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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給 ...
樓主: AugSun

蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-25 00:56 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Dear all mums

Really loves this topic as I really want to know how good of 蘇浙.  Even though I spent a  day to register at  蘇浙 & 衛理堂personally and walk around to school, I so far have  not made any decision of my daugher's nursery in the coming Sept06.  I live in Chai Wan and my relative and friends also highly recommend   蘇浙 to me.

At the first beginning, I agreed it is good as it is the cheapest international school which is for 2文3語.  However, one of important point that can't be ignored.   I have heard that the mark/grades of the student report card may get "D" or "E" from K2 up.   It maybe the obstacle to find Primary school. Pls correct me if I am wrong.

Hence, I am still looking for the nursery/ kndergarden.  Very


Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-27 11:43 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-28 10:18 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Hi all mums
真的很矛盾﹐ 我剛剛決定選擇蘇浙pm class﹐ 我奶奶又搬到明慧樓上﹐ 我住在ChaiWan, 都是坐校車! 但明慧 (Int'l)又比較貴﹐ 貴過蘇浙 (大概多$10﹐000一年)﹐ 但卻是am class, 我奶奶又說明慧比蘇浙教法新潮, 已英文主導﹐ K1才有普通話教﹐ 但聽啦太多意見啦﹐ 有人說明慧只是在北角出名﹐ 蘇浙呢 - 很遠也有人來讀﹐ 已普通話主導﹐ 又是比較便宜的Int'l school, 現在又要想用普通話會不會成為障外﹖ 唉
其實我K1想trySPK, SH, 寶血﹐ 靈糧堂﹐ etc....  
SPK不用多說﹐ 它用什麼language﹐ 都不重要
﹐ 最重要它P1一定會有好學校收﹐ 因為是名牌嘛 :tongue: SPN 就更好﹐ 一定 guarantee 讀到St. Paul Schools, 男女St. Paul 都好﹐ 很難考!!! 大家的想法又怎樣﹖ Discuss下啦﹐ 快的啦﹐ 3月﹐ 又要給蘇浙留位費﹐ 已給啦 (成千幾塊 明慧及嶺南) 不想浪費﹐ 唉唉唉     

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-2-28 12:17 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

From my experience as a KC Kindergarten/Primary School's old girl, there should be no problem at all. I have spent 9 years in KC and then got into an EMI secondary school, where Chinese was taught in Cantonese. I don't recall having any difficulties at that time.


Trojan 寫道:
I also have one concern is the baby can adapt to turn from Mandarin learning to cantonese if they go to primary school.  Any mommy have this concerns too.

Rank: 2

發表於 06-2-28 13:19 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Thanks a lot. Because I talk to my son in Cantonese,he will only reply me in English n I am worrying that he hardly adapt Cantonese n Mandarin teaching if he goes to P1.  Great to know from yr experience

琬晴B 寫道:
From my experience as a KC Kindergarten/Primary School's old girl, there should be no problem at all. I have spent 9 years in KC and then got into an EMI secondary school, where Chinese was taught in Cantonese. I don't recall having any difficulties at that time.


Trojan 寫道:
I also have one concern is the baby can adapt to turn from Mandarin learning to cantonese if they go to primary school.  Any mommy have this concerns too.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-2-28 15:11 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

What is the meaning for EMI?

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-28 16:26 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-2-28 23:50 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

your explanation is right. They are from different 辦學團體.

EMI=English as the Medium of Instruction
In additon, if you don't care whether the Chinese is taught in PTH, there are so many good nursery, you need not to limit to KCS.

From my point, my main concern is that the Chinese must be taught in PTH, and my choice is limited. I will let my daughter to study in KCS up to primary as I think it takes time to learn lauguage. There is no other school could provide the same PTH environment as KCS.
Moreover, there are many famous businessman graduated from KCS primary, such as 銀行界柯清輝.
Of course, he studied in famous secondary school.
I also found that the graduated from KCS primary could go to good secondary school, such as 皇仁, St. Paul co-ed.

Ha.... I hope my daughter could study in St. Paul co-ed secondary school.      

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-1 10:50 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

May I ask why you all think PTH is more important than English?   

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-1 12:52 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

No, I don’t say PTH is more important than English. What I think is PTH is more important than Cantonese. Therefore I want my daughter to study the Chinese, which is taught in PTH.

Why PTH is important? Do you think our next generation will fix their career in HK? I don’t think so. If they need to work in China (I expect the opportunities in China will be more than HK), which language they will say? PTH.

