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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 你們有什麼好方法教小朋友英文?
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你們有什麼好方法教小朋友英文? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 07-2-12 17:54 |只看該作者


你們好我係新加入的媽媽 ;-) :-D

發表於 07-2-12 18:00 |只看該作者

Re: 你們有什麼好方法教小朋友英文?

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-12 21:20 |只看該作者

Re: 你們有什麼好方法教小朋友英文?


well, I'll like to share my experience with my youngest child.  All my children love reading since they were babies other than my youngest.  I am curious on why he did not pick up a book to read when the rest of the siblings do so everyday after dinner.  My curiousity make me explore further into the fact that his elder brothers and sisters tell him stories and so he no need to read, just listen and satisfied all his curious mind.  So, I change the rule by reading his 'age' group books and every evening, I told him a short story for almost 2 weeks.  Then I pretended to be too busy to finish a story and told only half of the story, stopped right at the most interesting part.  I remembered that is the story about Jack and the bean stalk.  He wanted to know what happened to Jack and the goose but I told him I don't know.  I passed him the book and told him to finish the story.  He can do me a big favour by telling me the story the next evening during dinner.  Of course, the rest of the children giggles and smiles but I winked to them and make them ignore the topic.  All of us had read the book before other than the youngest.  So, he asked everyone but no one wanted to tell him.  Finally, he read himself with lots of problem.  He don't know the words and can't read the book well.  We help him now and then but not telling him the story.  The next day, he had difficulties in telling the story to us.  How all of us laughed by his mispronoucing and misunderstanding of the story.  But at least, I succeded in 'forcing' him to read.  I make a deal to the rest of the children that none will tell him stories unless he tell us one first.
Well, that was 3 years ago and now he is in primary.  He still does not read as well as his brothers and sisters but improving.  He loves reading now, that is the good news.  I still need to 'fish' him now and then and ask him about his latest favourite. He complainted a lot about us 'bullying' him as he is the youngest.  Yes, somehow being the youngest is the best as all the big boys and girls will help him but there are lots of disadvantages too.  He lost his ability to learn as all are ready for him, too easy to get his demand he will not work hard.  To be truthful, he did not do as well in academic too but we did not force him either.

Maybe you do not have so many children to support and compare but telling stories to children and let them wonder the ending may 'fish' the reading habit out of our young curious mind.  Give it a try and see if it works.  It worked for me and I do hope it work for all of you.  

Tell me how it goes and good luck.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 07-2-12 22:43 |只看該作者

Re: 你們有什麼好方法教小朋友英文?

Dear all,

看過 agustus 的精采分享後,越加覺得培養英語閱讀習慣需要在非常少的時候著手。

十年八載前,這世界尚未有 Baby Kingdom 這東西,沒有這個方便的平台可以和各位家長交流。小弟雖深信閱讀為本,但幾時開始閱讀、怎樣閱讀都沒有半點頭緒。親朋戚友嗎?全都主張機械操練。所以留待小二時才開始和女兒看英文書,事後想來,確是失了先機。到現在她已十歲,英文雖然不錯,但要她拿起英文書來看卻需要點功夫,所以閱讀能力遠不如從幼稚園便開始著手的。


Rank: 6Rank: 6

發表於 07-2-12 23:35 |只看該作者

Re: 你們有什麼好方法教小朋友英文?

Hi All,

I have a son who is now 4 years old.  He loves reading books when he was only 1-2.  I think his interest arose from the fact that all family members loves reading (including the domestic helper).

Every week, I bring him to a book shop and he will select his favourite books and then read them quietly, but I wonder he is attracted by the pictures.

I try to understand which book he would select and find that he only selects those with a familiar figure - e.g. Thomas, Bob the Builder.

I want to him to read the text as well as the picture, so I choose those level 1 books and then repeat to him almost everyday.  

I think it is easy if he watches a TV programme first and then gives him the same book.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 07-2-12 23:48 |只看該作者

Re: 你們有什麼好方法教小朋友英文?


很想分享我最近看的一本書"因才施教" Thomas Armstrong 遠流出版
內裏提到肢體-動覺強的孩子和語言智能強的孩子, 在閱讀或認字方面有一個分別. 一般來說都是先讀後寫的.
但對肢體-動覺強的孩子"較適合先學寫後學讀. 這是因為寫字直接牽涉到身體, 而閱讀往往只用到視和聽. 許多孩子太早開始用右手小肌肉寫字, 這些孩子需要用整個身體的大動作開始書寫."
例如"用全開大白報紙, 用粗crayon, marker或大油漆刷子在上面寫大大的字"
又或者做"可以摸的字咭, 可以以剪砂紙, 貼毛線, 貼米粒.....等方式創作"
for every one criticism, three positives must be given.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 07-2-13 00:03 |只看該作者

Re: 你們有什麼好方法教小朋友英文?

Thanks for agustus's sharing ....

Finally, i can finish the whole thing  ... and i almost do what agustus do for his son. Luckily, my daughter is now 5.5 years old and can easily read english since i push them to read every single nite.... The main point is i want her to have good english base when very young.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 07-2-13 00:28 |只看該作者

Re: 你們有什麼好方法教小朋友英文?


當然, 聽和說方面, 就真的越早越好.
for every one criticism, three positives must be given.
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