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教育王國 討論區 小學雜談 真道面試
樓主: ivanbb

真道面試 [複製鏈接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-22 00:37 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

各位有冇睇錯題目呀??呢度係講面試喎!!如果想發表其他意見, 或有其他問題, 不如自己開過條題目慢慢發表。
我地講得面試, 即係連門檻都未入得到啦, 講其他野, 會唔會太唔貼題呀??


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-22 01:53 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試


你好, 本人看罷你詳盡的控訴,深感難過!
小女的學校生活非常愉快,各科老師都非常友善,從未有抄寫處罰。為何有此可惡老師! 而其他家長又沒有投訴或反映??

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-22 09:07 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

daisychan & dichiu:

      請勿誤會, 妳們 post 的都是有益意見, dichiu 囡囡的遭遇我亦很同情, 另一方面我亦是好開心見到到這些分享;只係有些其他人往往再借題發揮, 說些針對性的話--其實類似的針對, 在其他有關真道的話題己出現過, 都是某幾個人 POST 的, 對這些論調已很生厭了。

你們都是 ex 或現時真道的家長, 很希望妳們能再分享多一些有關真道的問題, 當然一間學校--猶其是比較新的學校, 不好的地方一定仍不少, 你們可否將一些好處或不足與我們分享, 好讓我們這些「鑑外人」能夠得知一二。


Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-10-22 09:18 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

cow 寫道:

- 如明年小一去西貢上堂,可以收足十班嗎?
- 如明年小二、小三、小四或小五去西貢上堂,他們願意嗎?


擴校事小,宣傳事大。請問,有甚麽 talking point 好得過擴校。


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-22 10:11 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

I am also a ex-logos parent. I don't want to share any BAD experience in logos. You know, its not a big deal rightnow. But I just want to tell you all if you want to quit, please make your decision as earlier as you can.  
Now, my kid is studying in DBSPD. He is enjoying his school life. In Chinese, we have one great slang. It said, "The orange is looking great and sweet. But when you taste it, you will find out how sour/bad inside"
I had no regrets for this event that I sent my kid in this school. At least, it gave me a lesson, right. Of course, we paid a heavy price for it and luckily, my kid still can find a good traditional school.
I know someone will say, "You see, even your kid wants to quit, you still can find a GOOD school. It is because your kid was from logos." That's bullshit! I don't believe a word of it. My kid can have a seat in DBSPD because we did a lot on it. Mr Yau ever never give a hand on it even we request him to write a reference letter. He made no response to our question but told us that there are lots of parents might thanks your kid quit because their kids have a chance to get this seat soon.
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-22 23:44 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試


Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-23 00:27 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試


dichiu has already PM the information to me.

To dichiu,.........I'll raise the case in the next school/parents meeting with Principal Yau.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-23 00:35 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

Daisy & Chris,

It looks like some BK parents don't like us to discuss the school with the topic "真道面試". Pls bare with me to write here for last time.

I PM the teacher's name to you and don't want to post it here to public. It's not really my intention to say bad things about Logos. I have other friends' kids who are studying at Logos and never heard about their complaint about strict discipline or punishment. My daughter loved English class so the English teacher must be very good and nice. I truly belief the classteacher maybe one among only few teachers who is that strict. I guess some parents won't dare to voice out since there is no chance to change to other class (as Mr. Yau mentioned each P1 subject is taught by designated teachers, each teacher only teach one subject, there is no pt to request to change class). Besides, there is not many kids like my daughter who think so much. Many kids, esp. boys, won't pay attention to teacher's warning until they finally get punished. Parents of these kids may never know about the extent of teachers reinforcement of punishment. Pls try to bring this out during the next parents' day. I hope the school will discuss this issue with the classteacher after my daughter's withdrawal.

To be honest, my husband and I didn't like the way Mr. Yau used every parents' seminar for rumour clarification. Like Cow, I believe a new school like Logos must try the best to educate existing students. With good academic result and with IB actually goes live, the school's prestige will improve and it becomes the best time to expand (but not now). Now, Logos is moving too fast and make us feel very unsecure. I don't share the same view as Mr. Yau and we cannot afford any big increase in tuition fees. Hence, with the terrible experience of my daughter PLUS the unpredictable future PLUS unknown school fees, we decided to withdraw my daughter from Logos.

I have no offense to parents having strong faith at Mr. Yau; just that I am not one of them.

Good luck to you all and thanks for your caring. I won't bother to get angry with any parent who does mean things on purpose.    

Rank: 1

發表於 05-10-23 09:50 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試





Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-23 12:34 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試


我是今年都有申請真道小一的家長, 但到現在為止, 都未有消息可以second interview.  我想我這個局外人, 可能講的說話會客觀些.

首先, 我真是真心同情你女兒的遭遇, 我真是好理解你的感受, 因為我幾年前都在另外些幼稚園有同樣的遭遇.  當時我小朋友成功考取一間位於九龍塘很出名的幼稚園, 當時真是很開心, 但萬萬想不到, 我兒子遇到一個非常差的班主任, 令到他每天都低下頭上學, 我身為他的母親真是又心痛, 又徬徨, 因為這間學校真是好多家長都讚他好!

所以請你不要怪評論你的真道家長, 因為可能他們的子女沒遇到相同問題, 他們的子女讀得很開心, 所以自然會覺得你抹黑學校, 所以客觀講, 你女兒和我當年兒子, 都可算是不好運.

