Eng), History/Geography/Computer/Bible (Chin)

II. St. Louis has made outstanding achievements:  

“Fine-tuning” is based on INPUT (ranking of students in Secondary 1) rather than OUTPUT (results attained in Secondary 5 & 7).  St. Louis’ recent output has shown substantial value-added and is at least comparable to other neighboring English boy schools in some key measures.  Information below is mainly based on the school reports of St. Louis and its English peer boy schools (available on the internet).

  • Excellent Value-added School in the Central & Western District   based on Education Bureau’s assessment
  • 100% Secondary 5 passed in English Language in 2008-9; >90%   overall passing rate; 40 students with 20 points or above
  • 100% Secondary 6 were filled by own students with 14 points or   above in the past 5 years (vs 88% & 93% respectively of two English peer   boy schools)
  • 80% - 90% Secondary 7 met university bachelor degree entry requirements (vs   89% & 70-80% of two English peer boy schools vs 49% Hong Kong average) –   5-year average
  • Champion, Inter-school English Choral Speaking Competition;   Football Team in Division One; Cross-country Running Team as Overall   Champion

III. Moving forward – old boys’ support

Don Bosco turned the underprivileged children into most responsible citizens; St. Louis has followed this spirit for 80 years. Many of our most successful old boys came from underprivileged families.  Some of them are late bloomers.

We should recognize there are significant changes in the education environment in Hong Kong in recent years. St. Louis is facing tremendous challenges, but all other leading schools are in the same position.

SLOBA has been dedicating resources among old boys to support St. Louis students. This is one of the most exceptional contributing factors to the high value added success. We have been taught in an all rounded system with flexibility in St Louis.  We should move on with confidence. Your continual support will be of significant importance to the future development of our school.

原帖由 fishman10hk 於 09-12-17 22:05 發表

我所擔心的是惡性循環問題, (降呢) 後中學吸引唔到band1生進入, 跌band祇怕是遲早之事, 今天的聖類斯中學頗有昔日觀塘名英中 - 聖若瑟英文中學 的影子, 轉為中中後現在祇能掙扎於band3邊緣了, 你認為 ...

發表於 09-12-18 00:44 |只看該作者
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發表於 09-12-18 00:46 |只看該作者
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 09-12-18 01:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 iantsang 於 09-12-17 23:38 發表
hi fishman10hk,

I won't worry this issue will happen, mainly due to the differences of students allocation in the Central & Western district:

Currently, there are 12 secondary schools in the distric ...






Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-18 23:46 |只看該作者
Hi Tommy,

Have you studied in a Salesians school also?  Seems you understand very well the philosophy of the organization.  Thank you very much for stating out this and remind us that we shouldn't be worried too much.  Since all along, we always have  a good balance of students and the intention is to give everyone a good chance for their future.  We are not like other schools who strategically alter their own school philosophy like a commercial organization.  Thanks again!

Also, must make it clear that we are still keeping the 85% policy.  However, I understand there have been some mis-understandings from the primary school parents that they may feel the secondary section is not honoring this acceptance method.  I can assure them it is in writing, and we MUST follow it.  I believe there must be confusions mainly due to the complication of the allocation by the EDB.

I can assure the SLS primary parents, if SLS is your first choice in the list of schools, and the students belong to either Band 1 & 2, they will all be accepted to the secondary section (the primary section runs small classes now).  The school management have no authorizations to alter this.

原帖由 Tommy 於 09-12-18 01:04 發表



很多學校都放棄了這個85,聖類斯仍有這個堅持嗎?好的東西 ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-18 23:48 |只看該作者
Hi sysadmin,

Thanks for the positive comments!  I agree with you as there is a difference between freedom and self-discipline.  Of course, this is affected by the society where common understandings of such values may not be the same.

Thanks for your support!  I also believe the school can become stronger!

原帖由 sysadmin 於 09-12-18 00:44 發表
現在聖 louis 的學生其實亦應自强ar....街外人看不見校內的教育...看不見學生的能力....卻總看他們的外表....不修邊幅....沒有一致整齊的校服及髮式等....不是每人都能有足夠的見識...了解st louis 自由與自律的校風 ...

