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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. ...
樓主: beckylui

Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-1 19:12 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

Hi hohomom,

My son, Kian is also studying at K2D, what's the name of your son?  BTW, nice to talk to you here...  

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-3 10:00 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?


does your son like YC??? can u share your experience with me?

吾家三隻小豬樂融融 ;-)  ;-)  ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-5 13:58 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

Hi 2ling,

I'm Ethan's mom! great to talk to you here too !!

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-6 00:08 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

Hi all,

I plan to send my boy (a small boy born in Nov 04) to pre-nursery class when he is 2.  YC is one of my choices.  I rang them today enquiring about the details.  They said their strategy will interview all "big" kids (born in early 04) in the first round.  My boy who is a small boy will be interviewed in the 2nd round.  So after all big kids have been admitted and if there are still vacant places, they will then consider the small kids.  So... will the chance of admitting my boy is very low then?

My lovely Chezkel is 6.5 yrs old la!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-6 14:54 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?


其實兩歲班系真系要足兩歲先可以讀. 以我經驗 (即未必個個都要咁做) 你可以向 Nov 06 比佢讀 Romper先,  August 07讀兩歲班, 咁可以避開哂任何 interview and  個位系 almost guaranteed 有得讀添.  Kian 都系 今年三月讀 Romper 之後六月到會收到通告問你下學期讀 Romper定兩歲或三歲班.  我同甘校長傾過 (校長樂意接聽電話 ga) 佢見議讀兩歲班 lor.  Romper 有一個好處可以選擇返二, 三或五日學, 同埋可以有一位成人陪同直至老師覺得個小朋友適應到, 就會做 separation 由 每 15 minutes起.   YC emphasis 要比小朋友同老師建立信心吾想嚇怕佢地第時吾敢返學…. 我  buy d點架, 呵呵.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-6 16:36 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

My bb is 18mons old. I am also interesting let my bb to attend the YC's PN class. I phoned the school, if the bb want to attend the morning class should be waiting until Aug 06. So when should I apply for him? Anyone can tell me what is Romper programme?
Is the class tutor by English? My boy can said a lot of words just in Cantonese now, How much teachers in one class- one local teacher & one foreign teacher.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-7 12:56 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

Joshua 媽媽

我個人認為耀中 Kent Road Campus (其它 campus 吾多清楚) 系一所好學校. 上至校長, 老師下至嬸嬸, 個個都禮貌週週既.  雖然我吾系每日都送 Kian 返學, 但我每次去到學校所有職工都會笑面迎人.  因為住得好近 Kent Road Campus 關系, 我每日都會經過學校門口才可以去到 MTR Station, 如是者都已經六年, 亦都見足校長角毎朝企向學校迎接學生足六年.  我未參觀過其他 kinders 可能人地都系咁... so may be 不値一提.

Kian 今年3月足左2歲 開始返 Romper, 因為只有 Romper 收插班生.  一班內有一名外籍老師長駐 for 3 hours (我要 emphasis d 點系因為有d學校d西人老師可能上完果節課就會閃), 兩名香港人老師, 你可以看得出 (from their age and 談話) 一位系資深d and 另一位經驗應該相對地淺 d 後生老師 及一位嬸嬸.  我比較知多少少 Romper 因為我頭幾次全程陪住 Kian 上課.   向內

Kent Road Campus d課室內設洗手間, 如小朋友未介片, 嬸嬸會定時帶佢地入厠所叫佢地 v v (i.e. tiolet training).  每日上課時間由 1:30 to 4:30 (Romper 只有下午班) from 1:30 to 2:00 系比小朋友自由在課室內玩, 但其實每個星期都有一個主題, 例如母親節我見到有一張做勞工既枱有哂做紙花的物料, 另一邊有做心意咭的. 又有一次見到另一個 corner 既枱平時玩泥膠既, 當日我見到幾個小朋友在老師的監管下用膠刀切梗椰菜同冬菇, 原來當日的茶點就系吃小朋友親自切及有機會炒既雜菜. 2 點開始系英文故事及唱歌時間, 之後會去室內 gym room 玩大肌肉活動例如 fit ball, 每個月都會轉 setting 既.  西人老師到d個時候都會陪住佢地既, 所以你地想像到佢地可以學聽到幾多 吾 同 既生字.  之後應該茶點時間及自由看圖書.  跟住出去花園玩揸車千秋等.  入返課室會上中文課 i.e. 唱歌及聽故仔. 西人老師到依家都向到架, 哈哈... 佢當然吾識唱廣東歌但佢會坐在小朋友中間一齊打拍子 & 做動作咁.  跟手放學.

我頭一個月 i.e. March 比 Kian 返兩日既, 驚佢吾慣 ah.  但原來系校長講得啱 (at interview) 吾慣果個會系家長 jei.  四月返三日 & 五月 Kian 已經返足五日喇.  Kian 好中意返學, 放假既時候佢會喊住話要返學架. 咁唱下, 歌聽下故仔都學到好多野 ga.  我地系廣東話家庭, 連印印姐姐都 speaks cantonese 既, 但 Kian 會指住隻恐龍話系 dinosaur and 會 fly up down 我問姐姐 why he knows it is a dinosaur, 佢話西人老師唱 'fly dinosaur up and down....'.  Actually English and Cantonese teachers 唱及講同樣既歌及故仔足 one week so 入哂腦架.

