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教育王國 討論區 福建中學附屬學校 臻美小學家長
樓主: gongonma

臻美小學家長 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 03-7-14 11:33 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

Tommy : 多謝解答, 請問你小朋友讀幾年班, 學校現在重有無老師退學, 因早前學校出現好多問題, 現在是否平息了.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-7-14 23:49 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

ivytang02 ,


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-15 00:31 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

我的小朋友尚細, 有排才讀小一, 不過我有2個姪仔讀緊2年班, 聽說行政方面係比較差, 好多時給家長的通告都幾趕; 但見到2位小朋友返學都好開心, 不抗拒做功課, 就好似前陣子,當佢地知道在sars 期間無需返學, 佢地反應居然係唔開心,發脾氣.  
我覺得可以令到小朋友喜歡上學的學校, 應該不差吧.

Rank: 2

發表於 03-7-16 19:38 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

I attended the seminar last night for parents of the coming P.1 new students.  From the information given by Miss Rai (English teacher), the school is not planning to equip students to sit for HKCEC, but rather the overseas universities like Australia.

The problem is, if I cannot afford financially to send my son to study overseas in future, what else could be done after F.3?      I'm afraid he may not be able to cope with the tranditional schools then.  Though there is still 9 years to go......

Any comment?

Rank: 4

發表於 03-7-17 14:13 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

Hi HermioneMaMa,

This is also what I'm worry about!  Will they get F4- F5 in future?!  can they get in HKU?!  Any parent get kids in this school can have comment to us!


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-7-19 11:48 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

HermioneMaMa, gongonma,

Let me try to share my view on your concerns.  Considering EMB’s permit for Pegasus to run Form One to Form Three, I “guess” there are some sort of “mutual understanding” between them on the school’s future development.  It’s unreasonable to allow a school running F.1 to F.3, and then nothing follows.  Of course, they are not allowed to disclose such mutual understanding at this moment.

We are so lucky to have sufficient time to wait and see.  But, certainly we cannot wait for nine years until the school says good-bye to us.  Pegasus has her five-year plan, I have my five-year plan too.  By the end of Primary Five, in case the school still have no solid planning for the arrangement of Form Four and Form Five, it’s time for us to seriously think about whether to stay or to go.  If the school performance and the child development are good, and, if I expect I would have ability and network to find another desirable school when completing Form Three, I will stay even the school do not have Form Four.  But, if any one of the answers is NO, I will prepare my son to change to another school after Primary Six.

Hopefully, they will figure out the solution in the next five years.


Rank: 2

發表於 03-7-21 13:50 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本


Thanks for sharing.

In early years of child development, happy school life is very important.  Besides, I hope my son can develop the habbit and interest in reading which is not very well perceived by him at the moment.  So far, my son loves Pegasus kindergarten very much.

Anyway, we have choosen a 'narrow road' as described by one of the Board of Directors during the graduation ceremony (for P.6 and K.3) last week, the road is expected to be 'difficult' to go through.

Rank: 4

發表於 03-7-22 12:42 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小學家長

Tommy, HermioneMaMa,

Thanks for sharing!

Me too, I will wait until end of P4, since P5 need start count to point for secondary!  If they no further about F4 & F5, than should have different planning & the study method.

Just want to ask little question about school bag.  Am I need to buy a big SPI?!  Will they need bring lot of books to school?  although that's not their way, but I just want to confirm what kind of school bag I need to buy for my boy!


Rank: 4

發表於 03-7-22 14:36 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小學家長


Rank: 4

發表於 03-7-30 15:23 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小學家長

what are you all?!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-7-31 01:57 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

Rain28bow, 我是臻美家長, 亦是基督徒, 聖經確實是要這個價錢的, 而且「大發現小故事」suppose 是用到P.6。 雖然你不是教徒, 但請尊重學校的信仰。
學校並沒有強迫家長買書, 上課時可以用從圖書館借回來的, 但請留意影印書本是侵犯知識產權, 學校又豈能鼓勵犯法的行為呢? 要注意身教重於一切, 你大可省回金錢, 但卻給孩子負面的教導, 值得嗎?
我鼓勵各位準家長可到書展找找, 學校要的中文書不難找到, 有些書商會有特價, 例如小樹苗, 可能是$100 or 7, sometimes $10each. 你們大可group埋一齊買。 如果真的不想買大可到公立圖書館借, 千萬不要讓孩子沒有書或用影印本上課, 家長要考慮到孩子會覺得難為情及有hard feeling。 再者, 如果孩子沒有書, 但老師又要用, 叫孩子如何是好?應該聽誰的呢?請大家三思!

