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蒙特梭利幼稚園升學問題 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 17-3-31 09:22 |顯示全部帖子
孟母3000 發表於 17-3-17 18:52
我個人非常喜歡montessori 教學
但因經濟能力問題,想問下多數學生係咪一定升返IS? 若果活動教學直資,會唔 ...
So far everyone I know is going to IS. If you are interested in Montessori and plan on sending your child to a local school, maybe look into a Montessori school in Chinese (I don't know if there are any around as I didn't look into this) or a local kindy that incorporates Montessori (if you only like aspects of it)
That said, to really benefit from Montessori education, you need an authentic school and ideally you do the full 3 year cycle and further to that, in an ideal situation you will raise your child the Montessori way at home too.

My personal thoughts are..... Don't send your child to school in a system that they can't continue in... Especially ones that offer more self motivated modes of learning with view to sending them to a more or less traditional rote learning /comparison based schools later on.

It wouldnt be fair to show them freedom, teach them self directed learning and self betterment through collaboration instead of aggressive competition and then snatch it away from them, and then at 6 years of age, change their whole belief system.

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