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教育王國 討論區 小一選校 其實12網都唔係話無敵....
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其實12網都唔係話無敵.... [複製鏈接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-12-3 14:54 |顯示全部帖子
Net 12 is more extreme than Net 11, either very good or.....

Net 11 has more good on average schools to pick.  Having said that, the population is more in Net 11 geographically, therefore the chance for getting lower choices could be worse than 12.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-12-3 15:55 |顯示全部帖子
peter_pan 發表於 13-12-3 15:44
Net 11 - 般咸道官立小學/聖公會聖彼得小學/聖安多尼學校
Net 12 - 軒尼詩道官立上午小學/ ...
In Net 11, there're few more..than your list....which are not bad at all SKH KY, YW 1/2, LS (just heard that they're not bad).  But in Net 12, other than those you list, ...

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-12-3 16:31 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 13-12-3 16:32 編輯
peter_pan 發表於 13-12-3 16:10
If you coonsider those, then I would say 寶血小學 (跑馬地) & 東華三院李賜豪小學 in net 12 are not th ...

In fact 寶血小學 (跑馬地)  is very good, many of their P6 girls go to st. paul's sec.  I just missed it out.

But 李賜豪小學 is just very so so, compared to Net 11 SKH KY, YW 1/2, some boys  go to YW.  But LCH, only one or two to QC.    In Net 11, you may still go to fairly good school in choices other than first three. But in Net 12, one may end up in a not very good school other than first three/four.  That's how I compare.  My friend can get SKH KY in 7th choices (2 years ago).  IN Net 12, one may get a school that is "almost unknown".

For boys, I think Net 12 is worse than Net 11. For girls, I think Net 12 gives fairly good chances into St.Paul Cat and St Francis.  However, in Net 11, the competition for St. Stephen's girls is more fierce than marymount, in my opinion.


minisheep  taktakchichi, 請問如何得知佢自行收唔足?  發表於 13-12-3 17:30
taktakchichi  今年李賜豪自行都收唔足你就知佢有幾受歡迎  發表於 13-12-3 16:56

Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 13-12-7 00:21 |顯示全部帖子
Last school year, end up during lucky draw phase, Net 12 didn't have to borrow seats from other Net.  So the play safe formula:  e.g. for boys, the combination of 1st First St.Jo, 2nd Hennessy pm did succeed, i.e  got a seat thru 2nd choice....however, there were some didn't get 2nd choice  with this play safe formula.

Given the results of the first phase gov't allocation, it may be more realistic to assume this play safe formula may be less safe in the coming year.

Good luck all!
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