Romper 同 Year 2 既上課流程大致相若, 但玩同出花園既時間會少dd & 用多少少時間學習.  耀中系主張在遊戲中學習及學自理 ge. 校長 interview 時講學習知識有大把 opportunity in the future 但自理系應該由小時做起 so Kian 會自己著/除鞋, 自己食茶點 & 執拾碗碟; 放/攞書包.  由 August 到 現在 Kian 識多左d 英文, 佢開始講完整既句子.eg, 揸住個波講 'this is my ball', 指住電話講 'this is a telephone'.  Also, few days ago,  我指住隻鱷魚話 'this is a dinosaur', Kian said 'no, this is a crocodile'.  Well, I never teach him this vocabulary.

Romper & Year 2 都一樣每個月有 newsletter 每班吾同 (teachers prepare for their responsible class) 話比家長聽會教咩主題, 唱咩歌 so 我地向屋企都可以一齊溫故知新.

我好滿意耀中, at least 滿意 Romper 同 Yr 2 d兩個班.  我都正在考慮會否比 Kian 直升三歲班  (即 local kinder K1) 但要去另一個 campus.  有其他 mama 話今年 YC 吾得... 我都好想了解下 & 聽下多d吾同既聲音.  以上系我個人經歷, 雖然似賣花讚花香 but 如有朋友問我 pre-nursery programme..... I will recommend YC.

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-7 14:25 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

many thanks, 2ling.

Yesterday when I visited the Kent road Campus, I'm surprised that why a 2 yr old boy can wear his shoes on by himself.  The teacher said like you that it's a YC's training to let him being independent.  

That's why I'm impressed in this school loh...

3 teachers to 20-24 kids + 1 amah.  one of the teachers is a foreign teacher and I think if it's true, I'm very happy to let Joshua to go and study in this school loooo...

吾家三隻小豬樂融融 ;-)  ;-)  ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-7 15:21 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?


Thank u for ur sharing. After u explain, it is see ur boy very enjoy the school time. I have a question, thr Romper programme is run on afternoon, how ur boy to get the afternoon sleep? Because my boy is 18mons old, he need to sleep fm 1300-1500, so even I want to join the trial Romper programme, it is so difficult. Do u think 18mons is it still too younger to join the long time course? Do ur boy change to morning Nersury class on when Y2? Sorry for too many questions.      

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-7 16:26 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

2ling, 聽到你的分享, 令我真係好想比囝囝去讀.  我有以下問題想請教一下你:

1) YC 會唔會好白鴿眼的呢? 因為佢D 學費都唔平架, 係咪一般去讀的家庭都係比較有錢的呢? 因為我地唔係有錢果隻.

2) 你平時係咪叫印印帶你小朋友返學的呢? 如果係, 咁你印印識唔識英文的呢? 因為幫我帶小朋友的EE 佢唔識英文架, 唔知咁樣會否影響小朋友學英 文的進度.

3) 我小朋友E 家先18MONTHS, 唔知會唔會太早上ROMPER 呢? 係咪應該等佢大小小先比佢上會好D 呢?

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-7 17:52 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

Joshua ma,

系真系會有3個老師 & 一個嬸嬸.  我相信 Kian 依家好似 around 18 個 classmates, 但遲d會有幾個 (依家讀梗 toddler 但會 November 滿二歲 ) 插班, 呵呵呵… 我向上個月 parents day 偷聽到返黎既.  我幾放心 Kian 向學校架.  大概 2 weeks ago, 姐姐話接放學時 Kian 換左自己衫 (you need to bring a spare set of clothes everyday) 而套校服濕左,  我第二朝拿拿臨去問老師, she explained that 每一次去完花園佢地都會檢查下d小朋友d衫, 濕就幫佢地 change. 幾好咁呀何?  老實, 佢地可以吾理 & 家長又未必會知既, right?


系呀 Kian 依家返上晝架.  通常食完 lunch 玩陣兩點到就瞓 then wakes up at 3 to 3:30.  佢之前返 Romper 時我米叫姐姐迫佢 11:00 am 瞓, 12 to 12:30 起身, then lunch 之後返學.  我地住得好近 Kent Road , 近到…. 對面條大馬路d樓, 企向露台嗌佢 都應該聽到 if 冇車.  我地慳番好多時間, 真系一分鐘就返到學.   Your boy is only 18 months so which course you wanna him to be attending?  Toddler?   I think Romper only accepts child at 2 years old.   Kian has been attending different playgroups every Saturday since 7 months old.  It really depends what do you expect him to get by attending a 3 hours course everyday when he’s only 18 months.   Honestly, the Toddler programme is quite expensive and if I were you, I would let him join Romper when he is aged 2 and now only join some physical movement, music or English playgroups in weekends [PERSONAL OPINION ONLY].  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-7 18:18 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?


