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教育王國 討論區 幼校討論 ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~
樓主: @CKP@

~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~ [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-21 17:14 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

瑄婷,我都知,如9-12 or 8-11, 咁我可以湊左佢返學再返工ma...不過言之尚早,都未知人地收唔收
旻旻體重:20.11.03 - 3.275kg height - 49cm5.12.03 - 3.65kg22.12.03 - 4.66kg6.1.04 - 5.3kg27.1.03 - 6kg 21.2.04 - 6.59kg27.4.04 - 8.4kg   height - 66cm29.5.04 - 8.68kg24.7.04 - 9.31kg7.9.04 - 9.7kg    height - 73.4cm13.11.04 - 10.38kg28.12.04 - 10.5kg   height - 76.5cm28.12.04 - 我識行啦  :lalala:17.12.05 - height - 87.5cm

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-21 23:29 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

Hi markbean,

markbean 寫道:

I'm surely telling the truth la!  Your daughter is also very cute and pretty ... is she in fact your younger sister??   

Hi 瑄婷,

Regarding the walkathon, or other school activities ... since I didn't join the alumni club, I don't have much info about these things.  The most recent one was an re-union at secondary school in 02 or 03 before the school improvement work (building an annex block and 1 more floor at the roof) commenced.

Are both your daughters studying in St Clare's?  Kinda or primary?

My lovely Chezkel is 6.5 yrs old la!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-21 23:55 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~


起點 : 山頂廣場噴水池側
日期 :2005 年 10 月 23 日
集合地點 :太平山山頂廣場
起步禮時間 :上午 11 時 30 分
步行路線 :環繞太平山山頂盧吉道(估計所需時間約 1.5 小時)


Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-22 00:22 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

Hi 瑄婷

You are very nice to update the St.Clare's information to all mums. I'm Clarian too and would like my girl to apply the coming k1.  According to yr info, the time for K1 in the mid afternoon is quite trouble to us and is it due to insufficent space for the new class.  I wonder if only one K1 class, then the arrangment for school bus may be a trouble for small scale of kids from different district.
Do you know this year K3 girls is allow for 'Gov't allocation of P1' or not.  For the time being, I got lot of questions if St.Clares can capable to deal with the new K1 class that is brand new from before. bye

Nice to know other 'Clarian' and just to say hi


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-22 12:12 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

so many 校友, 1200-1500 好 lui lung, 都唔知幾點食lunch...

我記得我6 wisdom 係 Mrs Leung (好老吓) 做班主任, 我估佢已退休....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-22 23:22 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

My daughter attended the interview this morning, the teacher said that the school hour is from 12:30 to 2:30. :

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-23 13:47 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

Change again 1230-0230, may be later change to 1300-1500......They still not confirm.....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-24 10:46 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

我都係22/10去面試,唔知個日我地有否見過面呢 見我個老師又話可能係11點幾呀
個日你個囡表現點呀? 我個囡就真係差到屎,平日鬼咁醒,個日就好唔掂,我諗都係唔收佢 你係咪都有陪佢入房面試,我都好surprise佢地比家長陪.咁都好,起碼囡囡唔會喊先

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

醒目開學勳章 王國長老

發表於 05-10-24 11:19 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

我個女今年考到st clare's小一
去交留位費時, 係show張note俾我地睇, 寫明唔可以join統一派位(只可以join自行分配學位), 如果學校知道我地join統一派位, 係會即時out左個學生去waiting list架
(原校直升係咪咁policy, 我就唔知喇)
以我所知, 學校真係知道學生係咪join左純一派位既, 因為我個女自己間幼稚園都係咁, 以往有家長, 真係收到學校電話, 問究竟揀邊間小學架....

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-24 11:34 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

DWC,咩可以陪既mei?我都唔知tim?咁可唔可以講下問左d咩呀?我囡囡上星期四interviewed完,學校話呢個week會通知,但我估都未必收lu,因我囡係d十分慢熱既人,我估老師都"kiu"唔開佢個口講野 :cry:


由 DWC 於 2005-10-24 10:46:38
我個囡就真係差到屎,平日鬼咁醒,個日就好唔掂,我諗都係唔收佢  你係咪都有陪佢入房面試,我都好surprise佢地比家長陪.咁都好,起碼囡囡唔會喊先  
旻旻體重:20.11.03 - 3.275kg height - 49cm5.12.03 - 3.65kg22.12.03 - 4.66kg6.1.04 - 5.3kg27.1.03 - 6kg 21.2.04 - 6.59kg27.4.04 - 8.4kg   height - 66cm29.5.04 - 8.68kg24.7.04 - 9.31kg7.9.04 - 9.7kg    height - 73.4cm13.11.04 - 10.38kg28.12.04 - 10.5kg   height - 76.5cm28.12.04 - 我識行啦  :lalala:17.12.05 - height - 87.5cm

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-24 11:58 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

我都預左唔比陪,點知係music room等時,個老師話小朋友太細,比家長陪啦,但in小學的小朋友就唔比陪.
面試好簡單輕鬆.只係玩下kitchen玩具,叫我個女比碗飯/菜/快子/spoon/洗下碗碟等炸.同埋問我平時邊個照顧佢,係咁多.同埋全部都係用中文問.都唔駛考英文 :wink:
我又冇乜緊張,因我知我個囡實fail. 同埋返學時間真係太難就,我諗就算收我都真係要認真諗下

