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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給 ...
樓主: AugSun

蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-2 12:46 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Great to hear you that you have chosen KCS & KCIS than KCS + MingWai (Int').   If affordable, I stronly encourage your child should be okay for full day since there are a lot of child are doing so, no worry la!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-2 13:35 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Hi Augsun

Yes !  I will choose KCS + KCIS.  And my husband also TEND to allow me to do so.  But I still scare that my hubby will change his mind because of $. But I will try my best to protect my BB's benefit.  Btw, if my hubby challenge why not choose Ming Wai (Int'l) instead of KCIS.  The school fee is much cheaper.  I really don't know how to persuade him.   Any suggestion?  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-2 13:58 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家


既然你覺得英文比普通話重要﹐點解要揀蘇浙呢 你又話唔會讀埋KCIS﹐同你又覺得普通話遲D學都得﹐咁根本無需要考慮蘇浙   

你應該揾間英文好既黎讀﹐明慧國際咪幾好﹐又近你奶奶可以方便接送﹐打風落雨都唔怕﹐又學到英文﹐又係am class﹐你仲考慮D乜野 除非係新抱都唔鍾意聽奶奶支笛




Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-2 14:24 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I think you can just tell him that the gap between the way from KCS to MingWai is pretty a rush for your child and insufficient time!  KCS + KCIS can accomodate the time for your child easily!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-2 15:18 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

說來話長! 你所說的東西﹐ 我完全考慮過, because I am not 白痴 ﹐ 如果你有看我在hoeve's topic “蘇浙n1收左我bb了,有無bb都係06年入學呀?” 裡所說的東西﹐ 你或會知道多一點 we do have discuss a lot about MingWai & KCS!
我一再強調我覺得英文從小學accent好重要和會說得好一點﹐ 但我沒有說普通話不重要﹐ 普通話你說的時候不一定用北京音/台灣音﹖ right
明慧我都好喜歡﹐ 但比較貴﹐ after a long talk in hoeve's topic, I was persuaded KCS can provide an environment for both English & PTH (International mix) with a good price and also I don't really know how professional and how "International" MingWai is.  And I really don't understanding is if MingWai is that good! Why they don't have a website?????
BTW, I don't let my daughter study in KCIS + KCS is because it is very expensive ($7000 per mth).  I will also apply SPK, SH, 寶血﹐ 靈糧堂, etc for K1.  I also like SPN but it is also expensive for me?  Acutally is too much to tell, please read all of my opinions before you object my opinions.
入得o黎BK talk, 都是想聽下別人的意見﹐ 當然會分析什麼是自己所需及能力﹐ 如果不想聽別人說的東西﹐ 就不用上BK啦!  你地話係咪先﹗
其實好多Kindergarten都好﹐ 好像hoeve說﹐ "一間Kindergarten出名﹐ 一定有它的好處﹐ right?" btw 各人有各人想法和situation, 以上都只是我的意見     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-2 16:25 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

我BB都係KCS+KCIS,我同你有同一煩腦,就係K3讀KCS or kCIS P1全日,其實我個心想讀KCIS全日但又驚考小學時會唔會好怪.....不過到時先算啦
1/ 有幾多間KINDER可以令小朋學好普通話+英文,KINGSTON,耀中可以,但重貴,KINGSTON$7000每日返3hrs,耀中全日係$10000
2/ 維記英普班就算收你都要$4xxx半日
3/ kcs+kcis係國際化,有唔同國籍小朋友
4/ 唔駛出去'補'英文,普通話,呢兩樣每個月都慳番成千銀啦
5/ 第時唔駛擔心bb唔敢講英文同普通話(有好多小朋友識都唔敢講呀)
6/ 語言係越細學得越好,第時大個先補就事倍功半都無
7/ BB學好語言,到小學佢會更有自信,覺得自己英文普通話叻,自然更有學習興趣,有興趣又會學得更好,呢樣野係之後比幾多錢都追唔番架
8/ KCIS係活動教學,KCS係傳統教學,BB可以同時接受兩種教學法,將來小學較宜適應
9/ KCIS係真正國際學校,唔似有D國際KINDER,KCIS係用英國課程,小朋友在KCS同KCIS學的唔會咁多overlap

JarJarBin 寫道:

I am also planning to let my boy to study in KCS + KCIS.  May I ask you that which one (KCS K3 /  KCIS P1)  you will choose when your kid is 5 yrs old.  And also, how do you think about the issue that our kid will feel sleepy if they go to school from 9am to 4pm.  Does a 3 yr old kid can afford it?  