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-18 23:50 |只看該作者
Hi fishman10hk,

You may find the link to the press release by the school to answer your queries.  I hope it has addressed your concerns.


原帖由 fishman10hk 於 09-12-17 22:05 發表

我所擔心的是惡性循環問題, (降呢) 後中學吸引唔到band1生進入, 跌band祇怕是遲早之事, 今天的聖類斯中學頗有昔日觀塘名英中 - 聖若瑟英文中學 的影子, 轉為中中後現在祇能掙扎於band3邊緣了, 你認為 ...

Rank: 2

發表於 09-12-22 17:05 |只看該作者

回覆 13# iantsang 的文章

Hi iantsang,

Thank you for your valuable information, I am now more confident of this school. :)  I am hoping for the next chance to share with you, the old boy of St. Louis.

Marry X'mas and Happy new year!

Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11Rank: 11


發表於 09-12-23 11:38 |只看該作者
Hi fisherman10hk,

I am glad to know that you have now more confident towards the school.

I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

原帖由 fishman10hk 於 09-12-22 17:05 發表
Hi iantsang,

Thank you for your valuable information, I am now more confident of this school. :)  I am hoping for the next chance to share with you, the old boy of St. Louis.

Marry X'mas and Happy  ...

Rank: 2

發表於 10-1-3 20:46 |只看該作者
2010 / 11 學年部份「落車」中學

2009 HKCEE

( Distinct + Credit ) / Candidate

14 points or more from best 6 subjects

Hong Kong

ST Louis




Our Lady's



N. T.

Immaculate Heart of Mary



Kwok Tak Seng



Yuen Long Public



I got this info. from another thread. If it is true, St. Louise's HKCEE examination result seem to be far below the expectation.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 10-1-4 11:18 |只看該作者
記得當年 st. louis 險被踢出百多間英中之列,
但慈幼並冇放棄 ...
偷步用英文, 小學力谷...
年年升上st paul co-ed, 張祝珊 ... 大有人在!

其實依家st. louis 的情況應該有當年慈幼咁worst,
所以st. louis 當務之急係谷好小學,
仲要secure d 叻學生上中學

原帖由 hifing 於 10-1-3 20:46 發表
2010 / 11 學年部份「落車」中學

2009 HKCEE
( Distinct + Credit ) / Candidate
14 points or more from best 6 subjects
Hong Kong
ST Louis
Our Lady's
N. T.
Immaculate Heart o ...

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-1-4 23:05 |只看該作者
原帖由 hifing 於 10-1-3 20:46 發表
2010 / 11 學年部份「落車」中學

2009 HKCEE
( Distinct + Credit ) / Candidate
14 points or more from best 6 subjects
Hong Kong
ST Louis
Our Lady's
N. T.
Immaculate Heart o ...

其實也不算是太差, 如果同St. Paul 比:
聖保羅書院  (推算上年6科14分約佔58%, 今年46.39%)

在語言方面的確是有改進的空間, 語言基礎好, 讀其他科目自然事半功倍

Rank: 2

發表於 10-1-6 16:56 |只看該作者
Where do u get the HKCEE result for St. Paul Boys as I am considering to apply this school for my boy?  But if your info. is correct, then both St. Louis and St. Paul are equally bad in this aspect.

Rank: 4

發表於 10-1-7 02:45 |只看該作者
SLS的小學是直資的所以不夠津小爭。小學收生不足,而且有D小學家長好自私經常干預學校的教學。如果小學校長可以強硬一些會對小學部的發展有幫助。至於中學部,我只能說SLS是教人的。如果你的小朋友是Band 1 中QC一定無,KC就算入到會有機會因自覺性不足而追不上。SLS是最好的選擇,起碼讀完出社會會是一個頂天立地的男子漢。不過SLS的學生傳統上只重理科,如果文科生就不應考慮SLS。
原帖由 breefan 於 10-1-4 11:18 發表
記得當年 st. louis 險被踢出百多間英中之列,
但慈幼並冇放棄 ...
偷步用英文, 小學力谷...
年年升上st paul co-ed, 張祝珊 ... 大有人在!

其實依家st. louis 的情況應該有當 ...
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