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-24 12:19 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

DWC,THANK YOU! 時間都係一個大問題,正如另外一位家長話,就算有校車但如只得一班咁少人,都未必每區都就到~~
旻旻體重:20.11.03 - 3.275kg height - 49cm5.12.03 - 3.65kg22.12.03 - 4.66kg6.1.04 - 5.3kg27.1.03 - 6kg 21.2.04 - 6.59kg27.4.04 - 8.4kg   height - 66cm29.5.04 - 8.68kg24.7.04 - 9.31kg7.9.04 - 9.7kg    height - 73.4cm13.11.04 - 10.38kg28.12.04 - 10.5kg   height - 76.5cm28.12.04 - 我識行啦  :lalala:17.12.05 - height - 87.5cm

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-24 21:06 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

Hi Charlotte_mom

Thanks for yr information. My BB interviewed on Oct 22 and the workflow is OK. First of all, we all wait at a room then the teacher call us upstair and start the interview. The teacher allow me and daddy to go into the room, then she play with my BB and just ask some simple questions, afterwards the teacher give us a signal for parents to leave the room and just let her talk with BB. After around 15 minutes, she bring my girl out of the room and said she has arranged a school visit with us.  Then BB,daddy and me follow the teacher and visit the classrooms,computer room, mapleland [special room for girls to learn English] and the playroom for kids.  The teacher guided us very well and said the result will be announce in a week. She said native speaker teacher & mandarin will conduct for the girls. The school visit is arranged by the teacher as we did not ask for it, because that day is the normal school day for the primary grils.  The overall feeling is pleasant and my girls willing to answer all questions and say goodbye to 4 teachers before leave the interview room.
One more, the primary girls are super polite to greet all visitors such as us with smile. I think it is very important to train kids with good morale nowadays.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-25 10:08 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

kkb, your girl's performance are very well indeed!  Hope she can be admitted St Clare.
旻旻體重:20.11.03 - 3.275kg height - 49cm5.12.03 - 3.65kg22.12.03 - 4.66kg6.1.04 - 5.3kg27.1.03 - 6kg 21.2.04 - 6.59kg27.4.04 - 8.4kg   height - 66cm29.5.04 - 8.68kg24.7.04 - 9.31kg7.9.04 - 9.7kg    height - 73.4cm13.11.04 - 10.38kg28.12.04 - 10.5kg   height - 76.5cm28.12.04 - 我識行啦  :lalala:17.12.05 - height - 87.5cm

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-25 15:58 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

Hi irischanpl

my girl has been attended the Nursery for 2 months so 'Teacher' + 'School' is a game signal to her. Firstly, we still afraid her may be not willing to just stay with teacher, but when she first look at the toys placed on the table. She has already a bit run into the classroom & forget us.  So she is not aware we have left the room and continue to talk with the teacher.  

I have asked the teacher the class arrangement, but she said all up to how many girls are admitted before confirm the school time. So for the time being we are still wait for the result. Good luck to yr girl too. bye

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-25 20:29 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

Just to say HI to all Clarians here!! However, I am not a mom looking for kindergarden for baby.  I just born my son late July and still on maternity + annual leave. Kind of boring at home therefore going here and there in BK forums.

I didn't study kindergarden in St. Clare's, but I completed 6 years primary school and 7 years secondary school, totally 13 years in SCGS. Nearly my whole teenage life.

I admit that the academic results of St. Clare's during my study period were not that good as Sacred Heart, St. Stephen or other well known girls' schools, but the school culture was really 純樸 and I also met lifetime friends in St. Clare's.  We are now all over 30s, but our friendships are still very true and we understand that we will still be friends even when we grow old.

Nice meeting you Clarian-moms here in BK.  Hope we can chat more in these forums.  By the way, I completed my matriculation in 1991, quite old compare to you girls la.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-25 21:48 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

Hi shio

Welcome Clarian and do enjoy your materinary leave, time goes by quickly and you will treasure these lovely days with your baby boy. Agreed to your point that our school culture is much 'clear' and hope the coming girls can keep on. Also, our precious friends are mainly came from secondary and we are still keep in touch.

Give a big clap to all Clarians : Love your school and honour your friend

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-26 23:51 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

我見10:45分, 唔知你係唔係呢, 我見的過程同你一樣, 但我未有通知, 我估好大機會會收我個女, 因為佢表現幾好, 如你收到通知請聯絡我, 其實你仲有無考慮其他學校呢? 有無其他好介紹? :

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-27 09:58 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

我見11:30分. 我估未必收我個囡,因佢表現麻麻. 不過我都會報下真光/聖心. 咁你有冇報其他學校?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-27 12:03 |只看該作者

Re: ~聖嘉勒英文女幼稚園~

我個囡25/10 in 呀,乜有得陪呀,我冇呀,填完表,有個姐姐帶阿囡上樓,呀囡話玩食飯飯,佢冇喊(奇怪),但之後冇見家長,其他家長都冇,見完就走得,果日有5個小朋友見,都係好細個,咁係咪冇機會呢?     
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