Thank you for sharing
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-2 16:52 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I am being crazy soon!   I read more you tell about KCS & KCIS, I will feel guilty that I don't let Chloe to study KCS & KCIS, but $$$$$$$$   :tongue:  

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-2 17:42 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家


Ha Ha Ha!!!  Don't feel guilty woh!  I still don't know whether I can win my husband finally.  Although he promised me to let BB go to KCS + KCIS last time, everytime when I talk about it he still said " let's look look la".  He means "look look" our wallet by that time although he also realise that it is a good idea.   I told my hubby that I can trade off the opporturnity to buy a bigger house for KCS + KCIS.  (may be move after BB finish kind.    )


Did your husband support your idea?

I have one more thing to worry.  If BB stay whole day in school, will BB has time to do homework (local class).  I think K2,K3 local class will have more homework to do.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-2 17:51 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

AugSun 寫道:
I am being crazy soon!   I read more you tell about KCS & KCIS, I will feel guilty that I don't let Chloe to study KCS & KCIS, but $$$$$$$$   :tongue:  

我是4歲的澤銘,我最愛跑來跑去,破壞看得到的一切東西,和最愛車車 8-) ようこそ!ご覧で下さい!澤銘寶寶 よろしくお願いします! :-D

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-2 18:02 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

KCS + KCIS costs HK$7000 per mth
Got to go now! Bye  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-2 22:11 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Sorry that I put some bad feeling onto u. Please don't feel guilty from my word. You have already give your best to your little angel. You know, no idea is prefect. If I can choose, I'll let my BB go to HK International School or Chinese International School.....But I know it is impossible. However, I believe that all these are not so important when comparing to our love towrads our BB. We all try to give our best to our BB. It is the most worthy part----> we all love our little one from our heart
Our BB can feel our love and this can't buy by money

My husband also know my idea and he thinks it is ok. The most important reason is I'm the one who is supporting most expenditure of my family Also, he supposes me should have the best planning about education of our BB since I've study language development and education in university. We always kidding that I'm 教育部長 and he is 訓導主任
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-3 00:44 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家


Of course I'd read through both topics you've posted. That does why I wait untill now to give some suggestions.

You said you really mind about English accent but not so much about mandarin accent right?

So I suggested you to choose MingWai Int'l instead of KCS. Accent is better learning from little. Moreover you said you can't afford to pay for KCS + KCIS right? So you probably only choose for one school for your girl right?

In KCS N1 class only teach English in 15 mins every school day and I don't think these 15 mins can teach your child speak in good accent. Therefore I'm wondering why you still struggle about KCS??? I believe MingWai Int'l teach more English than KCS. You said MingWai is expensive I think it only few hundred dollars different from KCS. If it’s not you can choose another cheaper English approach Kinder instead of MingWai Int'l. Definitely only study in KCS can't not fulfill your needs.

I understand why you chosen KCS because of they have a few foreigner children study there and you think it looks like an international school with cheaper price. Well KCS is different from KCIS, even though they’re foreigner but they only allow to speak PTH most of the time and their parent also want them to learn PTH instead, and kids don’t talk to each other much in the ages of 2-3. You’ve also mentioned you might only let your girl study KCS for just N1, so I can’t see your girl can learn English from them.

I also like KCS and had already applied for N1 this year (you can check in the previous topic). I like my kid to learn PTH well. You said PTH accent is not very important but I think it also important. It’s because I can speak fluent PTH (compare to HK level). I learnt it from my parents and relatives but in a very nature way. My parents never teach me to speak PTH because in that time they think Cantonese in very important and no school teach PTH beside KCS. Therefore my PTH not as good as them so I don’t have confident to teach my kid. Moreover I know how important to speak proper PTH. Be honest HK people mostly speak bad PTH and them only think to let the listener understand the meaning is fair enough already; no need to speak it very well. That might right before but now and in the further. Before HK is stronger than Mainland so Mainland people try their best to understand us, but now they are stronger than us, we are the one who want to understand them more. If you still speak bad accent PTH they must look down on you. I don’t want my kid to suffer this. I don’t need my child to speak in Beingji accent, but I want her to speak very very fluent like native speaker.

