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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 軒尼詩官立小學 VS 聖公會聖雅各小學
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軒尼詩官立小學 VS 聖公會聖雅各小學 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-12 14:42 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 軒尼詩官立小學 VS 聖公會聖雅各小學

Hello Bo Bo,

What do you mean by that.  I recall you said earlier that you had chosen St. Joseph at the first round. Why are you saying now that you 'think' you will fill in Hennessy Road Govt. School follwed bySt. James     

BTW, when will the result of the 1st round be announced?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-13 04:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 軒尼詩官立小學 VS 聖公會聖雅各小學

kerobobo 寫道:
嘩!咩您d反應咁快ge ,自行收生公報結果係11月20日,您知唔知呢round st.jo有幾多人報呀? 我15分係咪多數唔得呢?

Sorry Bo Bo, I have no idea on how many applicants the school has during this 1st round.  But I recall carcar 123 had told you previously that her boy with only 15 points got entry last years.  According to her, she knew a few students with the same marks were also successful at the 1st round last year.  Don't forget that the competition was for the Dragon boys last year!

So, I would guess that you should have a good chance to secure a seat at St. Joseph when compared with Wah Yan.    Hope to hear a good news from you on 20th Nov.  In any event, even if you fail, you need not be disappointed as you still have the 2nd round to go.

As to the choice between HRGPS and St. James, I would recommend you to choose the latter in the 2nd round if, unfortunately, you have to go through it.

Honestly, I had never heard of St. James throughout my life until last year when I attended the school to hear a talk arranged by my son's kinder.  Notwithstanding this, I still suggest you to choose it as your 2nd choice (ONLY in Part II of the fill in blank game form).  HRGPS is a more popular one because of its secondary school net.  Your chance of success by putting in HRGPS as your 2nd is dim if not impossible, still less to say Wah Yan.

I am unable to make any further recommendation to you for, apart from St. Joseph, Wah Yan, HRGPS and St. James (and together with one or two girls' school), I know of no other school in Net 12 - I feel ashamed, and seems like a new comer to HK from the Mainland     

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-10-13 12:25 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 軒尼詩官立小學 VS 聖公會聖雅各小學

Bo Bo,

I succeeded in the 2nd round.

Please note a.m and p.m class are regarded as TWO different schools for the purpose of luck draw under the present rule of the game.

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