1)            你米儍啦, 邊個知你家底呀? 比d信心自己先知得格.  Do you know that YC 系幼稚園分類為非弁利架? 吾系私立 whilst 其他九塘d international schools 就系.  拿, 我一d小小都吾覺得 YC Kent Road Campus 有任何白鴿眼表現.  喂, 我送個仔黎比錢你地洗, 老細黎架 bor, 想c呀? 白鴿眼? 呵呵…. 講笑.  I swear 真系冇, d老師衣著系T shirt, 布褲或棉褲, 舒適為主. 吾系化行粧著哂裙dd, d款都吾慌會落手落腳陪你地仔女一齊玩啦.  無可否認, 一定有d有錢人架喇, 咁好平常jei, 有錢人d仔女都要讀書格.  你放心啦, 個個細路著哂 uniform 都一樣樣, 你米自己唸埋一面.

2)            我印印識英文 but 好c so 我叫佢同 Kian 講 Cantonese (but her Cantonese is also bad, haha) 拿, 你又儍喇.  EE可以同香港老師講野 or 問野 ga mah.  小朋友自己聽d英文返黎, 聽得多就識 ga lah. 點影響呢?  原本 Kian 都吾識架, 真架.  我向 Romper 都見過有ee (she doesn’t know English) 帶返學, 真系冇問題 bor.

3)            雖然我一路讚梗 YC, 但我吾主張一個細路用咁多時間搭車去返 pre-nursery. 你住粉嶺系米?  附近有冇 pn 讀呀?  咁遠, 番風落雨好甘架喎? Anyway, 我個人覺得啫 and actually 我知 Kian 有d school-mates 住東涌, MOS, CWB, etc.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-8 00:07 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

Hi 2ling,

Really thank you for your detailed information.  Also thanks for indicating the difference between Romper and 2-yr old porgramme.  This is really a kind of Pre-nursery I wish to let my boy study in.  I quite like your point that the ability of 自理 is quite crucial at such age rather than counting how many words the baby know.  These days all parents will surely worry that their kids have been spoiled too much, especially that my baby is looked after by my in-laws.

Just 1 thing I'm worrying is that I live in Lam Tin and my boy is looked after by my in-laws and a 印印.  Taking my boy back to school from Lam Tin may be a problem...

The briefing you attended yesterday was those organized once a month right?  So they have arranged for witnessing a class there during school hours right?  

My lovely Chezkel is 6.5 yrs old la!!

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-8 09:53 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?


so far as I know, they will organise the same introductory talk in Nov/Dec and/or Jan.  Once you send them information of your son or your request to visit the campus, they will invite you to this talk (like some sort of marketing seminar  :wink: )

Well, actually before the talk, I'd visited the Kent Road campus on the open day for Rompers Programme held in last September.  This time I didn't talk much to the headmistress but to observe the kids and the teachers.  That's the real objective I want to visit the school.

In one occassion, I saw a 2 yr old kid try to wear his shoes on, the teacher was standing beside and teach him how to wear the left shoe and then let him to try the right shoe on.  The kid finally can put his right shoe on without the help of the teacher... then I ask the teacher ... they said they want to train the kids to be independent and take care of themselves, so they need to eat by themselves, put their shoes on by themselves, put the bowl / plate back to the bucket afterwards... really nice!!!

They said the kids will learn very fast coz take the put the shoes on for example, if they learn it slowly, they will have lesser time to go outside and play in the external area...      

and I'm quite impressed on their technique in separation process...

So, I like that school more...
吾家三隻小豬樂融融 ;-)  ;-)  ;-)

Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-8 23:31 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

Thank u for ur advice. Actually, I have the same thinking as u. I will let my boy start to join the programme when he is 2yrs old. My boy is attend the Kindermusilk on Sat, any good playgroups which ur boy has joined, u feel it is good? pls recommend.  

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-10 10:46 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

2ling, thanks for your reply.

係呀, 我住fanling, 我都覺得由fanling 去kowloon tong 真係遠左d, 所以依家都只係consider 的階段.  我去過YC 的ROMPER OPEN DAY, 我都覺得好好, 不過就係真係遠.

多謝你的意見, 我都要同老公再唸清楚D 先決定.

Rank: 4

發表於 05-10-11 02:28 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

Hi Joshua媽,

Thanks for your info.  The more I read the information you all provide, the more I like the school.  But I live in Laguna City in Lam Tin ... still figuring out how to bring my baby back to school.  I have to work and I think I'll ask my maid to do so ... but I think my in-laws won't agree to that 'cos baby is still small and the distance is a bit far indeed.  They prefer those in Laguna City, e.g. Cannan.   

My lovely Chezkel is 6.5 yrs old la!!

Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 05-10-11 14:44 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?


是否1:00以及3:30 "SHARP"要接送??
Thank you in advance!!!


發表於 05-10-11 16:13 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

發表於 05-10-12 12:52 |只看該作者

Re: Any view about 2-yr-old Programme at Yew Chung Int. School?

I've invited for interview next week.,... any moms will do also?????
吾家三隻小豬樂融融 ;-)  ;-)  ;-)
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