Above only my opinions, if you think my words are too hard I feel sorry about that. I just don’t want to struggle with this matter anymore (because I struggle too; I live too far from KCS). And you’re seemed too easy to change your mind:tongue:  I don’t want you to waste your money again and we both are good mother just want to give our child the best.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-3 00:55 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I will choose KCS when she is 5. I will let her to study in KCS primary and local secondary so it is better to study in KCS. 正式來說, K3才是真正學寫中文字, 如果唔讀K3, 去讀國際班P1, 我擔心到時佢中文字會追得好辛苦.
Ha.. ha..  我同我老公建議時都列出幾個原因 :
1.bb細個唔識得怕羞, 會大膽去講,係佢要學講野既階段有一個合適既環境, 佢會學得自然及容易
2.如果細個打好語言根基, 個女讀起書來都開心, 自覺d 啦, 將來花在補習的費用便可省掉, 計落可能更化算
3.KCIS係活動教學,KCS係傳統教學,BB可以同時接受兩種教學法,亦可以培訓出兩種唔同既思維方法 (KCIS應會學到西方既思維方法 , KCS應會學到中國既思維方法) 對佢將來的讀書同思維都應該有幫助.

我老公最buy原因3, 聽左即say Yes. 不過我老公都問我除左蘇浙有無其他選擇, 佢唔係咁鍾意蘇浙既位置.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-3 01:10 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Agree with what YANBB and hoeve says.  


I believe you are a good mom and trying to make the best plan for your kid.  Just for this same reason, you need to be very clear of your objectives in terms of what kind of education environment that you think your kid will able to thrive.  It doesn't matter if it's Ming Wai, KCS or SPN, whichever school the kid goes to, just make sure that he/she is happy to learn in that particular setting.

My first son is now attending KCS N1, and he enjoys his school life with KCS.  If he doesn't like the school, I would change school for him without second thought.  The same principle will apply on my second son, too, and who will attend KCS N1 this coming September.  


Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-3 09:29 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Hi everyone

Did you see a new green area on top which can sort primary school by different location.  But I cannot find 蘇浙 primary.  Did you see it?

sks, hoeve
Heard from other topic about 蘇浙, KCIS P1 will teach phonics intensively.  That's why I consider that I should go to KCIS or KCS when BB is 5 yrs old.  If I choose KCIS P1, I scare that BB's chinese standard cannot catch local P1 because K3 local kind. should teach much more chinese words.  But it is also very attractive to let BB to learn phonics everyday intensively.     

I told my husband that I know a mother from BK who study language development also send her BB to KCS + KCIS.  I think it would give him more attraction because a professional also choose this way for her BB.  But he also said that $7,000 a mth + 3,270 a mth for Bun Bun.  Then $10,000 a mth to support BB woh!  $1xx,xxx.00 a yr.....  I told him you cannot count like that and then move all of your reasons out.  At last, the most important is that I told him "you have already promised before woh!!"   .  

發表於 06-3-3 10:30 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

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Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-3 10:57 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Our BB is getting bigger and bigger everyday.  It would be wasteful to his life if just let him stay at home watching TV, sleeping and eating.  Actually, N1 is just for BB to play.  It never is too early to play.  They can also learn basic living rule like queue up and wash hand before eating.  I cannot wait to see my BB doing so......   

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-3 12:21 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I think it depands. If I were a full time mum, may be I'll choose to take BB to playgroup instead of N1. However, in reality, I don't believe my bun bun can teach my BB. I hope in N1, my BB can learn very well for the daily routine including eating fast and independently, can go to toilet by herself.....also, she can start to learn Mandarin from KCS!

Thanks for your information. It's really attractive to let BB to go to P1 KCIS. However, we all have the same concern----can our BB have up to standard Chinese skill for local primary school????
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

發表於 06-3-3 12:22 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-3 12:29 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Don't worry, many children don't go to N1. For KCS, I think the chance for go to N1 without going to K1 is really since some children will go to other kindergarten after finishing N1. However, most probably your BB can only go to P.M. class since most usually A.M. class is more popular to most parents.
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁
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