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教育王國 討論區 國際學校 Any parents of Montessori graduates?
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[小學] Any parents of Montessori graduates? [複製鏈接]

Rank: 2

發表於 21-7-4 13:56 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽 |打印
My boy has an offer to pre-grade 1 of one of the good schools offering AP curriculum. I am struggling whether to continue with Montessori for primary or move on. Any experience sharing on pros and cons of staying in primary Montessori will much appreciated. Personally really love the Montessori curriculum and how it has sharped my boys’ character but slightly concerned on whether he need something more structured.
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Rank: 5Rank: 5

發表於 21-7-4 17:54 |只看該作者
iluvssb 發表於 21-7-4 13:56
My boy has an offer to pre-grade 1 of one of the good schools offering AP curriculum. I am strugglin ...
我小朋友以前喺美國由三歲開始讀 Montessori。 我自己都好鍾意呢個教學方法, 而且有研究指出 Montessori 嘅小朋友學術水平會較高。我見到個仔3歲已識睇世界地圖各個國家位置,七大州五大洋,自理能力高等等,覺得好impressive。所以一直讀完三年級才因私人理由回港。 當初我都有考慮過喺香港繼續讀montessori,但又考慮到讀3年後又要再找中學,所以最後選了美制有 IB 的 IS。所以如果你唔怕要再揾中學,繼續讀Montessori 也是不錯。

Rank: 4

發表於 21-7-4 20:05 |只看該作者
My son has had a Montessori education since he was 18 months old. We went to the UK after he finished his primary education. He was happy and enjoyed school during his whole time in the Montessori school. He's inquisitive, eager to learn, worked well with his classmates and had no problem in adapting to his secondary school life.

Rank: 2

發表於 21-7-4 20:18 |只看該作者
ckmammy 發表於 21-7-4 17:54
我小朋友以前喺美國由三歲開始讀 Montessori。 我自己都好鍾意呢個教學方法, 而且有研究指出 Montessori  ...

Thank you so much! The plan is for him to study overseas after primary. I also agreed with you about the Montessori curriculum, I’m so impressed with him telling me flags, continents, water and land forms etc at age 4. This isn’t something other curriculum can offer.

Rank: 2

發表於 21-7-4 20:23 |只看該作者
Toothless 發表於 21-7-4 20:05
My son has had a Montessori education since he was 18 months old. We went to the UK after he finishe ...

My son has been with Montessori since 2 years old. He will be experiencing casa 3 next year - could be exciting for him to be the eldest kid for the first time :)
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