Rank: 4

發表於 03-7-31 06:18 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

Hi pcpl,

I like to know if we borrow story book fm library will it be enough time for parent to borrow outside?  Since the school told us that they only 1 day advance notice kids to borrow story book.  Therefoe Monday tell the kid & Tue bring back school.  Than we can borrow fm library.  Will it be the only way to buy all story books.  You know really hard these years, if buy all the story books cost a lot!

Pls advise.


Rank: 4

發表於 03-8-1 07:00 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

This info is by pcpl:

Re: 臻美小學家長

Hi gongonma,
如果是英文科、中文科及普通話的書最好買, 因為經常要帶回學校用, 尤其是劍橋書, 因為日日用, 而且有些是exercise。商務可能也有出售, 不過exchange rate 可能很高, 大家可以check check, 不過千萬不要過deadline, 因為學校也要從外國訂回來, shipment 需時。
至於主科的書 (即奇妙的身體、 植物小百科、 西方文化與聖誕), 開學時會收到校曆, 你便知道甚麼時候教那一個主題, 差不多時候就可以去借。 不過最好上網check check 圖書館有多少本, 若然全都已借出就要另想辦法。

Rank: 1

發表於 03-8-1 13:26 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本

如果家長們要買[大發現.小故事]及[小小美樂頌], 可email給
我, 讓我盡可能找些二手書賣給你們.  

Rank: 4

發表於 03-8-8 16:28 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小一課本


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-8-8 22:42 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小學家長

I'm still around, but very busy at work.  No time to write too much.  After some search and comparison, I've decided to buy SPI.  I like it has a big opening that my son can easily manage the stuff inside.  For some of the other brands, the opening is small and really dark and deep inside.  It's so difficult for my son's small and short hands to manage his stuff.

My son has joined two Pegasus summer activities, namely gymnastic dance and ball games.  He enjoys them very much.  I think he's ready to start his primary life.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 03-8-8 22:48 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小學家長

Hi Tommy,
I did not buy any SPI for my child, because they don't need to bring a lot of books to school for the past 2 years, and SPI itself is quite heavy.


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 03-8-8 23:01 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小學家長


I'm puzzled sometimes for the school bag and text books issue.  Some people said there was nothing to learn in Pegasus, no text books, only have a few paper notes.  Of course, I understood why they said so.  But, when we registered, we were surprised by the long long book list which costed me almost three thousand dollors.  Well, how about you?  What kind of school bag is your kid using?

Rank: 4

發表於 03-8-9 06:55 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小學家長


I'm just bought snoopy school bag to my school, design like SPI but the weight is much lighter.  I've bougth my boy to Jusco to choice, he try almost all the school bag & found this one.  the most comfort one!  It cost around $170 only.  The size a bit smaller than SPI but I don't think they need to bring lots of books!


Rank: 4

發表於 03-8-9 07:06 |只看該作者

Re: 臻美小學家長


Have you all pay the Sept school fee yet?  I was wonder why can't refund the register fee, usual for others school they will count it as deposit of school fee.

Also, have you find that while their memo on our hand was almost outdated.  Example for the lunch booking & payment, they need us pay on or before 5 Aug, but I was received 4 Aug nit while I back home!

The school office staff - Ms Yiu still very poor manner!  I really don't like that, not only for a staff is for the whole image of school & this is the first impression given to parents.  My Husband almost wants to quit owning to this poor lady!  She always show to you that don't bother me! Many parent keening to join our school, if you get problem that yours, don't bother me!  5 Aug I want to school to pay that urgent lunch fee, than I ask her why memo always late, she said nobody has complain about this may be yours problem!  And I ask for info about funding for poor family, she said we are not social serice - government, not like them, if you really want to ask, ask your form teacher after schooling.  but the board only hv meeting once 3 months.  If your send after their meeting need wait another 3 mths, you must know nobody can gurantee your funding will be approve!  So you must pay all the school fee first!

See!  this is the conversations!

Friendly, I really not enough confidence in this school, if they can't let kids joyful to learn & hv resonable result, my husband said will quit next year!  All the admin really v v poor!  and the expanses are not under our planning!  for the P1 beginning of school I think spend around $4000 something, more than a secondary school student!!

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