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Good nusery in Tiu king Ling / seung Kwan O [複製鏈接]

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發表於 10-7-23 16:04 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 C9Fa 於 10-7-23 11:14 發表

Thanks a lot!  

How much is the PN class of 保護兒童會維景灣幼兒學校?

I am concerned more about my son's language ability (Eng and Putonghua).  What do you think about the language trainin ...

保護兒童會維景灣幼兒學校 onlyoffer about 30 seats for each grade.  It mainly reserves for existing kids who are currently attending its creche section ( a daycare center that provides care to baby age from 1 months old ).  As the seat turnover rate is extremely low, not much chance for an outcomer to get a seat in general.  
What types of kinder are you exactly looking for??  A government subsidary ( non-profit making ) or a private one??  Both types of school will certainly offer different things to you.  Maybe you can state more about your citeria and then i maybe able to give your more ideas.

[ 本帖最後由 NT-1 於 10-7-23 16:06 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-24 18:12 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 8# C9Fa 的文章

Tseung Kwan O means Tseung Kwan O MTR station area??  If you are looking for a good kinder with nursery, there is one in Po Lam area or Kwun Tong.  Is it too far for you??

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-27 17:09 |顯示全部帖子
click to:
it is a list of nursery and kindergartens available in hong kong.  Click to the area of Sai Kung,  you can check which school has pre-nursery class.  香港基督教播道會聯會中國基督教播道會茵怡幼兒學校 and 救世軍明德幼兒園  is good but the first one is located at a platform of another estate which is not so closed to the Po Lam MTR Station.  The later one provides montessori training but there is a long waiting list as the parents submit the applications once their kids' birth certificate is available.
Just a friendly reminder: As the pre-nursery class is not gov't subsidized anyway, have you ever considered to apply a private nursery (for example, Greenville, Greenfield and Learning Habitant ) for pre-nursery class and then change to a gov't subsidiary for K1-K3?

[ 本帖最後由 NT-1 於 10-7-27 17:11 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-28 16:03 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 cycream 於 10-7-28 14:36 發表 S

c係 first-come-first-served,有出世紙就好去報. 報遲d 連interview都無,唔好話咩performance!

This is only partially true only!!  Of course,submitting  the application earlier do give you a better chance of getting the interview, but Salvation Army Ming Tak do value the child and parent performance altogether.   I was once a volunteer parent of that school ( my daughter had spend a year of a very happy  pre-nursery life in Ming Tak ),  I did witnessed how the school  choosed one among the other.

[ 本帖最後由 NT-1 於 10-7-28 16:05 編輯 ]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-28 16:25 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 C9Fa 於 10-7-27 17:30 發表

Thank you.  Are the two suggested nuseries emphasize language training (Eng and PTH)?

For the private ones, do you have any recommendations?  I know Greenville, Greenfield, Learning Habitant and Bo ...

Just keep in mind that if a kindergarten accepts a gov't pre-primary education voucher, the academic performance/requirement of that school would not be as demaning  as the private one since they need to follow the Education Breau Department guideline.  
In general, gov't subsidiary kinder would focus on a wholeperson development.  They tends to nourish a child wholesome character rather than pre-expose the children with a multi-languages environment. I mean the child may learn very simple English or PHT but not to a extend that enable them to communicate.  Again, it really depends on what you want on your child.  If you prefer your child has a strong language skill, gov't subsidiary one may not be a suitable choice unless you don't speak Cantonese to your kid at home.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 10-7-29 16:53 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 C9Fa 於 10-7-28 17:05 發表

Hi NT-1,

Did you submit the application form once your daughter was born?

I would also like to know your opinions on the private nuseries you mentioned earlier.


I submitted the application when my girl was 3 months old.  

My opinions on private nurseries is very personal and subjective, so other bk moms please don't attack me for what i have said in here

Before my girl went to Ming Tak, she studied in
Greenfield nursery international stream once she turned 2 for about 5 months.  Generally speaking, the school provided good languages environment.  But the problem was because my girl was very active and boylish, she gradually became less disciplinary both in school and at home.  When I expressed my concerns to the school, the school  told me that the teachers in the international stream allowed kids to have more "freedom" in the classroom and my girl being the youngest in the class may follow what the other kids behaving.  The school just advised me to reinforce my girl behavior at home which i strongly disagreed since i believed both school and parent should co-operate together  to reach the optimal result.  That was the reason why i finally tranferred my girl back to a traditional local school for a better behavial training.  But I don't mean this school is not good.
Overall, the teachers and helpers in this school are very caring, the school hygiene is good and the academic achievement (personal thinking) is better than Deborath and Bilok.  Need to work, will continue later.
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