If our child just learn PTH in the school which teach PTH twice a week etc, could they speak PTH fluently, use PTH for debate ?

For me, English is more important. However, I will not send her to study in International school as I want her to learn Chinese (the written Chinese).

For my plan, I will arrange my daughter to study KCS + KCIS in kindergarten. Yes, it is very expensive, 但如果語言根基打得好, 將來花在補習的費用便可省掉, 計落可能更化算. 我只是提早用那筆$$$.

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-1 13:21 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

SPN畢業係可以入St. Paul Convent
桐桐於9月20日出世 歡迎參觀桐桐的網頁

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-1 13:54 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

hoeve 寫道:
SPN畢業係可以入St. Paul Convent

But it is more expensive to study in SPN, ~$5,300/m for whole day.
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 2

發表於 06-3-1 15:31 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Hi Augsun

Similar as your situation.  No idea of which n1 is best for my daughter.

Dear mums
Any comment of 嶺南.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-1 16:19 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

hoeve/ 妤妤
唉! 我剛剛跟我的朋友在說﹐ her son is one month older than Chloe and live in Tsing Yi, she is applying SPN, since have to submit the form on 4th March, right!
But, I was struggling as you said, I also really like SPN if you said it can gurantee to entering into St. Paul Covent. But it is really really expensive for me!   很矛盾﹖ 那麼我應不應該考SPN呢﹖  唉! 考到﹐ 讀不讀﹖   那麼Chloe就沒有弟弟/妹妹﹖ Pls give me your opinion!

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-1 16:27 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

My daughter also accepted by LingNam a.m. class and I also paid 留位費 ($660)﹐ my understandings is LingNam is using Cantonese for teaching and when K1, they start to have English and K3, they start to have Mandarin.  It is also a good school.  but I live in ChaiWan, it is quite far away and I don't really like they use Cantonese for teaching!  Although SPK is using Cantonese for teaching, SPK is more 出名! And LingNam is very 吊腳 for me.  You can think about it

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-1 16:48 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I don't really agreed that because of the future career path of my daugher, she has to learn PTH and work in China.  As I never think of letting my daugher to work in China.  Of course, if she wants, I cannot control her.  
As I was born in HK and studied in HK and working in HK, I think PTH is important but you can still learn PTH good for your life long (有心沒怕遲).  In the meantime, I speak my Mandarin when I was in Primary School and part time study when I start entering into this society and not Kindergarten.  My opinion is I think English is more important as I prefer my daugher to speak with English accent but Mandarin, I don't think you need any accent.   That is only my opinion!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 06-3-1 17:51 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家


為免日後你後悔, 報 spn 試吓, 如果得咗, 你再煩過, 如果唔得, 唔駛煩, 亦唔會後悔

Zoe 係細囡, 冇得報, 我亦無 $$$
**************************************** 芍妤bb 10/11/2004 在聖保祿醫院出世,體重 2.6Kg。 ****************************************

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-1 18:02 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

I do really agreed with your suggestion, but I am same as you, no $$$$$ , especially, these few days, I am still deeply thinking having another baby or not?  May be as you said, just tried and think later         

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 06-3-1 21:46 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家

Of course, English is more important. That is why I plan to let my daughter to study KCIS even that its fee is very expensive.

I'm the same as you. I learnt PTH in secondary school and need to talk PTH when I go out for work.
Yes, it's okay for communication. However, it is not enough for me to express my ideas fluently. Especially during the discussion, I found it is an obstacle.

其實我都唔想個女將來要在大陸工作, 但宜家眼見身邊大部分朋友(包括自己)都經常要返國內工作, 有些朋友更要長駐上海.北京. 且這個趨勢越來越多.

It is my expectation that the importance of PTH will be increasing.... Just like 10/20 years ago, not much ppls learn PTH, but now everyone need to know it for working

Rank: 4

發表於 06-3-2 12:04 |只看該作者

Re: 蘇浙真的那麼好﹐ 嶺南 / 明慧 (Int'l) 又好不好呢﹖ 請給我一些意見﹐ 謝謝大家


I am also planning to let my boy to study in KCS + KCIS.  May I ask you that which one (KCS K3 /  KCIS P1)  you will choose when your kid is 5 yrs old.  And also, how do you think about the issue that our kid will feel sleepy if they go to school from 9am to 4pm.  Does a 3 yr old kid can afford it?  

Thank you for sharing
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