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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?
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如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-19 15:54 |只看該作者

如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?


上書房 (杏花村) - 收左我仔仔pm雙語班
靈糧堂(Causeway Bay)- 收左我仔仔pm班
Victoria (Causeway Bay)- (waiting for result)



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-19 16:08 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Hello vivia,

I also got the same problem with you. HKLLC has accept my boy in pm class while waiting for the result from Victoria.
But there are many application for Victoria this year.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-19 16:15 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

hi Bernardmami,

If Victoria accepts my son for am class (Eng & Cantonese), should I pick Victoria instead of LLC?

Do you think Victoria is good?  On the day of interview, the arrangement is not very good comparing to LLC.

By the way, do you know if LLC can use the 偽學卷?



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-11-19 16:30 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Hi Vivian,

At the very begining, I was very eager my boy could get in Victoria as I know that Victoria has a very strong training in Language.
However, after interviewing with other kinder, I have changed my mind.  Of course, Victoria is good only on the language aspect but I really can't feel the love from those teachers.  Victoria is quite commercial.

However, I was really really impressed by LLC.  I really feel the love from the teacher and also the headmaster.  The teachers are so nice and they never tried to force my boy to answer their question.  On the contrary, they just let my boy do what he likes.  That's what I appreciate very much.  
Moreover,  I think the headmaster rdoes espect each child and their parents by interview all the child and their parents.
That's the victoria hasn't done, at least.  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-1 17:15 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Dear Bernardmami & other mommies,

上書房 (杏花村) - 收左我仔仔pm雙語班- given up
靈糧堂(Causeway Bay)- 收左我仔仔pm班
Victoria (Causeway Bay)- 收左我仔仔am   

Victoria (Causeway Bay) or 靈糧堂(Causeway Bay) 好呢 ??



Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-1 17:19 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?


Your boy is so smart.
Which school you would chose?


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-1 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Hello all Mami,

根德 ( Kent Road) - AM 班
創價 - AM 班

兩間都收我囡囡, 請問边一間好呀 ?????


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-1 18:07 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Hi Bernardmami,

Thank you for your reply.  Now I am very headache    Anyone can give me advice?


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-1 22:08 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Hello Nathaliemimi,

我就覺得根德園好D!因為根德園課程会深一些, 對將來入讀小學会容易D適應, 雙反創價課程会淺一些, 對將來入讀小學会難D適應. 其實, 我都有問題, 希望你們可以幫我解答以下問題, TKS!

根德園(Kent Road)---AM

三間都收我女女,請問边一間好呀 ?????


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-2 00:12 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Hello Mancon,

多謝你的意見..不過我都會明天交 reservation fee.

維多利亞(銅鑼灣)--我同事講學校主要 enghish language 好好, 其他方面就一般..... Teachers 就好商業化, 对小朋友冇愛心...

Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-2 00:47 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?


Are you sure your son is suitable for active education?

My son is studying in LingLiangChurch(Causeway). I think both Victoria and LLC are commerical. But LLC teachers are much kind and can take care of your boy like their kid.

Victoria, your son can grow up with better langauge. LCC is very bad, either in english or Putongua, less homework. Dance and sing every day. Your son will be happy in LLC cause the kids just play everyday. Do you mind? You have to think about it.

For me, i reget to send my boy to this kind of school. He has no concept to go to school as normal. He just learn how to play in school (many performance), communication with other children (cause most of the kids are active, he need to find the way to survive in noisy and active area) Academicaly, is under level. You have to give additional back up for him if you are able to send him to traditional school in P1.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-2 01:07 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Dear ngok,

Thank you for your reply.  Which kindergarten did your son finally change to?  My boy is quite active and like dancing.  Your comment made me scary if I send my boy to LLC.

As you said, Victoria is better if I want my son to be built up with good English and development in acadamic fields.



Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-12-2 09:14 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Hello NathalieMiMi,


Rank: 2

發表於 06-12-2 09:23 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

我唸揀幼稚園的方法是. 你知道間學校著重d乜. 你就住自己對個囝的了解. 想佢過怎樣的生活.

我問讀緊維多利亞的小朋友家長. 佢話維記課程都係淺. 但著重雙語培訓.  . 不過感覺真係很commercial. 小朋友都會感受到. anyway. d小朋友都讀得開心. 佢地之後就考左入赤柱聖士提反小學.咁都合適的.因為都係用英文來作學習語言. 家長話間小間都係有點似IB課程.功課很少

我以前份工個manager個囝讀靈糧. 而工作關係我都會接觸校長同埋d老師. 感覺到佢地都很親切. 當然有些做左好多年的. 你唔會覺得佢地好smart. 但smart唔smart好似又唔係一個做幼師的條件. 個manager個囝性格好怕羞.讀完靈糧又不見得特別活躍.不過佢入到華仁小學. haha. manager話尼間學校特別多野搞同埋玩.又有讀書計劃.個囝雖然怕羞.但都會主動學習

還記得自己小時候幼稚園o係屋村樓下.課程應該好淺.但很開心.小學就很傳統那種.多功課....升左英中..大學...冇話唔適應啦.小朋友係最flexible. 係大人越大越固執jel...


至於Language. Well...真係睇多d用多d就得架啦.

以上為個人唸法.未必和你盡相同.所以就係話要了解學校想點.你想點.你想個小朋友想點lor! hehe....

獅子囝生於2005年9月24日. 16個月大啦.... :-)

Rank: 4

發表於 06-12-2 17:39 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Hi Vivian,

My daughter also is being accepted by LLC (CWB) am class. I like this school because I know they will not push student to learn. They use a lot of creative methods to mobilize the kid to learn. The only thing I am also worry is language teaching in school. I don't think you can totally depend on school to teach your kid all the best language. As a parent, I will also bring her to other extra class outside school time not only to better develop her language but also help her to learn extra things.

It is a long road of learning from kindergarden. If the kindergarden provides an environment that your kid has to write a lot, do a lot of dictation everyday etc, I am afraid it will make her scare of schooling even when she goes to primary school. Learning is a habit. Teacher and parent both need to help the kid.


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-2 19:57 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Dear lionly & dora,

Thank you very much on opinion.  

Thanks again.


Rank: 1

發表於 06-12-4 01:44 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Hi Vivian,

Sorry to reply you so late.
I do agree with the opion of dordorma. Do not totally depend on the school. There are both good and bad sides in every kind of school. You have to choose the way suit to your son. Which is the way you let him to go.

My son is still in LLC. My regretable thing is my son is much suit to a traditional and concrete kindergarten, that i found recently. He loves dance and sing but LLC is too abstract, crowd and busy for him. This is only my experience to share with you.  Please do not adapt to your son.

As i know, LLC's teachers are love child indeed.

The reason to send my son to LLC is i really able to let him enjoy of learning, creative to think. Not only know how to write, copy and doing dictation. But sometime i feel LLC is going too far away, i don't understand what are the messages they sent to us by doing so many performance (they choose good attitude students often), repeting to do the same theme homework during these 3 years.

You are really really need to back him up if you go for LLC. Give him some outside classes like Putongua, English. Age 3 to 6 is the golden period to learn languages.

To be fair, which school is not commercial eventually? The teachers, head teachers are also presenting them and school to us. The most important is what will you do to adjust the deficiency.

Ah, sorry to say so much. The most pleasent experience in LLC, is the PTA is not bad. You will get many many chances to know your kids' school life, many specialist talks, primary schools sightseeing for K2 kids parents, volunteer of story telling and school picnic. Enjoy!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-12-5 01:28 |只看該作者

Re: 如果三間幼稚園都收, 請問你會選邊間?

Dear ngok,

Thank you so much for sharing your valuable opinion.  It gives me more information about the LLC.  I hope I will make the right decision for my son.

Thanks again.

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