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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 約克幼稚園涉無牌煮食 教統局調查
樓主: BabyAlexander

約克幼稚園涉無牌煮食 教統局調查 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-2 19:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 約克幼稚園涉無牌煮食 教統局調查

miffy 寫道:

雖然約克過去幾十年, 從未試過有學生食物中毒, 但今次比人投訴後, 相信會正正式式申請個牌, 比起其他唔知有無煮食牌的幼稚園, 我仲有信心。

不過都益o左我地約克家長, 約克被人投訴後, 迫住要作改革, 學校更趨完美。

我無妳咁樂觀.  申請一个煮食牌应該吾係一件容易的事.  事实上吾係每間幼稚園都有煮食牌, 好多Kindies D BB 只有乾糧食, 相信是呢个原因.  

有的話當然最好, 可以煮'九大鬼'比亞女食.  但無都吾緊要, ( 我都係校車姨姨講, Rosaline自巳話, 我先知佢食Macaroni咁正!我以為佢食bread & biscuit架咋!), 亞女而家係去番學者! 又吾係去Resort Hotel渡假, 吾駛歺歺Buffet lunch掛?學嘅開心, 教得認真, 老師有愛心, 细路無餓親, 咁重想點?

作為家長嘅, 我都係focus on their core strengths.  

咁當然亞York仔都要爭氣, 做得好好睇睇, 申請番个煮食牌, 以後A,B,C,D 歺任我楝.  


Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-4 12:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 約克幼稚園涉無牌煮食 教統局調查

carollam310 寫道:
正常既...有仔女0係度讀緊既..點都會支持學校....但支持還支持..都要理智D...各方面既意見都要聽聽...人地讚既..0岩聽既就全收...彈既唔0岩聽既就聽唔入耳 下下問人有乜居心??老實講..人地仔女都畢左業...入黎都係講下感受..分享下自己仔女以前0係約克讀緊既野0者 : 人地又唔係0係第二間幼稚園度做 專登入黎唱衰佢搶佢D"客" : 咁有乜居心先得架??
我唔係今時今日見佢搞成咁先出黎踩多佢一腳架 我一早己經0係BK度講約克架啦 你地可以摷返D 舊topic睇下...唔單止幼稚園呢面..小學果邊我都曾經講過約克.. 如果我話你聽佢地全部既老師都好有愛心..你都唔信啦...而家你地仔女可能遇到個好既咪好彩0羅 : 我女N1時班主任係Miss Choi..佢好好架..好有耐性好有愛心...但升上L2就冇咁好彩 我女L2班主任係Miss Leung...我女最唔開心係呢年....佢好唔鍾意Miss Leung 我問極佢佢都唔肯講發生過乜事...我有親身去學校接放學...見下Miss Leung 但老師又好似冇乜野 我女淨係話佢好惡..連招呼都唔想同佢打    呢一年我女好唔開心 :cry:  :cry: 未升上L2前...我已經想同阿女轉校讀K2...但出面好果D幼稚園唔係間間都收插班架...我都有努力過....我報過宣道..民生....但唔收都冇辦法....唯有留0係約克讀0羅    考到你估我唔走咩 :  :
至於隻畢業DVD....講起就嬲 約克既畢業禮唔係淨係約克一間幼稚園架 連埋施德福同萊恩    畢業禮0係葵青劇院舉行...我一早己經問定人佢地D座位點安排...知道有分上下兩層..我都預左好大機會會坐樓上....所以先買隻DVD...因為預左睇唔到自己個女嘛 呢個係我買隻DVD既原因 至於點解掉左 就係隻DVD質素麻麻..收音唔好..拍得唔好咪睇完一次嬲到掉鬼左0羅 :tongue: 我冇記錯隻DVD好似要$100架..一D都唔值:tongue:

由以前既"超收生"事件到而家既話同補習社合辦劍橋 你地都睇唔出校長係一個點既人 睇唔出佢對眼係($$).....仲睇唔出佢0係講"心"定講"金"   
我0係BK咁耐從來都未同人嘈過交 見到有罵戰都唔想再回應 但人地唔回應 你地就話人怕D乜??係咪身有屎所以唔敢回應 真係有D嬲嬲地 人地講又話人地聊交鬧 唔講又話人身有屎唔敢講    咁想點喎   :
我都係分享0者..我又唔覺自己語氣差 用詞又唔係好"激"點會聊交鬧呀     

HI Carollam 310:-

I appreciate very much that you can communicate in a relative calm & peaceful manner.

It is very nice to share others' feeling peacefully.  Especially you are also an experienced Ex York's Kids' parent.   

It is understandable that different parents adopt different attitude towards kindies.  We may not be sharing the same feeling at this moment but I sincerely repsect your opinions/ideas since it is not true feeling resulted from your experience.  

Anyway, your experience/feeling let us know more of the school. For example, I'll be cautious should there be a Miss Leung teaching Rosaline!  Thank you.

I'm sure you have the 'heart' or you would not be stupid enough to input such a large passage by 'Chinese' input.  I trust it must be a difficult task!

It is very easy to result mis-understanding thru internet comunications. Let's adopt an open mind & continue to share with others peacefully.

By the way, I know the school is highly 'commerciallized' beforehand.  

'Ethics' trainning is not their focus.  I relie on my self on this aspect.  

Hope both our kid can have a happy childhood.  Yeh!!

Happy sharing.   

Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-3 11:03 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 約克幼稚園涉無牌煮食 教統局調查

霖媽 寫道:



Sorry for the late reply.

My daughter, Rosaline, also started her schooling with York since pre-nursery and continues her K1 there.

I always believe that your kid can tell you which school is a good one, or at least, which school can suit him/her.  Just like your case, your daughter is telling you that York can suit her.  

Of course, there is still good chance that she will tell you that SC can suit her also!!

So, you are now having a difficult task.  York is difinitely suitable to your daughter while SC is an option most welcomed by the public!!

I don't want to discuss with you in details about the school-York.   I don't want to impact your decision/the future of your kid.  

However, I want to share some interesting behaviour of my daughter-Rosaline.

Although I trust that Rosaline is not performing outstandingly, she behaves:-

1. loving going to school daily
2. wanting to take school bag/drawing case by herself
3. taking the initiative to do her homework daily by herself
4. she is going to have an assessment shortly, she told me to assist her in making her revision yesterday - I couldn't believe a K1 kid could do that!
5. loving to share her good feeling with others; the case was that she wanted to let the others share her happiness of her good result of her drawing class!  She told me that her teacher taught her to share 'good feelings' with others!  (I have to point out that her result actullay was not so brilliant!!)
6.  she always requires me to stop when 'red' traffic light is on

Point 4 & 5 most impressed me.

Rank: 4

發表於 06-4-4 19:06 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 約克幼稚園涉無牌煮食 教統局調查

kimimi 寫道:
有冇york的家長知道學校有否作出回應和行動 ?
我都想比我個女讀york, 因為在intreview 時對york的感覺好好,  希望我無撰錯啦 !!

Believe your 'feelings'.

My daughter has been there since January 05.  So far the school is quite good.
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