其實我經歷這些事後, 領悟一個道理, 一間學校的好定唔好, 很多時真是好難定斷! 有時可能其中一個老師的好或是不好, 都會影響成個校譽!  但如我們身為其中的一個家長, 我想我們的力量有限, 所以你選擇離開 (如我當年離開那間幼稚園一樣) 是沒有做錯的, 但我知道你女兒可能需要一段時間平復, 多些關心她, 如你想與我分享當年是如何開解兒子, 你可隨時pm給我, 希望我可以幫到你.

我有些說話亦想同批評過dichiu的真道家長講, 就是請你們都要同校長反應, 有老師曾這樣處事, 如果這些老師不改進, 真是有可能會影響整個學校的名譽

多謝你們包容我這個局外人的言論, 如果你們不同意都不緊要, 因為這個網站的可貴之處, 就是可容不同的言論  

dichiu 寫道:
Daisy & Chris,

It looks like some BK parents don't like us to discuss the school with the topic "真道面試". Pls bare with me to write here for last time.

I PM the teacher's name to you and don't want to post it here to public. It's not really my intention to say bad things about Logos. I have other friends' kids who are studying at Logos and never heard about their complaint about strict discipline or punishment. My daughter loved English class so the English teacher must be very good and nice. I truly belief the classteacher maybe one among only few teachers who is that strict. I guess some parents won't dare to voice out since there is no chance to change to other class (as Mr. Yau mentioned each P1 subject is taught by designated teachers, each teacher only teach one subject, there is no pt to request to change class). Besides, there is not many kids like my daughter who think so much. Many kids, esp. boys, won't pay attention to teacher's warning until they finally get punished. Parents of these kids may never know about the extent of teachers reinforcement of punishment. Pls try to bring this out during the next parents' day. I hope the school will discuss this issue with the classteacher after my daughter's withdrawal.

To be honest, my husband and I didn't like the way Mr. Yau used every parents' seminar for rumour clarification. Like Cow, I believe a new school like Logos must try the best to educate existing students. With good academic result and with IB actually goes live, the school's prestige will improve and it becomes the best time to expand (but not now). Now, Logos is moving too fast and make us feel very unsecure. I don't share the same view as Mr. Yau and we cannot afford any big increase in tuition fees. Hence, with the terrible experience of my daughter PLUS the unpredictable future PLUS unknown school fees, we decided to withdraw my daughter from Logos.

I have no offense to parents having strong faith at Mr. Yau; just that I am not one of them.

Good luck to you all and thanks for your caring. I won't bother to get angry with any parent who does mean things on purpose.    

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-23 23:25 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

0606 & Whatwhat,

Your objective comments have my support.   

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

發表於 05-10-24 09:09 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

whatwhat 寫道:







Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-24 10:00 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

hey judy,

you see....

1)whatwhat  新加入國民  註冊日: 05-07-13  發表數: 2
2)SA+GA   新加入國民  註冊日: 05-09-05  發表數: 3
3) VLP  新加入國民  註冊日: 05-10-06  發表數: 4
4) st.bintai  鮮花級國民  註冊日: 05-10-10 發表數: 33

whatwhat, SA+GA & VLP are very new fresh members and their comments all after st.bintai. There are two possibilities, ONE: they are same person with difference accounts; TWO: maybe they are coming from that school lah.          
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 1

發表於 05-10-24 11:09 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

Enchante 寫道:
hey judy,

you see....

1)whatwhat  新加入國民  註冊日: 05-07-13  發表數: 2
2)SA+GA   新加入國民  註冊日: 05-09-05  發表數: 3
3) VLP  新加入國民  註冊日: 05-10-06  發表數: 4
4) st.bintai  鮮花級國民  註冊日: 05-10-10 發表數: 33

whatwhat, SA+GA & VLP are very new fresh members and their comments all after st.bintai. There are two possibilities, ONE: they are same person with difference accounts; TWO: maybe they are coming from that school lah.          


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-24 11:57 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試


Look at your name and your style, you must that st.bintai lah.  Please make sure which logon name you are using before reply msg lah. 4 st.bintai 6
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-24 16:15 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

DBPK 寫道:
Enchante 寫道:
hey judy,

you see....

1)whatwhat  新加入國民  註冊日: 05-07-13  發表數: 2
2)SA+GA   新加入國民  註冊日: 05-09-05  發表數: 3
3) VLP  新加入國民  註冊日: 05-10-06  發表數: 4
4) st.bintai  鮮花級國民  註冊日: 05-10-10 發表數: 33

whatwhat, SA+GA & VLP are very new fresh members and their comments all after st.bintai. There are two possibilities, ONE: they are same person with difference accounts; TWO: maybe they are coming from that school lah.          


Rank: 1

發表於 05-10-24 19:03 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

Enchante 寫道:

Look at your name and your style, you must that st.bintai lah.  Please make sure which logon name you are using before reply msg lah. 4 st.bintai 6


Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-24 20:06 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試


哈哈!!!!  只有名人才有冒名的, 多謝啦喎.        重有, 只有你咁變態先會咁做的. 又證明我無估錯啦       

閃 ??????  閃 你又返睇 ? 話僅你呀, 死蠢 !!!!


[size=large]快的覆啦, 用什麼名都無問題啦, 都知係你啦, 死蠢
[img align=right]http://www.danasoft.com/sig/Bruceleehk.jpg[/img]

Rank: 4

發表於 05-11-3 16:01 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

睇到dichiu 囡囡的遭遇, 真的很難過, 希望她可以快點適應新學校, 開開心心上學
其實老師對小朋友的影響力往往比學校(校長)大, 如果不幸遇上一個唔好
[img align=left]http://www.fx-word.com/img1/20070115/1168850504I.gif[/img]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-11-3 21:03 |只看該作者

Re: 真道面試

Does any parent know when 真道 announce the 2nd interview result  ? Ths.  
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